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Posts posted by TimA

  1. I'm grateful, and just like The North, I Remember.




    If you want to chalk that up to me being a forum member, I suppose, like anything, that's possible.

    I'd even go so far as to say likely from a smart business point of view, which illustrates one of the reasons manufacturers want to use forums for marketing: every positive post on a forum about a product and the experiences actual owners have with it (including quickly resolved service issues) is potentially a powerful grass roots ad - all real testimonials from real people. Arguably way better than any magazine review or print ad... :thu:



    I have to say that long before I was a member of this forum or any forum, Aspen treated me like gold. I just think he really believes in his product and is genuinely thrilled when people catch the "center point fever"....(How's that for a free plug?....lol)

  2. Yeah, a while back a few of us were looking at upgrading individual components. Didn't end well. As in, a hugely upgraded coax, but leave the rest of the rig unmodified. The balance was lost.


    The challenge is that it threw the mix off between the components, which is only something that can be addressed by the original designer :(


    Here's my problem. I'm willing to pay for upgraded components (always) but not willing to deal with massive form factor, as in the forthcoming XL model.


    If you expect me to schlep the weight of the XL model, all sorts of other very interesting approaches come into play ..

    I just have this feeling I'm going to get one...with the inputs and outputs you could run a wet and dry signal into it and dial in the wet to taste....if I'm looking at it right that is

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