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Posts posted by Jags

  1. Just tried out out the pedal. It works perfectly - I am so pleased. :)

    Thanks again!



    Are you using the latching pedal just by itself or did you try to see if it would work with your damper pedal connected to a "Y" cable. Just curious.




    Maybe the best thing is for me to try using my new latch pedal in place of the damper as you have suggested, Jags - didn't realise that was an option. :) I almost never use a damper pedal with the VR....if I am playing piano I always use my PX5S. :D


    Yes if you don't use your damper pedal with the VR-09 you can just use the latching switch instead to make a note hold on. Now go out and have a beer to help swallow all those crumbs of info!!

  3. ... and aim to pick up the odd crumb of knowledge on forums like this ...

    I have an odd crumb that you won't like. :(


    Using the Y cable and two pedals will put the pedals in parallel, electrically speaking. This approach will work only if both pedals are of the N.O. (normally open) type. Most Roland pedals are the N.C. (normally closed) type and will not play nicely when wired in parallel through a Y cable. (I'm pretty sure the VR-09 needs a N.C. pedal and can't be programmed to work with a N.O. pedal.) N.C. pedals would work if wired in series, but that would take a custom cable. I could describe how to wire this, but it's probably more than you bargained for.


    Sorry this answer is so crummy ...


    Yes MurMan is right. This came to mind also as I wasn't sure if the VR-09 used a normally closed or open damper. A lot of keyboards can auto detect the type of damper pedal connected on power up, but I'm not sure if the VR-09 also does this. Unfortunately my VR-09 is at my keyboard players house where we rehearse. I'm the drummer but I'm letting him use my VR-09. Thus I couldn't check it out to see what type it uses. Also just went through the manual and it doesn't specify it there either.


    As MurMan said if you custom wired a Y cable in series it would work with a normally closed damper. Not really that hard to make and I could draw you a diagram if you are interested in trying to make one. You could also just unplug the damper pedal and just leave the latch switch connected for that one song but it might just be easier to bring a heavy brick along and simply set it on the damper pedal!!


    Let me know what you want to try. Good luck!!

  4. The cable needs to be a regular TR cable like a guitar cord. Also make sure the "Y" cable is also a TR splitter cable and NOT an "insert" cable that will have a TRS male connector.


    Again this is all very simple basic electronics as all you are dealing with is a simple on off switch. You should have someone teach you some basics on how things work because as a musician you should have the basic concept and knowledge of how all your gear functions. Makes us all better at what we do!!



  5. Wow! Thanks very much Jags!! :2thu::) This sounds to me like an excellent approach. Will the damper pedal work normally in this setup? Also, can I just check if this is the correct pedal to get? - I don't know anything about latching pedals: Pedal Clonk


    Yes that foot switch should work. It's just a standard on/off footswitch that many guitar players use with their amps. Your guitarist might have an extra laying around somewhere.


    Your damper pedal will work as normal as long as the latching switch is off (open).


    It's all very simple as your damper pedal is just a momentary on/off (closed/open) switch. The latching switch is also just an on/off (closed/open) switch that latches. Using a "Y" cable wires them in parallel so they both will do the same thing. One does it momentarily and the other does it latched. You just have to remember to have the latching switch off if you want to use the damper pedal.


    Another good pedal is the Boss FS-5L as that has an led light that shows you if the switch is on or off. That way you will always know what state it is in.


    Good luck and have fun!!

  6. Does anyone happen to know if there is some way to make VR09 play a sound which then continues to play indefinitely...without me having to hold a key or a pedal? I wish to play the note and then bring it in and out with the expression pedal, but will not have any hands free to do anything else.


    Take a 1/4 inch "Y" cable with 1 male plug to 2 female jacks and plug the male end into the sustain pedal input on the VR-09. Plug your sustain pedal into one of the female jacks and plug a latching on/off pedal into the other female jack. To sustain a note simply play the note and then press "on" the latching pedal. This will act like a closed sustain pedal and will hold the note. Simply press the latching pedal "off" and the note will stop playing and you will be able to use your sustain pedal like normal.


    That should do the trick!


    I'd like to use that solution to use both my NE2 and the VR09 together without a submixer, with the NE2 plugged in mono into the VR09. And only the 1/4 mono cable going from the VR09 to the FOH or amp.



    To B3,


    Why would you want to go MONO from your Nord Electro 2? Use the above setup and you can maintain the stereo sound from your Nord and have it pass through the VR-09. But if you do want to go MONO from your NE2 into the VR-09 you would need the adapters shown below. What you need to watch for is to make sure the 1/8 plug is stereo (tip-ring-sleeve) to feed into the VR-09 and the 1/4 inch plug needs to be mono (tip-sleeve) to come out of your NE2.


    I do also see that you want to go MONO from the VR-09 to the front of house. I'm not sure if the VR-09 will internally sum the stereo from the aux input to mono if you only use the mono output from the VR-09. In that case using the setup below will insure that a mono signal from your NE2 is reaching both inputs in the VR-09 aux and you would not loose half of the NE2 signal going through the VR-09 if you use the mono out from the VR-09.


    Hope this helps!






  8. Thanks, gonna try and hope not to blow anything. :)


    To B3,


    I don't think that the ext input is intended for line outs from other keyboards.. it is designed for other devices such as CD players, ipad, iphones etc.. I believe these types of consumer devices have a lower output level than professional devices (ie electronic keyboards etc).. Give it a try but make sure you set your volume way down on the keyboard you're taking the input from!


    I'm an audio technician. It will be no problem to hook the line outputs of another keyboard into the external input of the VR-09, as long as you use the correct cable. My suggestion would be to use a stereo 1/8 inch to 2 RCA adapter and then put a RCA - 1/4 inch adapter on the end of each of the RCA connectors to convert them to go into your line out of your keyboard. You must keep it in stereo. (pics below)


    FYI the 1/8 output of an ipad or computer is actually a stronger signal than the line outputs of a keyboard. Remember those 1/8 outputs are designed to drive a set of headphones and a set of headphones do need some power to drive the little speakers. So when you connect an ipad or computer to the line inputs of a mixer you do need to keep the volume on the ipad or computer set relatively low so that you don't overdrive the line inputs of the mixer.


    In the case of the VR-09 and another keyboard the line outputs of the second keyboard will not overdrive or "blow" the aux input of the VR-09. A matter of fact you may need to turn the volume up on the second keyboard to match the volume coming off the VR-09. Just start with the volumes set low and slowly bring things up till it sounds right.


    It all should work just fine as long as you have the proper interconnect adapters. I have some pics below for what you would need.


    Have fun!!






    Or one of these below.





  9. Apologies for this question - it is bound to have been covered before....but the thread is So very long...... I wish to change the registrations on the VR-09 from my Casio PX-5S. My understanding of midi falls in the non-existent to dim category, but I believe that there are certain numbers which I will need to give the PX-5S.


    Also, is there anything I must alter on the vr-09?


    Any advice on what to do would be gratefully recieved. Many thanks..


    According to one of the version 1.01 bug fixes you should be able to change the registrations through midi. Here is what it says:


    The sounds of the keyboard performance part can be changed from MIDI IN using the Program Change and the Bank Select.


    But I may be interpreting what it says incorrectly. Haven't tried it.

  10. Craig, Thanks for getting back to me.


    I can work with the MFX only effecting the upper part. The problem is the VR assigns the MFX associated to the bottom part to the upper part when you do the split. So as in my example if you chose a tremolo EP as the upper part you need the Tremolo MFX to be active for that upper part. But when you select your bottom part the MFX associated with that bottom part becomes the active effect instead and will effect the upper part but not the lower part. A bit confusing I know but try it out and you'll see what I mean.


    I did find the Roland VR-09 blog and I did post this issue there.



  11. I just got my VR-09 yesterday. It's a great keyboard but, like it has been mentioned here, is a bit quirky! I'm not sure if this quirk has been mentioned yet.


    When setting up a dual or split it chooses the MFX that is connected with the 2nd part rather than the 1st. For example: Say you select the Tremolo EP as part one for the upper split and then choose JP8 Strings1 as part 2 for the lower split. The VR will select the Slicer MFX (which is connected to the JP8 Strings1) and apply it to the upper Tremolo EP part (which suppose to have the Tremolo MFX). Not a good thing!! You have to manually select the Tremolo MFX so that you will get Tremolo effect on the Tremolo EP.


    This should be an easy software fix. Has any one mentioned this quirk? I find it to be a major problem when setting up splits on the fly. Part one needs it's MFX to stay with it because that is the effect that will be applied.


    Is there a way to notify Roland and ask them to include this fix in their next update?





  12. Just joined this forum as I just ordered my VR-09 and it should be here in a couple of days. It was pretty tough reading through this entire thread but I did manage most of it. Trying to gather as much info as possible before the VR-09 gets here. Look forward to reading more here and playing with my new toy!!



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