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Posts posted by dje31

  1. On 2/3/2024 at 7:48 AM, lsj said:

    j...now I know why Jordan Rudess and Rick Wakeman also liked this keyboard.


    Geoff Downes has had a Sledge in his live rig for years, not sure if currently.  But I read he buys just about every synth that comes out.

  2. 21 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    i like the drastic change in design/style.  It has a GEM Promega vibe to it.  





    Oh, man, how I pined for the Promega back in the day...never saw one in real life, but still lusted for one.  Even the Finnish(?) re-issue that came out a few years ago.

  3. For a lot of folks, the nostalgia aspect is worth paying for...even though an updated, improved version, with all of the appropriate updates and inclusions, would be a better solution.


    If I ran the company--and I clearly don't--I'd have the nostalgic repro for sale as option one, as well as the new-and-improved version aforementioned, as plan-B. Win-win, for the company and the consumer.

  4. < snip >


    At any rate, the album was not necessarily a 100% happy scene, but Wakeman has said on numerous occasions that the Union tour was his favorite tour, ever, so I'm assuming they got along well.




    Interesting sidebar: in watching the Union Live DVD, which, with the album was a shotgun wedding at best (thought I thought it had some strong bits and still do) the best rapport noticeable was between Wakeman and Rabin, who never collaborated--that I'm aware of, at least--prior. They also worked and played well together on the YES / ARW tour.

  5. There's Rhodes on New Language, from the The Ladder, an underrated and often overlooked album, IMHO. Igor Khoroshev on keys.


    EDIT: Can't verify, confirm, or refute, but suspect it probably wasn't an actual Rhodes, but a sample / patch on a ROMpler or digital stage piano.

  6. Love prog, really like ELP including P, but as I've gotten older, I've found that Palmer can be pretty loose (read: sloppy) at times, and timing can be sketchy, but you know it's real, warts and all.


    If ELP were new today, they'd quantize everything and snap it to the grid and it would sound like robots. Thanks, Rick Beato!

  7. I am admittedly a huge fan, since the late 70s.


    They were / are all having physical issues. Neil was already having tendonitis, arthritic, and joint issues from years of 3-hour sets regularly, not to mention the cardiovascular element.


    Alex has been battling carpal tunnel and arthritis for years as well. And Geddy's voice has been in decline for some time, requiring at least one off day after a show.


    They preferred to pack it in before things went south badly, embarrassing themselves, ruining their legacy and reputation, on their milestone 40th anniversary, more or less. Lots of other bands, including some of my personal favorites would do well to learn from that example.


    Their was talk and speculation that they might still write and record, but not tour...perhaps doing a PPV event one-off, but don't see that happening.


    Heartfelt sorrow for all his loved ones, and thankful his suffering is over.


    Thanks to all three of those crazy Canucks for everything.

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