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Everything posted by cgiles

  1. Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Yes, the keyboard worked normally before the 'squawk'. It also works after the squawk if allowed to totally cool down. It seems to happen when the keyboard warms up and the time from startup to 'squawk' seems to be getting shorter and shorter. The 'sqiawk' is ear-splitting and enough to blow two 15" EV's.
  2. Loud electrical 'screech/squawk' from my KeyB Duo Mk111 after 5-10 minutes on. Loud enough to blow out powered 15" speakers. Any ideas? Any known keyboard techs in the Atlanta area?
  3. Mostly because even though I'm not much of a pianist or Rhodes-type player, it's depth, presence, and expressiveness tends to minimize those weaknesses. Right after opening the box 4 or 5 yrs ago, and without yet knowing the instrument, I just started to noodle to see if I could deal with the somewhat 'stiff' keyboard action. I found a registration I liked and played (or misplayed) this little tune (Christo Redentor). It sounded ok, so I added a vocal patch from my Roland G8 to add a little more drama. I still like it even though I do it completely different today. The second tune (NY State of Mind) would probably make Billy Joel throw up, but I just wanted to see how it would sound as a solo instrument with a 'lite' backing. Like I said, ignore my playing but tell me how you think it stacks up against some of it's competitors. Christo Redentor 00.mp3 NYSOM-cgiles.mp3
  4. I have a C1 midi'ed to my Legend EXP. Half-moon, pedals, and exp. pedal, of course. It's like the C1 and Legend EXP were made for each other. Everything works perfectly. Of course I still have my KeyB Mark 111 which, in my opinion, still sounds better.
  5. Here is a post of mine from 2013. Might help. I'm still using it and it's steady as a rock. It worked so well, I never tried to improve it . Post #2476468. https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2476468/re-my-new-favorite-keyboard-stand#Post2476468 chas
  6. There is a new software manager in the download (update) section of 'SUPPORT' on the website. This is what is used to load in the new sounds.
  7. This pretty much mirrors my feelings about the update which I also installed. One new thing that I like though is when you select a category, the sounds in that category don't immediately go away, IOW, you can audition any or all the sounds in that category before selecting one. BIG improvement. The sounds themselves though, except for piano and (tweaked) organ, are barely record-worthy IMO. Still struggling trying to play expressively with that keybed, especially softly.
  8. I think I'm going to wait until you find out what the 'click' was.
  9. Viscount Legend EXP due to arrive Thurs (5/30). I have an unused Nord C1 in my studio which I plan to use as a controller. This makes it a poor man's Legend or Legend Live for the paltry sum of $795. The midi interface between the two should work out perfectly and the C1 already has Exp pedal and half-moon switch (which I can hook up directly or send through midi). I have a KeyB Duo Mk111 but it's in another room which makes it a PITA to record (I have to maintain two seperate recording systems and merge the files). I will now use the 'Frankenstein' in the studio. Hope it works as I envision it.
  10. I was lucky enough to recognize my mediocrity early and change direction career-wise. All the guys that I knew that stuck it out (in music) are all dead now....none from excessive lifestyle.
  11. If you want something in your home office for when you're bored and too lazy to go down to your basement studio, it will work for that. Piano is ok, organ doesn't do it for me, joysticks suck, the shortened keys aren't really a problem but for some reason, tick me off anyway, acoustic bass (with or without the 'ride') is not bad at all, navigation is 'funky' but features are very practical and well thought out. Okay for rehearsals but wouldn't gig with it (unless it was a charity gig). A good sound system with a high quality mixer would probably greatly improve/enhance the sound. Let's just say, it's NOT underpriced. It's a great 'grab and go' board (as long as you're 'going' to rehearsal. I always play it BEFORE I play my SEVEN or KeyB.
  12. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the NC2X. It meets 95% of the criteria mentioned in the original post and at a bargin price. It has three major options for the LH; acoustic bass with or without a ride AND an organ bass (or synth) bass. All are individually adjustable, including volume and pedal (volume) assign (on/off). Super easy and intuitive to set up and quality of sound is DECENT+. Also 88, so split point very versatile. All edits are available for whatever is on either side of the split point and 'split mode' can be turned on or off instantly. Seems like it checks all the boxes to me....unless you don't like the sound .
  13. First MINOR problem with the SEVEN. The bottom Bank indicator light stopped working. No functional problems, just the light. So now I know I'm in the fourth bank when none of the lights are lit . Too minor for me to pack and ship for service....don't you think? Still in love with it though.
  14. Studiologic Numa Compact 2x. Impulse buy (price). Piano and organ ok but not recording quality (I have better ones for that). Pro's: Weight (17lbs), Price 700.00, good for travelling, remote rehearsals, and light gigs. I'll keep it until boredom sits in. BTW, bought it from a dealer on EBAY called ARMENS. My unit had definitely been reboxed (sold as 'new') and missing the CD user manual. It seemed in perfect condition and I downloaded the manual so I made the decision to keep it....but I won't buy from this ebay seller again.
  15. I would consider the build 'robust' EXCEPT for the knobs. Mine stays in the studio so it'll probably last longer than me in that environment. A word of caution for those planning to use a controller with the SEVEN; this definitely changes the playing experience. The problem, I believe, is the velocity curve. I have a controller with 10 selectable velocity curves, and I found one that came close to the getting the same response from the SEVEN but not exactly. Using it's own keybed definitely provides the best (most responsive) playing experience, so if, like me, you aren't in love with the (heavy) touch of the keybed, stick with it; you'll get used to it (and you'll end up with stronger fingers as well).
  16. Love mine. Had no problem with the update which, btw really improved the AP - but not enough to make it my 'go to' piano. This is partly because of the keybed, which Adan explains pretty well. I've compared the basic models with comparable tones from other boards and premium VST's. I find the tones of the SEVEN to be 'fuller', richer, and more authentic than anything else I've tried (including the SV1). I'm getting used to the keybed by playing it every day but it will probably never be my favorite keybed. It doesn't feel exactly like a Rhodes but it does feel more like a (BRAND NEW UNPLAYED) Rhodes than an acoustic piano. Let me put it this way; it's fine if you're playing typical 'classic' Rhodes parts from 70's soul ballads . But hey, I love that sound, so..... BTW, I do hear the 'aliasing' on some, but not all, voices.
  17. Glad everyone finds the action to their satisfaction. I still find it hard to play softly. It takes a certain level of velocity for the key to even sound (or at least on mine it does). I tried playing it with a controller but the sound is different when played with the controller unless you play it at full velocity. Obviously, the velocity curve is set differently between the controller and the Seven's keyboard. I suppose there is the possibility that I have a defective keybed but I don't think so; I think it's just playing technique...IOW, it's MY problem. Love everything else about it though. Hoping I'll adjust to the keybed.
  18. I've had mine for two weeks now and play it daily. Unless the leg assembly is somehow defective or misaligned, I don't even see HOW it can be unstable. I agree with Tonysounds about the Rhodes 'feel'. I wasn't a fan of the original key action and am not real crazy about the key feel of the Seven either. To many years of playing organs and synths I guess. The only other 'gripe' I have is that the tone stops dead when you change presets (not something you'd do often with typical 'Rhodes' playing. Also, the AP is tolerable but certainly not great. Other than that, I love it. I have lots of other good sound sources and only wanted it for 'Rhodes', but if I were gigging with it, I'd probably want several more basic voices, a better AP, and a slightly lighter (ie. semi-weighted) keybed. But for my purposes, it's a keeper.
  19. Hmmm, my experience has been totally different. I got mine Wed. (6/6) from Kraft music. Got the bundle with seat, headphones, and a couple of cables. I found it to be completely stable on it's legs with no lateral motion. In fact, because the legs extend slightly outward to the side, It would be difficult for it to move side-to-side. It does NOT need braces and the only reason I could see for putting it on a stand would be if the height was wrong for your setup or playing style (Standing vs sitting). I also have a Traynor K4 and while it sounds good through the tube channel on the K4, I think it sounds better through my EV SXA250's (but I did run it through an analog mixer to the PA). Also confused about the 'legs' on the Nord C1. I have a C1 and C2D and I don't recall either coming with legs. I have mine on a table stand to accomodate pedals. Did I get shortchanged when I purchased mine? Just curious. One last thing; this is subjective I know, but the thing I like least about my SEVEN is the keybed. It's way to stiff for my liking. Years of playing mostly organs and synths have probably made my fingers weak but I would have preferred a lighter action as I find it difficult to play expressively when half the keys don't sound when I play delicately. Hopefully, they'll 'break in' and my finger strength will increase as I play it more. One thing I do agree on though, is that the sound is fabulous. Also seems I got the last one available from this batch.
  20. My Seven just arrived. Waiting for my heart rate to slow down before I open it. At least no sign of damage to the box (it IS UPS). Need to make some space for it in my studio (I fully intend to be buried with all my stuff).
  21. Crumar Seven. Arrives today from Kraft Music. Got tired of waiting for Sweetwater to get more in. Hope the wait was worth it.
  22. BTW, anyone know what the holdup is? Impulse buyers like me should never be given time to rethink their purchasing decisions .
  23. Also waiting, but plan on using Traynor K4 (stereo KB amp).
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