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Posts posted by nadroj

  1. 1 minute ago, GovernorSilver said:

    I enjoyed the tech talk.  You can skip the comments if you don't want to see the likes of "When is CS61 coming?", "I tuned in late - did they update the rotary sim?", etc.


    For convenience, click HERE to get to the YC Tools editor and librarian.


    The demo of the drawbars for carrier/modulator control of the FM organs was cool


    Lol, the comments are always funny on those things. Really digging these new sounds.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    Well, if it's a phone, it can also be a laptop. And if it's a laptop, then the board can be just a MIDI controller.


    I've seen Yamaha being very active adding features and sounds to the MODX, CP and YC which is fantastic, they listened to their users and they haven't abandoned their products. Also, it means they have designed those products to be platforms, not just final products to move on with the next one. These instruments are apparently designed to be extensible and maintainable in the long term, i.e. these great firmware updates are not some bug-fixes but are rather additional features, so I find it natural that we use these updates as justification to suggest even more great features and additions. If they don't find those ideas good, then they just won't implement it.


    I've never understood why some people are opposed to other users' suggestions. It's as though you yourself will get hurt in some way. Or you think Yamaha are adding those new features out of some extraordinary good will and would call us ungrateful if we suggest more features. Really can't get it...

    I’m in no way opposed to suggesting new features or saying “I wish it had this.”


    What I don’t like is “it should have this too” - especially on the day of a significant, heavily requested update. 

    I’m as cynical as the worst of them, but this update is a good sign from Yamaha. 

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  3. I think a lot of the comments about piano/synth sounds are a bit far ahead just now. They’ve finally released the one main upgrade everyone has been asking them to release for two years (plus the quasi-FM synth stuff people like myself clambered for) and already I’m seeing comments on multiple forums focusing on what they’ve NOT done. 

    This update seems to have finally fixed the organ part of their organ centric board, and by the sounds of it has upped its game so that it can now properly contend with the big boys in the all-in-one-clonewheel category. Let’s give Yamaha credit where credit is due, and see how people respond to this update before talking about any more features we’d like to see - which we will no doubt get, if recent product update history is anything to go by.


    For many who were hesitant due to the weak organ, this thing is now once again a very viable all in one gigging board. Anything else needed at this point can probably be added by a phone and a single USB cable. 

    • Like 3
  4. Yep, according to the musicians guide the new FM organ sections turn it into a basic, mini FM synth. Being able to change the individual drawbar colours means you can now differentiate between which are carriers and modulators. 

    Agree with above posters in that the short clips of the new rotary does make it sound much better. Fairly significant update that will surely burn into some of the competition, especially for those who were holding off on or had dismissed the YC because of the rotary. 


  5. The MODX/Montage updates have been good. Smart morphing, while

    not really asked for, is a very cool feature. The extra filters and stuff added a lot too. 

    I’ve a feeling this update will either be utterly brilliant or a complete let down. Hoping for the former.


    How good would it be for the industry if Yamaha actually managed to come up with a world class rotary sim? If boutique companies can do it, the big guys can. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Al Coda said:


    You say the SKX Pro´s manuals come w/ Fatar TP-8O actions ?

    Are you sure ?

    I really hoped, it comes w/ Hammond/Suzuki made action,- at least for the estimated street price of about 4K bucks.



    AFAIK it’s modified FATAR, not as springy as the Nord’s. Well received on this forum I believe. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Bobadohshe said:

    I am DYING watching this. In fact I have to stop because my son is napping in the other room.

    yep, same. Actual loud guffaws coming out of me, and my family are all asleep next door. 

    Haven’t laughed out loud like that all week. Thanks Aiden. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, RDMusic504 said:

    Thanks all for the advice. I have tried the Yamaha YC61 and CP73 as well, it's very good and well built. Well spent 1.5hrs drive.


    The shop said that they will have Vox Conti and Nord Electro 6D coming soon. so I guess it's better to try them first hand to see the feel and hear the sounds personally, then I can conclude.


    I also read the "Yamaha YC61 announced" thread which helped me a lot. cheers then and thanks to all.

    Great! Would love to hear your impressions of the YC61.

  9. Depends on how heavy your use is going to be. If you're going to be playing mostly piano with a pad thrown over it, with no care about sculping the sound, the Electro works. It certainly has the better organ over the Yamaha, though perhaps not the customisability (new word, ya'll). The Nord offers 3 solid sounding organ models, whereas the Yamaha offers 6, and a bunch of different parameters to sculp it how you want. The Nord organ still just sounds more authentic, though.


    I'm firmly of the opinion that Nord have the best variety (and best sounding) hardware pianos going. My opinion may be wrong, but that's where I'm at.


    The effects on the Nord are top-class, but a bit limited in their use (ie. you can't have the same effect on two sounds at once).


    The Yamaha YC is shorter, has less keys, and while the rotary is nowhere near as good it IS due an update. Yamaha have promised that more updates are coming, and all of the other current product lines (Montage/MODX, CP series) have recieved fairly beefy and commendable updates over the years. Compared to other products and past update schedules, the YC is overdue for one - leading some to conclude that Yamaha has given up, though that to me sounds silly. My thoughts are that we'll seen an update with additional sounds fairly soon. In a perfect world this would perhaps bring more flexibility with its synth capabilities (there's an FM engine inside, so even just an ipad editor a la the VR09 would make the world of difference for me), and an improved rotary. It's the latter that may be holding them up - they obviously thought they had it nailed when they released it (or the engineers in their marketing videos did at least) so maybe they were surprised when the criticism came. They're a great company with vast resources, so I'm hopeful that they'll be able to do something good.


    Anyways, as I said, if you're going to be a power user, the YC is more flexible than the Electro. The Electro has more splits (3 vs 2 I think), but both instruments can layer three sounds (organ + 2 more). The Yamaha is more flexible in that you have more choice over what the other two sounds are. Electro is limited to organ + something from the piano engine + something from the sample engine. Saying that, if you learn how to use the Nord sample editor PC/Mac programme well, you can have as many splits as you want on the Electro, but you'll have to sample and assign every single key/sound yourself, which can be tedious and time consuming. You also have next to no control over those sounds once they're on the keyboard.


    The Nord Sample Library sounds themselves, while sounding pretty good, have only one velocity layer, and you have little control over them other than a rudimentary attack/decay/release knob, which does all at the same time in a weird way. The only filter options on the Nord Electro come through a strange velocity setting, which just wouldn't work for most applications I'd ever think of using it for. The Yamaha sampled sounds (synths, strings, brass, etc...) on the other sound way better, having more depth, and you have way more control over them.


    The effects section on the Yamaha is far superior to the Electro, and that's where it shines imo. The Yamaha has more effects control (depth and time knobs, compared to just one single knob that does both on the Nord), with two standalone effects per sound at a time, PLUS an insert FX, PLUS amp sim, PLUS master reverb and compressor. The effects are also more varied (and fun and wacky sounding), there's a lot more of them, and there's much more hands on control. In fact I'd go as far as say that the effects section almost acts like a mini-synthesiser,  since you can sculpt the sound so much. The Electro range doesn't have half of the customisation options.


    The Yamaha also has a filter (dedicated button with limited use, though it does the trick, or you can use a low pass filter insert effect which gives you control over cutoff and resonance and sounds pretty good), which will be hugely helpful if you're playing CCM.


    The Yamaha also has audio/midi over USB, meaning with just one cable you can connect a laptop/ipad and have as many sounds as you want playing through it. It also has better MIDI implementation - you can have 4 midi zones on the YC keyboard (I think?), whereas the Nord Electro 6 only has 1, which stifles its use with another board.


    The Yamaha also has pitch bend/mod wheels, which may or not be important to you. After years of having to bring another board with my Electro for that functionality alone, I'm going to say that the omission is a big deal (though I understand why Nord purposfully omit it on the Electro series).


    I'm in the same boat as you - as much as I'll miss the full bodied and natural sounding Nord pianos, I'm moving on from my Electro 4 as soon as I can get my other boards sold. The YC and Electro 6 are the only ones in my budget, and after tonnes of research and scouring literally every video on YouTube (can you tell?) I'm going for the YC. Adan may have been joking about "Nord Fatigue" but after 7+ years of use, I've realised that's what I have. Playing a newer Nord model in a store doesn't inspire me as much as something like the YC does. In the new Nord models I'm basically playing the same sounds I've already been playing the last 7 years - I can just do a little bit more with them depending on which model I buy.


    This video here was what sold me on the Yamaha. You simply can't get those kinds of sounds out of the Nord Electro without sampling, and even then you have next to no tools to sculpt it in real time - unless you buy the stage, which is £1000 more. 



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  10. Just now, nadroj said:

    You just described 90% of my sit in gigs. 

    Saying that I’ve played with more than a couple of bands who do that because their keys player won’t learn the riff.


    ”usually he just messes around on a clav sound until the singer comes in”is what I’ve heard


    though in all fairness that’s what it could sound like if they were actually doing the proper riff, ghosts notes and all…

  11. 23 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

    Of course, that all depends on the guitar player not deciding he or she wants to do the SRV/Jeff Beck thing and steal your line, in which case all bets are off. I usually just switch to organ and play something closer to the LH-side part then.

    You just described 90% of my sit in gigs. 

    • Like 1
  12. Tested positive for COVID on Sunday morning. Was supposed to be doing a studio session on Sunday afternoon! 

    Thankfully I have enough gear at home that it wasn’t a huge problem. They recorded the guide and sent it to me. I recorded my own parts into my DAW and sent it to them within the hour. They then tracked the rest of what they needed without me. The wonders of technology. 

    Not that being in the studio is obsolete - we had to send files back and forth a couple of times until the guys had exactly what they wanted. If I was recording live that would have been sussed out in the booth before we hit record. Still prefer going in and tracking with the band. 


    Some artists I follow have produced some of their best work over the pandemic. My own band actually started writing and recording properly during it because we couldn’t play live.  Every cloud and all that! 

  13. Anyone with a YC 61 able to tell me if this works:


    With my MODX I was surprised to discover a MIDI thru like function on it. When my Macbook is connected via USB into the MODX, the weighted controller plugged into the MIDI IN of the MODX controls the Macbook. I was surprised, as the options on the MODX for MIDI seem to be USB OR MIDI DIN, not both. I might have been wrong. Anyways, no matter how I toggled the settings this worked, which was a pleasant surprise.


    Anyone able to tell me if the YC does the same? If I had Mainstage plugged into the YC via USB, would I be able to control it using a weighted DP plugged into the YC's MIDI IN?

  14. 9 hours ago, drawback said:

    The APs sound quite good in the demos. Can anyone vouch for the EPs? 

    I always thought the EPs sounded pretty good in this video. Others have talked about how they've added a sine/triangle wave to the EPs using the the free parts to fatten them up.



  15. 40 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

    I have to admit I have been nigh on obsessed with this group of mega-talented musicians since Tim posted, and have gone down the youtube rabbit hole on them for days. 

    All their videos are "high-concept," in the OKGo realm, and Gracie does most of the concepting. But a few are like the version of "Don't Look Back" that Tim started the thread with--"live" in the studio, seemingly pulling off the version we are hearing (regardless of whether they are). Clyde often jumps from board to board mid-song, as he does below as well. He does the arrangements, which really stands out on this tune. Stuff like this should fill even the stodgiest among us that the future of the music we love is in good hands...



    Freaking love that key change from D to Ab by the way.

  16. 10 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

    I have to admit I have been nigh on obsessed with this group of mega-talented musicians since Tim posted, and have gone down the youtube rabbit hole on them for days. 

    All their videos are "high-concept," in the OKGo realm, and Gracie does most of the concepting. But a few are like the version of "Don't Look Back" that Tim started the thread with--"live" in the studio, seemingly pulling off the version we are hearing (regardless of whether they are). Clyde often jumps from board to board mid-song, as he does below as well. He does the arrangements, which really stands out on this tune. Stuff like this should fill even the stodgiest among us that the future of the music we love is in good hands...



    Yep. Young. Fun. Insanely talented.

  17. 14 minutes ago, bjosko said:

    Ouch, 3099  British pounds :classic_wacko:


    I expected that based on the SKPRO pricing. However, I could never understand the SKPRO pricing compared to the competition.


    Saying that, that's £3k for what is without a doubt the most powerful, capable and flexible dual-manual organ on the market. There aren't many alternatives. The SKX is like a lame duck in comparison, and the Gemini/DMC combo is cool, but only gives you 2 sounds at a time. The SKX Pro on the other hand can do 8 sample/ensemble sounds, 1 Mono Synth, 2 organs and 1 pedal register, all split and layered in any possible combination you could want on both keyboards at one time. No dual manual board comes anywhere close to that kind of flexibility.


    Saying that, £3k is still a hell of a lot.


    2 hours ago, Morrissey said:

    Don't Lose Sight is an earworm.  Been stuck in my head since @timwat launched this thread last week.


    Over a week later and my kids (and wife...and me) are still singing this. Just a very fun, young, insanely talented group. Judging by their place on the Coachella poster (of which they are one of 6 bands I recognise...) they're still relatively unknown. Wonder how far they can go.

  19. 15 minutes ago, Dave Bryce said:

    Got it.


    Okay, we can submit this to support.  Stay tuned.




    Something I posted about this morning has already been fixed. For 8 pages now you've been taking feedback and tweaking things. dB, you and whoever you're working with are killing it. Taking our (sometimes petty 😇) requests/noticed niggles and fixing them on the spot as you go. Appreciate it!

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