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John Lee

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Posts posted by John Lee

  1. 2 hours ago, AnotherScott said:


    Electro 6 has one split point, which creates two zones (one above the split point, one below), but yes, you can assign 3 sounds (which can each play in one zone, the other, or both). Electro 5 likewise has one split point which creates two zones, and as you say, only 2 sounds can play instead of 3 (plus, as you indicated, the ability to add an external sound in the upper zone, an ability which did indeed disappear on the 6). Previous Electros (before the 5) did not split at all, except for dual-organ (to emulate upper and lower manual).

    On the Electro 6 you can still play one sound on its keyboard and then another on another keyboard. It’s called ‘External KBD To Lo’ and means, for example, that you could play an organ sound across the whole range of  Electro 6 keyboard and then play a piano sound via midi from a weighted board.

  2. Well it looks like from their Facebook post that Crumar are going to go ahead with this spinet anyway. They say they are aiming at portability and quality with it but I guess those are moveable feasts for each different musician.


    For me 14kg is portable in terms of moving in and out of a vehicle but not something I could carry on public transport like my Electro.


    As it"s using VB3-II the sound will be quality but I"m not sure going back to diving board keys would provide me with a quality organ playing experience. I used to use a Novation Launchkey controller with VB3 on a VMachine and then used a Hammond M100 chop for a while but I"m much happier now that I"m using waterfall keys.



    As for build quality, if it"s anything like the Mojo 61 I had which crapped out on me on my first gig with it and I had to send back to the retailer twice for repair before I got them to replace it with a Nord Electro 6D, then that"s the kind of quality I can do without.





  3. The update is now on the Apple store. Just rebought it and with the new midi map page I can now change all the CCs to suit my Electro 6.


    Hats off to Guido for getting this update sorted so soon. B-3X now has some serious competition and VB3m is much much cheaper.





  4. Guido, disregard the whining. Just get the app on play store and have it work on my note10 with usable latency and I'd pay twice the $15 even with the fixed midi channels.


    You kcrs are blowing it for me.


    I don"t see it as whining. Actually Guido is getting free market research from some early adopters here Obviously it"s up to him how he acts on that. But if he"s curious why there have been a few refund requests for his app then at least he"s got some information on why that is from this forum.

  5. I bought this and while it sounds good, the fixed CCs makes it difficult to use with either my Electro or Hammond SK2 as I can"t control the swell or Leslie speed. Changing the Leslie speed via the touchscreen seems a bit hit and miss. I think they could at least have offered option to alternate the CCs for Leslie speed between 1 or 64 and the swell between either 7 or 11 as the Korg Module does.


    I"ve been a long time fan and user of VB3 on the Mac and a mainstay of my live rig consisted of VB3 running it on a VMachine, if anyone remembers that, but the iOS version seems a bit rushed and half baked to me. For the first time ever I"ve gone through Apple"s process to get a refund on an app.

  6. So it"s sounding good on the mono synth and organ front (assuming that we are hearing the sound of the internal Leslie sim in these teaser videos rather than the 'through a Leslie' thing the early XK5 videos all seemed to do).


    If the piano and other voices are equally impressive, my SK2 and Electro 6 might be looking for new homes.


    Anybody taking a guess on price?


    My guess is somewhere between £2,000 and £2,500 for the 61 key. Like with Apple, I think there"s going to be a premium for the 'Pro' tag.





  7. QUESTION: Does anyone know, can a Favorite include "live" drawbar status? For example, if I want to create a Favorite that has drawbar organ on the top manual and Rhodes on the bottom, but I don't want any particular organ registration on top, I want whatever the drawbars are currently set at. So the Favorite assigns/activates organ for the top manual, but not with any preset drawbar registration. Can that be done?


    Page 79 of the SKX manual talks about 'Priority on Drawbars" which 'Temporarily substitutes the Upper registration with Upper or Lower Drawbar settings instead of the Patch content.'. Looks like this would also allow you mimic the B flat and B preset keys on a B-3, C-3 or A100, which was talked about earlier in the thread.





  8. That was a great trip down memory lane as I was a big fan of Rockschool too. I loved Gavin"s rig but the only keyboard in my price range as a teenager was the Yamaha DX21 - still a great first keyboard though.


    The sections that stick in my mind were: Vince Clarke running through how he records with his sequencer on a computer; and Herbie Hancock talking about the differences between a piano and a synthesiser.


    I think I probably wore out my VHS recordings of Rockschool watching them over and over again.





  9. I might be in the market for a dual manual organ soon (once I"ve sold some stuff) so the Classic could be a key contender for me.


    I don"t see the lack of extra voices as a great loss though. I had a Mojo 61 for a while and whilst the Rhodes was nice, I prefer a Wurli, as it tends to cut better with loud guitars and drums. I wasn"t convinced by the Crumar Wurli sound though, it felt a bit plasticky to me and I just think samples capture the attack of a Wurli much better.

  10. They both look good. It"ll be interesting to see the pricing on these, particularly the desktop because it"s got some stiff competition in the shape of the IK Multimedia/Hammond B-3X. I was comparing the B-3X to VB3ii on my Mac over the weekend and I really think that B-3X has the edge. I particularly love that the B-3X sounds so great in mono which to my ears VB3ii (and the Mojo 61 when I had it) never really has, particularly with the Leslie on Fast.





  11. A bit of (wild) speculation..... the CP73 prices in the UK are down £1199 - £1249 from an original list price of over £1500. This board had a lot of bad press re. the black keys - I scoped mine and it was fine - but mud sticks.


    So..... Yamaha will discontinue the CP73 and announce the YC73 probably with a waterfall keyboard. Someone in the US should see if they can pick a new CP73 up for $1500. On the subject of price I expect the YC61 to be selling in the UK for £1349 in direct competition with the Electro 6D.


    On second thoughts that's a bit harsh on the CP73 so Yamaha will probably not drop it.


    As someone posted earlier it's good to see Yamaha going head to head with Nord but they are going to be playing catch up. Nord have taken years to develop the Electro not to mention software like Sample Manager. It's those incremental improvements that take time to evolve - like the addition of 4 dynamic curves for the pianos which can be stored in each preset. On the YC61 (and CP73/88) you just have a global keyboard setting.


    A YC73 would be a perfect one board solution and it's not red!


    Andertons are listing the YC61 at £1,679 and the Electro 6D 61 at £1,289 . There"s a soft case for the YC61 for £234 which compares with £71 for the Nord case. So it seems that, initially at least, the YC61 is being pitched above the Electro.






  12. As others have noted, the MIDI implementation looks quite good. It looks like it can pull off the external keyboard trick I mentioned above. (Although it can't act as a USB MIDI host). And the inability to pan outputs is a black mark.


    $2000 feels toppy to me. It doesn't give you enough over a VR09 or Vox Conti to justify that premium. I know development costs are easy to misjudge, but market raters gonna market rate...


    Anyone know if there's a clav in there?


    Cheers, Mike.



    The voice list in the manual has 'Clavi B" and 'Clavi S" in there.






  13. A friend of mine gifted me this B-3X for Christmas. Oh, my God, this thing is incredible. Highly recommended. When I saw the announcement a week or so ago, with the $99 price tag, I thought they were crazy. Now I think it's a bargain.


    I have a good friend.


    I mapped controls to my Yamah Motif XF6. (I have been reluctant to compare the B-3X to the Motif organs, but I think I will understand the hate for the Motif organs once I do this).


    Does anybody know how to map the sliders on the XF6 to the B-3X? Most of the knobs (but not all) transmit MIDI CC messages, which map nicely to the drawbars. The sliders (and a few of the knobs) transmit MIDI SYSEX, though. One thing on the wish list is a "MIDI Learn" function for this exercise.


    In the settings menu if you do a long press on the cc number 'learn" appears as the bottom option and then when you tap on that you can then just move the control on your keyboard and it will be learnt by the app.


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