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Don Headley

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Posts posted by Don Headley

  1. WOW !!

    I had a busy weekend (self employed) so this is the first time I've checked in here.

    Thank you Aspen for the personal response.


    Talk about frist class customer service !!


    I did have a chance to try using my TR cables from the mixer to SS3. I followed the recommended setup on the CPS site.

    I think I may be expecting more than this speaker can deliver.


    As I've stated before I'm using a pair of powered PA's with 12's. As I was testing I managed to get a room filling sound. But, the sound was not a complete representation of the entire sound spectrum. It was missing the high synth filter resonance and of course the low bottom end that my 12's reproduce. On tw organ the leslie sounds like mush.

    I can say without a doubt this thing can get loud though !!


    So far I've been using a Fantom X6 for testing. I will switch setups and try my Kronos2 and the above recommendations. I'll post my results when finished.

    Again thanks for all the suggestions and, thank you Aspen for the personal response.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I will be doing some investigative work.

    I didn't mean to sound like an a$$. I was really frustrated with the sound. I had just gotten home after working all day and then a 5 hour drive in Friday afternoon rush hour traffic to get my daughter and son in law home from the airport. I was a bit thin on nerve.

    As far as the SS3 sound goes, I am expecting a wide field of of quality stereo sound. I realize the bottom will be a bit light compared to my 12's.

    To answer some questions in the replies above:

    I'm using a Fantom X into a Yamaha MG10XU channels 1 & 2 hard panned L&R.

    I did just notice I grabbed a set of trs cables instead of tr for my test yesterday.

    I will retest tonight after work using the above suggestions.Again thanks for the replies.

  3. Just got my SS3 today. And its going back tomorrow. This thing really sounds like crap. Very poor quality sound.

    Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if everyone on this forum likes to sound like an AM radio?

    I normally use powered PA speakers. Very clear clean sound.

    My boards: Fantom x with ultimate keys SRX


    Triton extreme 73

    I play quality boards and I expect quality sound but the SS3 gets a FAIL from me.

  4. you finally went that deep B3? lol.. yeah, those all to me seem to need their own tweaking any way.. I don't think I would miss any of them, what I keep forgetting is when I want to layer 2 sounds from the same category, or even the same sound layered in 2 different octaves.. It seems it only happens by accident, can someone mention the step by step of layering the grand piano on itself? or any other particular sound from the same category?


    To layer two of the same sounds, simply hold down the category button (the blue buttons ) and press your selected sound again.

    This will give you two of the same sound across the key bed. Then you can cursor down to the sound and change the octave.

    You can also set the expression pedal to only effect the upper or lower sound. You can easily set up a piano and fade in strings with the pedal then fade them back out at the end of your song.


    Hope this helps.


    Also to get a 12 string patch, I layer two of the steel guitar sound an octave apart.

  5. Look for a Roland SH-201. I paid $200.00 for mine. The sound is great. Unlike the KK the controls are laid out in the correct place and, you have knobs for all functions. No holding down the shift button and spinning the jog wheel with your left hand while playing a solo with your right.

    I was going to buy the KK until I played it at American Music in Seattle. Its layout is wrong and some functions require two hands. The worst part is the filter control knobs are on the right.

    The sounds on the other hand are some of the best I've heard. Very smooth filters. I wish Korg would come out with a KK mII with knobs for all functions located in the normal order of operation.

  6. I use an Roland EV-5 with my VR-09. It seems to work fine for my use. I play piano layered with strings and have the expression control set to lower so I can gradually bring the strings in to a song and then back them out toward the end.

    Page 46 of the manual shows the 4 different expression curves and how they affect (or don't affect) other parts of the keyboard.

    I have my EV-5 set so that at low volume there is still sound coming through. Also my volume out is set at 12 o'clock.


    One thing I'm having trouble with is using my midi out. If I connect the midi out to my Audiobox to trigger soft synths in Studio One I get a continuous clock message and my saved registrations are corrupted. The names are still there but the settings are gone. The only way to fix this is a reset because the saved settings are un-editable.

    I have a Juno-D I use for midi for now. There is no "clock" setting in the menus that I can find.

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