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Posts posted by MathOfInsects

  1. And no one says please and thank you anymore!! In my day you called your elders Sir and Madam!! And what's with all the texting, if something is important you pick up your dang phone and make a goll-dang call, long-distance charges be damned!!!!!

  2. Given how brilliant he is as a musician, it's kind of funny that JC first found success as a child actor. Crazy all that untapped potential that was in there.


    There's so much talent out there. I'm glad we live in an age when some of the folks who might otherwise have ended up washing dishes while secretly harboring musical genius, can at least be heard and seen now. For better or worse social media is the great equalizer when it comes to distribution. One of my daughter's favorite songs for awhile was by a teenage singer-songwriter from overseas, who uploaded it as a youtube, and that youtube just happened to get seen by people beyond the girl's own family. Amazing times. 

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  3. I don't spend a lot of time listening to him, but it's hard for me to find the downside to his particular brand of genius. May we all be so "complex" some day. 


    Anyway, complexity and musicality are not opposites. Plenty of brilliant music is complex, and plenty of simplistic sounds are atrocious. There are plenty of chops-monsters just wanking their way over anything they find, but that doesn't mean chops are bad, just that they are. Same with Miles D wannabes who get themselves off by playing long tones and thinking they are channeling Lordamighty when all they're doing is peeing all over a perfectly good groove. 


    Music is music. Just because something might be beyond our reach technically or knowledge-wise, doesn't mean it's pretentious or wanky. It just means there's a new language out there for us potentially to learn someday. 

    • Like 5
  4. 19 minutes ago, CrossRhodes said:

    Hey guys, just real quick I have a PSA for you all about sexual relations. I believe that all you need to procreate is missionary position and that is what sex is for. There is absolutely no reason to try and experience pleasure from any other positions and in fact if you do you are an idiot, cork sniffer or sex snob. Sure Big Sex will try to tell you, you should be doing all of these other frivolous and unessential positions but it's simply a conspiracy to brainwash you into thinking sex is more than a utilitarian act meant for reproduction. You all need to share my same opinions or again, you are an idiot, a cork sniffer or a snob. Don't be fooled by lame stream media, missionary was good enough for our founding fathers and it's good enough for you!


    No aftertouch??

    • Haha 7
  5. I think fetishizing vintage equipment helps the fetishizers think their cool sounds are somehow more "legitimate" than some lowlife Rompler-come-lately's cool sounds. Like, "Look, I'm making mine the old fashioned way!" I mean, yeah, sort of, I guess, on a technicality, if you want to start "old fashioned" at whatever year your expensive paperweight was popular. You could also chisel all your emails into stone tablets and have someone walk them to the recipients, too, but we fixed that antiquated system millennia ago. 

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  6. I do any and all of the above, but one thing I am always doing is gently stretching my hands and warming up my fingers. While driving, while sitting somewhere--I'm always keeping that whole mechanism as loose as I can, since it's really the looseness that we're referring to when we're talking about warming up.


    If I'm playing a bunch of days in a row, the last gig is my warm-up for the next one. If I'm skipping a day or two, I'll do the opposite of what some folks here are saying, and run scales at something like 40 bpm, lots of time for each finger to raise and deploy independently, maybe doing one octave on quarters, two on 8ths, three on thirds and 4 on 16ths. Never any more or any faster than that. Somehow all that potential energy comes screaming out of my fingers when it's time to play later.


    If I'm not gigging much then I'll do full practices on the off-days, though never on a day that I play because I play much more sloppily if I gig after a full practice session. On those days I'll add sixths and 32nds to the scales and run a bunch of other skills/patterns I will want in my fingers for gigs--octaves, thirds, sixths (broken and unison, LH together or alternating notes, a great drill btw), lots of trills and trems, lots of patterns over changes. At the end of every full practice I pull out a sonatina book or similar and sightread something, to be sure I can generate "new" ideas with those skills instead of play the familiar patterns. 

    Also: there are lots of gigs I use as my practice time. Wallpaper duos are great for running arpeggios or repeated-note exercises, or trying some reharms or rhythmic/metric ideas. I am the world's fastest "yes" for those gigs.

  7. 1 hour ago, jerrythek said:

    Click on this thread? He started it! LOL 


    And I understand it, it was Math’s form of expressing his frustration (bemusement? Something else) with the growing trend of posting each new Beato video. Am I putting wrong words in your defense, Math?


    I’ve been quiet on this subject, as I am not bothered by Rick’s style, and I have really enjoyed his pivot into interviews (in general… I really thought it bordered on cruel to make Jarrett sit through a performance of his in the state he now is in, but then realized Jarrett certainly allowed it to happen, and to be released). And I don’t get why some get so bothered by the postings… no one forces us to click on a thread. I ignore plenty, based on their titles. Setting up a rule that Beato threads must be in S.S.S. seems strange to me: we can’t handle seeing that name here? Regardless of instrument, aren’t they all about music? Our common interest? At most, I can see asking for an OT if needed.





    You nailed it. I opened the site one day and something like 5 posts were Beato-related. My initial post was pure joke, but then I thought, if it’s really going to be the case that someone posts whatever new video he makes each time he makes one, maybe a good option would simply be a master thread to post his videos in. 

    I am not sure how everyone else views the forum, but in my “Fluid” view, there is no difference at all what Forum something is in, as long as it’s one you’ve selected. It’s all part of the same feed. If you’ve ever spent any time looking at SSS, it’s the same posters (largely), just not keyboard-related, and 100% a great fit for a Beato master thread.  But even a master thread in KC would be better than a new Beato thread every four hours.


    It’s not Beato-specific, it’s just the sheer volume of threads that get posted about his videos. The only thing they have in common is the personality producing the vids. So why not just give folks an option that lets you post as many of his releases as you want and then, indeed, if someone isn’t interested they would simply never click the thread. To me that is the opposite of “canceling” something, it’s elevating it to the level of a sort of meta-subject and giving it its own discussion chain, just like NFL/MLB or other “only one thing in common” sub-threads.


    He does produce a lot of click-bait—he’s a master at it, a master-baiter if you will—so it’s not like we won’t see his videos if no one posts them here. A master thread seems like an obvious solution to me. As for whether it’s SSS or KC—to me that’s all just smoke on the water, which is another of the hip new songs he posted about this past year.



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  8. 54 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:


    If anyone is mad that Beato threads take up space here, why not bust on the person that starts them instead of Rick? AFAIK Rick is not a member, and to my knowledge is not asking anyone here to post links to his videos! Your quarrel should be with the KC member posting the thread. Most of them clearly have his name in the thread title – making them easy to skip over if one doesn't want to partake – but for some quirky reason, the folks who don't want to see those threads seem compelled to click on them so they can register their feelings; funny how that works. I think some people enjoy letting others know how much they don't like the guy! In my book that means he must be doing something right! 🙂 

    I'm always amazed at how often the "how dare anyone say anything about this famous stranger" comments then go on to make uncomplimentary generalizations about our local brethren and sistren. Safe to say I do not agree with your suggestion that I should start quarrels with other posters instead of making the general observation that a bunch of non-keyboard content related to the same person might be combined under a single thread.

    No one's doing anything wrong by liking Beato. I'm just suggesting that all those not-wrong moves, since they're really a single topic, be grouped that way.

    FWIW, I don't click on any of the Beato threads. It's the fact that I have to use the clause, "any of the Beato threads" that I'm responding to.

    FWIAW, I see nothing wrong with entering a discussion, on a discussion board, and sharing an opinion that diverges from the OP. Not liking something is not the same as not being interested in it to the point of skipping over it--just as you made a point to come back and differ with my (I believe?) opinion in this thread. It's fair game IMO, and much more interesting than a bunch of empty Amen Corner-ing.


    FIAAW, not only does Beato post those videos to start those kinds of discussions (and counts on them in fact), but many times a thread-starter is using the video for the same purpose. We can handle a little conversation. It's a good crew here...

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  9. It's OK to like him, and even to agree with him. 


    Just let him have the rest of the 99.3% of the internet that he already has, and give us this .7% to talk about keyboards. A little corner. A keyboard corner, if you will. Hey, that's just crazy enough to stick!

    • Like 2
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  10. Oh thank goodness. I was afraid that this thread I made saying we should stop posting Beato videos every time he made one, wouldn’t end up having any new videos he made in it.


    Anyway, he nailed it. Clearly centuries of anthropology, evolutionary biology, and social science have been wrong. Music never existed until the 1960’s and then stopped existing again some time during the disco era. Beato’s right and Google search terms prove it. Whatever music has meant throughout hundreds of thousands of years of human development, tens of thousands of years of civilization, even a thousand years of Western practice and preference—it all came to a halt the day this one guy heard the first song that didn’t suit his taste. Boomer Internet Dweeb #6 is Patient 0. It’s over now and Google knows it.  It’s tragic. 


    Or—just spitballing here, so bear with me…maybe he needs to get away from the camera and spend some more time back in the classroom, or out in the world among anyone under 60? Like, instead of asking Google what people think, maybe he could ask—and stay with me here—actual people…?


    Anyway, motion to stop posting every self-satisfied thought this one smart algorithm-whisperer might entertain at any given moment. At least until that thought has something even remotely to do with keyboards. All in favor, please stop ruining civilization and propriety long enough to say whatever it is you crazy kids use instead of the Biblically and canonically correct, “groovy.”



    • Haha 3
  11. 15 minutes ago, analogika said:


    That is a pretty shortsighted view of what you think he does. Just among his "What Makes This Song Great?" series, there's Adele, Kelly Clarkson, and The Killers. 

    His quick takes on the current Top 10 are often dismissive, but there's usually quite a bit of "oh wow, that's some great stuff" in there behind the click-bait thumbnails, even for the latest stuff. 

    I don't expect him to do an in-depth analysis of why a rap track is particularly great, and he's well within his rights not to. 

    Here is the list of songs he explores in that series. Let me know if a pattern jumps out at you. By the way, the Adele song you mentioned? 2011--13 years ago. Kelly Clarkson? 2004. 20 years old. That Killers song? Same year.

    Are there a couple of <50-year-old songs on there? Sure. I accounted for those when I mentioned that he will occasionally tolerate a newer song if it falls in the category of things he likes about his classic rock and 90's songs.

    If you had to make pie chart, would you even see the slice of non-two-generations-ago material on that chart? I think the that tiny slice would be filled with sounds of silence...which is one of the songs he discusses. Topical stuff!!

    1. blink-182 - All The Small Things
    2. The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
    3. Steely Dan - Kid Charlemagne
    4. Nirvana - On A Plain
    5. Pearl Jam - Jeremy
    6. Linkin Park - Numb
    7. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - I Won't Back Down
    8. A Perfect Circle - Judith
    9. Toto - Rosanna
    10. Soundgarden - Superunknown
    11. Metallica - Enter Sandman
    12. Alice In Chains - Them Bones
    13. TOOL - Schism
    14. Foo Fighters - Everlong
    15. Boston - Hitch a Ride
    16. Ariana Grande - Into You
    17. Rush - Closer To The Heart
    18. Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline
    19. Van Halen - Runnin' With The Devil
    20. The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
    21. Train - Drops of Jupiter
    22. System Of A Down - Chop Suey!
    23. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away
    24. Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes
    25. David Bowie - Let's Dance
    26. Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds
    27. Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know
    28. Coldplay - Clocks
    29. The Police - Every Breath You Take
    30. Muse - Starlight
    31. Steely Dan - Don't Take Me Alive
    32. Yes - Roundabout
    33. Incubus - Pardon Me
    34. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
    35. Oasis - Wonderwall
    36. Adele - Rumor Has It
    37. TOOL - Parabola
    38. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
    39. Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
    40. The Chainsmokers - Closer ft. Halsey
    41. PERIPHERY - Absolomb
    42. Pearl Jam · Garden
    43. Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
    44. Mastodon - Stargasm
    45. U2 - In God's Country
    46. Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
    47. The Beatles - Her Majesty
    48. Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
    49. Faith No More - Epic
    50. Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd Of Fire
    51. Alice In Chains - Man in the Box
    52. Genesis - Dance On A Volcano
    53. The Doors - Touch Me
    54. Weezer - Hash Pipe
    55. At The Drive-In - "One Armed Scissor"
    56. Van Halen - Jump
    57. Soundgarden - Outshined
    58. Rush - Limelight
    59. Failure- Stuck on You
    60. Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
    61. Metallica - Master Of Puppets
    62. Megadeth - Symphony Of Destruction
    63. Slipknot - Duality
    64. Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
    65. Pantera - Walk
    66. Boston - More Than a Feeling
    67. Plini - Electric Sunrise
    68. The Rolling Stones - Angie
    69. Jeff Buckley - Vancouver
    70. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge
    71. XTC - Mayor Of Simpleton
    72. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
    73. Deftones - Minerva
    74. Foo Fighters - The Pretender
    75. Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son
    76. Stevie Wonder - Superstition
    77. Elton John - Rocket Man
    78. The Cure - Just Like Heaven
    79. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
    80. Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life
    81. Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
    82. The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
    83. Karnivool - Goliath
    84. Korn - Freak On a Leash
    85. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
    86. Joni Mitchell - Amelia
    87. Pearl Jam - Black
    88. Coldplay - The Scientist
    89. Gordon Lightfool - If You Could Read My Mind
    90. Crowfield - Cardinal Motion
    91. The Who - Love, Reign O’er Me
    92. A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless
    93. Phish - Waste
    94. The Cars - Just What I Needed
    95. Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do
    96. Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone
    97. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
    98. Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
    99. Radiohead - Paranoid Android
    100. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In the Name
    101. Polyphia - G.O.A.T.
    102. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
    103. Seal - Kiss From A Rose
    104. Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
    105. Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows
    106. Slipknot - Before I forget
    107. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
    108. Chicago - Make Me Smile
    109. The Police - Muder by numbers
    110. blink-182 - What's my age again?
    111. Bon Jovi - Living on a prayer
    112. Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
    113. Elton John - Tiny dancer

    1. The Killers - Mr Brightside
    2. Deep Purple - Smoke on the water


  12. 6 minutes ago, Anderton said:

    I do think it's worth pointing out that the generational division isn't as ironclad as it was back in the days when boomers were young. You're just as likely to find Millennials and Gen Zers listening to AC/DC, Pink Floyd, etc.


    My wife loves concerts and goes to local concerts by the better "tribute" bands. The age of attendees are all over the map.

    This is surely true, but inherent in that is the underlying belief among those young listeners in the egalitarianism of those varied options--that music is broad and varied and there are good selections from all eras. To my eye/ear/brain, Beato's approach--and his appeal among his demographic--is that he peddles the notion that the music that he was first exposed to was superior to everything since, with the occasional exception of anything else that sounds like the music he prefers. He makes it OK to believe music was once good (coincidentally, at the exact point in time he was discovering and learning about it), and now is less good. I have no patience for that shortsighted view. Music is music. If it's not for you, that's all there is to say. You can't 100% agree with your own taste and call it science.

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  13. I, too, find him smart and talented and nice but insufferable to watch because of the viewpoint that however music was when he came to it is how it shall be forever. I get that he's low-hanging Boomer bait and I understand it. Nothing against him at all, he hit on the Golden Ticket and I completely admire him for it, just as surely as I want nothing to do with 97% of his output. Fortunately that still leaves like 12,471 videos in the remaining 3%.

    I just don't think a guy who produces a new video every 45 minutes really needs us to start a new thread for each one. We all know where to find him if we want: literally anywhere we look on the internet. It's never keyboard-oriented, so let the rest of the WWW take care of his distribution and we can use those open slots for six more threads about Moog. 

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  14. 41 minutes ago, J.F.N. said:


    Auto-tune is industry standard, and if it's done with competence just to fix up tiny things, you won't hear it.

    It certainly is. What I've noticed in her tracks is a prevalence of the types of small things that are usually pitch-corrected away. I can also attest to the fact that a whole generation of singers who have come up post Melodyne have learned an exactness of pitch that previous singers didn't necessary strive for; they think that's how they're supposed to sound. I get the impression TS is in a middle ground, with some pitch inexactness partially because she really speaks more than sings, but also with a very nicely developed sense of pitch when she does sing. As I say, it's possible it's just a very generous humanization setting, or they just let the mix take care of it and her moments off-pitch are what they are. I like it, either way. It's refreshing. 

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  15. It's been vaguely hinted at but I don't anyone's mentioned something I think might be a factor, which is her babydoll voice. It's not raspy or weary, it's straight-down-the-middle "girl" voice with no vibrato, more like speaking than singing. I think it can give a sort of sheen or polish to her songs that make them sound less weighty to some (male) folks, and in my observation, most "converts" tend to be those who go in for a deeper look and discover the lyrics or humor underneath it, then listen differently after that. 

    The great thing about those two pandemic albums was that she really mined her lower register, and felt older and sadder with those songs, only using her sing-song voice for sing-song sentiments. 


    Also, I've mentioned this before, but as someone whose daughter is the undisputed boss of the music in the car, I've put my TS time in for sure, and I am reasonably sure at this point that she does not Autotune. If she does, they do any outstanding job of letting her wander off-pitch in a very human way while keeping the rest where it should be. So one more element "we" would otherwise find favorable, if it weren't embodied by the hot 6ft blonde with the babydoll voice and (poll be damned) mostly female fanbase. 

    • Like 1
  16. Huh. Mine didn't have the "Dyno" options either, they are brand new to me on the 4. I guess there were interim iterations of both the board and the OS...? Anyway, the point is, no serious board can survive in 2024 without a dedicated section on the front panel for the very important and topical Harpsichord. 

    • Haha 1
  17. 2 hours ago, AnotherScott said:


    Sorry to disappoint you, but as you can see from the image pasted earlier, the NS3 (at least) does not have a Harpsi category. So you may need to be more specific about the Nord you request. 😉

    That image posted above is the Stage 4.


    The Stage 3 had the good sense and foresight to include a preset for the crucial and ubiquitous Harpsichord, which any modern instrument cannot really be taken seriously without.



  18. I know it's a radical statement, but I'm just saying maybe we don't need a new KC thread every time he releases a new video or someone comes across an old one they like? Maybe one master thread that is updated when someone has a new vid to share?


    We can call it Masterbeato. That super-funny and in no way immature thread title works both for people who like what he's doing and for people he rubs the wrong way. 

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