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Posts posted by lekanout

  1. I prove the YC, and this is a great waterfall keybed,very pleasant to play.

    Nothing similar to a Modx, a piano action or another thing.

    Just a great organ waterfall keybed.


    Eps and piano are from some off the CP séries, but not all (i have a CP88), and feel great to play on this keybed.

  2. I discoverded this morning this KK thread.

    It was so fun to read the first part where so many people think like me for the keybed..


    In fact the king korg is certainly one of the best sounding VA for the price.

    I spent 2 hours on it and it was pleasant to hear.

    Nothing is wrong for the sound i think.


    But the keybed is boring.

    I hate this kind of keyboards because it seems it's not made for people who love playing keyboards.

    It seems for me they are made for some geeks who wants to turn knobs and don't care about playing music with fingers.

    I'm sure it's a kind of truth about how people buy synth today..

    It's a shame for me.


    Imagine the king korg with a solid hardware and a very good keybed..

    I would be a killer instead of a consumer product for people who want to dream they are synth players..

  3. The fa08 keybed can't compare to the rd700..

    If you're more oriented pianist i would say keep the rd 700nx and the fa06.

    I personally wouldn't lost a rd 700 nx like that.


    You win weight,but you loose a killer stage piano with high level keybed and engine.

  4. Hi everybody.

    I've sign up in this forum since some month but i've forgotten to introduce myself.

    Sorry for that.


    I'm laurent,from france.

    I live near Paris.

    44 years old.


    I'm with keyboards since i was so young

    I was playing trumpet at the beginning( classical study,and some orchestral experience.)but i was 12 years old when i put my fingers on a keyboard...and it was a poliphonic revelation!

    I made some simple chords,found that so beautiful..


    So i bought at first a little casio in the 80,and a little psr yamaha...after i bought some Technics arranger(kn 800,kn 2000,kn 6000)


    I was as a young boy always in the shops,there was the korg M1 period.

    I dreamt about it,but some years after i had the money to buy my first proffesional synth:

    The korg 01/W pro.


    A good friend of mine(who came back to the states and was singing in a san fransisco gospel choir)took me as a keyboard player in a band to play theses original songs from this american choir.

    So we play theses songs,made some little show..earn some money.


    After that,we went 1 month to san francisco for holidays,and gave the money we did to the choir.


    After this period,i played with some friends in some bands,a lot of friendly moments..

    I followed the technology:

    korg workstations,roland workstations(3/4 of the fantom series),yamaha motifs(i know very well and love all the motif series.)

    I had the roland MC groovebox too(i loved the 909 and 505),or korg electribe.

    I took the Alesis ADAT revolution(multiple adat XT,yamaha 02/r,mackie series)


    Since some years i'm with mac and controllers too(macbook pro and Mac pro,i'm a big ableton live and reason fan)(nektar panorama,maschine from native,and akai apc40)


    The last years,i had some personal musical thoughs:

    -i realized i love the most playing music as a traditional keyboard player.

    -i realized I'm an absolute fan of the 60/70 vintage music.


    What i love the most is playing piano,eps sounds and organ(while i'm not a pure organ player)

    For exemple i'm not a big fan playing annoying pads as a keyboard player.


    So i am lucky to have a good job where i can modulate my agenda,and i'm playing with 2 bands(1 blues rock 60/70 oriented,the other southern rock and psyché rock oriented)and we are playing in differents places/festival/etc etc in france.

    So i think i can be qualified as a semi-pro player.


    I'm an absolute fan of the rhodes,unfortunatly i can't have one to play(too heavy)so i'm always in search of the best hardware rhodes sounds.


    In the last years i had 9 nord keyboards,1 kronos,1 jupiter 80(i'm a big fan of the jupiter 80),3 korg SV1..and a kurzweil PC3k8


    I love the the kronos and sv1 rhodes,but i don't like korg vision for reliability.

    I love the NORD(i have the electro 4 and i will buy the stage 3 for sure)because they are some of the best friends you can have on stage(sounds good,reliable...)


    My favourite actual synths are:

    -the motif XF(so reliable and efficient)

    -the jupiter 80(sounds so warm for me,i sold it and took the integra not to be too sad)

    -the kurzweil pc3k series(i sold my pc3k8 for weight,and took a used pc361 in perfect conditions to keep kurzweil)


    The most efficient keyboards for the music i play are high level stage piano,and a waterfal type organ clone.

    I recently sold my nord piano 2 and roland RD700 nx,and bought the RD800 and yamaha CP4.

    I love both,but i found a lot of pleasure with the CP4 rhodes for exemple.

    I think i can't have better rhodes than these in the yam.

    I tweaked a lot and find a good feeling with it.



    My dream would be to buy a vintage vibe..but expensive and heavy.:-(

    One day in the future maybe.

    I hope next year to buy a hammond sk1 and a neo ventilator 2.



    I was reading all the topics in the keyboard corner forums since so many years,and recently decide to sign up.

    What i love in this forum:

    -not geek oriented,i can feel the real musician in everybody here..i love it.

    -i'm feeling very near from so much live oriented players here.

    -There are so much kind persons here,with so much experience.

    I know i can learn a lot with you..and i'm very proud to share with this community.



    Thanks for reading me,and sorry english isn't my native language(i know i'm not alone)and i'm always afraid to make some mistakes and write the opposite i want to explain.

    Excuse me if this appears.

  5. I'm not sure the 3 supernatural pianos from my RD700 nx are in the integra 7,jupiter or fa series.

    Maybe one or two,but i have a different feeling

    I have to play more my integra 7 because i have it only since a few days,but there was a litlle different with my jupiter 80.

    i don't know if it's because of the great RD heavy action...i will try soon to feel more..

  6. I played the fa 08 and 06(not as a owner,but as integra7 owner and ex jupiter80 owner i'm familiar with the structure)



    -In this price range,i prefer the fa08 heavy keybed than the krome 88 and MOXF8

    -and i prefer the fa06 keybed than the moxf6 and krome 61.

    roland is way better for the price than the yam and korg,wich i absolutly dońt like.



    i like the moxf6,but there's something more raw,fat with the roland..(idon't like the korg honestly)

    Roland sound is less perfect in some points than yam,but i think these new fa are the most funny cheap workstations now.

    We are lucky today to have theses performance for the price,the axial "srx reloaded"in the 2 slots for free is really one of the strongest point.


    The display is pleasant..construction is acceptable..

    Nothing bad to say for me,fun to play and a good choice:-)


    for the piano:

    I don't think the supernatural pianos are the same than the rd series,but i think there are the same or really near the supernatural pianos from the jupiter 50/80 and integra 7 series.

  7. Don't misconstrue my thoughts on the value of the VR-09 with me being a big fan of the Roland VK engine.. I don't really like the VK engine and I think it is the least authentic sounding of all the current crop of clones.. The reasons that I don't like the VK engine are probably the same reasons that you don't see a lot of them on the circuit in France.



    Yes i understand.

    But i have a question for you:

    Do you think the same for classic 70 rock sound?


    It seems organist never choose roland vk engine for jazz,but some people like the way roland organ sounds for classic dirty 70 sound(steppenwolf,deep purple..etc)

    What do you think about that?


  8. Craig:

    I ve just read all your precedent messages in this topic.

    It's very useful and intersesting.

    Thanks for that.


    In fact,i agree with you for so many positive points with the vr 09.

    But i'm gigging in the blues/classic rock circuit in france,and i think it will be hard to find a vr09 on stage.


    I always see on stage hammond series and nord series today(or real hammond,or mojo and keyB)..never roland from pure organists.


    I personnaly disagree because i always loved roland,but it's like that.

    (i'm speaking about semi pro and pro players)


    Here in europe there is a lot roland bashing,i'm sad about this.

    But i suspect we won't see a lot of vr09 on stageonly with some amateur bands sometimes for the fun.


    About keybed.

    When i had the chance to put my fingers on the vk8 keybed,it was a really relly great sensation!

    The same i love with my rd700nx,but for organs.

    Nothing to compare with the vr09.

    Here again,maybe it's only me..but i love that!


    Oh god if the vr 09 could have wood panels and the same keybed than the vk8,i will buy it for sure

  9. Craig.

    Even if the vr09,is a good keyboard,i don't see where is the problem to suggest other solutions,and it's not like saying bad things about your VR09.


    If you think vr09 vs VK8,you think roland organ emulation.

    Roland portable organ emulation(with drawbar) since the vk8 is:





    But the organ engine is available(with less parameters)in the supernatural parts of a jupiter 80/50,the integra 7,and even a BK9 for exemple.


    I think it's logical to share about all the vr..

    To be honest,the VK8 vs VR09 could be my personal debate too,and discover a used vr700 is the best compromise today.

    Just my 2 cents,not a solution for everybody:-)


    Choices depends where you want your priority.

    If you speak about tech specs,the choice is for sure the vr09,or the FA06 with supernatural organ engine.

    But if you ask about the VK8,you speak about an organ player point of viewand the VR09 isn't the best choice because playing on a really good waterfall keybed is a better experience than the VR09 keybed.


    (if waterfall keys are not a priority,i prefer for exemple my kurzweil pc361 superior to a VR09 in all aspects i think,with really good organ emulation.less expensive than the VR09)


    So depends where you think the essential is..but i think a organ player won't choose the VR09 because the of the need of the waterfall key .

  10. (Thanks for your kind wordscraig and six strings,yes i know the mojo,but it's more evier and i'm not sure about the reliability)

    I suggest the VR700 because the VR700 is the evolution from roland more near the VR09 than theVK8.


    The vr09 has 2 problems for me:

    1-you can find a used VR700 near the same price of the VR09..with similar organ technology and better keybed.

    (Yes craig,if you speak roland organ,the VR700 is from the namm 2010,not from 2002 like the vk8)


    2-i know very well the supernatural sounds frome roland because i had a jupiter 80 and gig a lot during 2 years with it.

    I must say i loved it!

    The vr09 has the basic supernatural synth engine and it's really a good advantage!

    But for just 100 euros more in europe now you can afford a FA6,with more specs and more soundsThat's a big problem for the vr09


    The fa has the supernatural organ engine in it too.

  11. Hi guys.

    Just a few words(this is my first post),i'm really happy to be in these forums because i know i have a feeling near so many people here.

    I'm a live player in france in 2 bands(blues rock/60-70,and southern rock/psyché rock 70)i'm too in multimedia and electro composition.


    I'm gigging with a nord piano 2 and an electro 4(piano feel and organ feel)but i'm not a big fan of the electro4 waterfall keybed.


    So i'm looking for another waterfall keybed,i try the hammond series sk1/sk2 and it's quite good.


    But i love roland keybed(i have a RD700nx too)and last week i share a scene where another keyboard player had a roland VK8.

    I tried it and found the keybed absolutly fantastic!

    Far better and plaiseant than my nord electro 4.

    I know organ purist don't think roland has the best "hammond clone sound"because the roland organs are old technology,but in the "rock70 orientation"with saturation,(and maybe a neo ventilator for exemple)there are good things to do!


    So i'm thinking about took another waterfall from roland.

    I looked the used VK8 but i think there are a little too expensive..

    I looked the VR700,near the same price of the vk8,but hard to find.


    I looked the VR09but there is a problem:

    Good keyboard at a good price..but plastic keybed far from the VR700 andthe VK8!!


    That's the problem today with roland:

    The fa,the vr09 are very good keyboards,they have so much possibilities at a good price.

    But the pleasure to play is not only on tech specs..

    I love high level keybed..wood panelsheavy keyboard more stable than a too ligher VR09(if you play furious organ licks..that's better on a heavier keyboard)


    So,to speak about the "VR09 organ orientation debate" ,i think the best from roland today is still the VR700.

    And i'm delused roland don't sell a new organ with wood,high level waterfall keybedwith the VR09 inside.


    I'm bored about all these ligh plastic declinaison from korg/yamaha and korg with good sounds in bad keybedeven if i know there are good products at a good price.


    I don't want to loose the "machine feel"

    Even the sk series are too much plastic,and the XK3-C is too expensive.


    Here's my point of view..


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