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Posts posted by JrussoC

  1. hey folks, I feel kind of frustrated now, last weeks SS3 was 599$ I was excited to get all the money to buy it, when I'm finally really near that budget I see it costs now 749$, did I miss something? Was somewhere announced that the price was just an special offer? Will I ever be able to buy it for 599?

    Also, it seems it will normally cost 899$. I'm just... stunned



  2. I was able to look at the disk management on my PC. I saw the drive, listed as Unallocated. It seemed to format in the SK with no problem.


    I do have an old 256 MB drive that I can try.


    I have USB 1 & 2 ports on my laptop


    UPDATE: The 256 MB drive worked correctly. Now, what is the difference between a .sys, a .whl, & a .set


    I downloaded all the files available from HammondOrganCo.com, and went through the read me files. I found 3 that I want to load in right away, and they had different extensions.


    The only one that loaded as a library was the .sys file. What are the other extensions for?


    Yes, I AM reading the manual





    I suppose .whl is for the tonewheels, data that you can upload about the configuration of the TW.

    .set must be about the way you've got the presets, the file that is created when saving all your presets.


    Have you tried searching in the .pdf manual that is in the hammondorganco page?

  3. This thread is pretty long but Aspen started posting around page 16 or so then I got one and I posted some gig reports at a pretty loud bar where we did classic blues and rock. You should read it from that point forward.



    Thanks for the answer Bob, I have another questions,

    1) has anyone tried it with a Moog? I'd like to hear that or know how it feels.


    2) I've seen videos where they use more than one instrument to play in the SS, Has anyone tried that?


    3) If you don't have a mixer, can I connect a keyboard into the left input and another one into the right input if for some reason I only have this option to play both in a rehearsal?



  4. >>hey folks, weeks ago some users were talking about the center point stereo spacestation, I'm planning to buy a keyboard amp and it interests me, however is seems so small, I usually play hard rock zeppelin and deep purple-like, I imagine the high distorted guitars and loud drums covering all the keyboard sound, isn't it like that? I mean, I would like it to compete at least with an marshall mg50 up to 10 <<


    You won't have any trouble keeping up with the Marshall MG50 but nothing much above that one. If you add a bass cabinet (I use a Gallien-Krueger MB112 - 200w and only 30 lbs) you can crank it higher because the spacestation doesn't need to handle all the bottom and bottom, not being directional, doesn't suffer from not going through the Spacestation; if I REALLY need crank it up, I also add a K-8 sitting right on top of the SS3. The output from the SS3 is full range, so I set the K8 to handle primarily the top-top, let the SS3 handle the middle (the leslie sound is unbelievable from it) and the G-K handles the bottom. I find this is enough power for anything short of an outdoor concert, but I play blues, so if you're playing hard rock with a couple of guitar players in the group, your mileage may vary....


    Thanks Elliot, that's interesting

    I usually play in gigs with 150 people, do you think it will have enough power for that?


    Besides that, I play the bass lines too in many bands (The doors and soulive style), do you think theSpacestation has what it needs to play very loud bass lines with mid and high semidistorted hammond sounds?

  5. Hey guys, I'm doing some research to buy an amp for my sk1, I'm considering using the Center Point Stereo Spacestation V.3. I usually play in gigs with 150 people. The guitarrist with I use to play uses a 50W Fender Pro Reverb with distortion. In the band ussualy things get very loud and I'm afraid that the Pro station couldn't manage that. What do you think?


    Besides that, I play the bass lines too in many bands (The doors and soulive style), do you think theSpacestation has what it needs to play very loud bass lines with mid and high semidistorted hammond sounds?

  6. hey folks, weeks ago some users were talking about the center point stereo spacestation, I'm planning to buy a keyboard amp and it interests me, however is seems so small, I usually play hard rock zeppelin and deep purple-like, I imagine the high distorted guitars and loud drums covering all the keyboard sound, isn't it like that? I mean, I would like it to compete at least with an marshall mg50 up to 10


    My other option is to buy Behringer Ultratone K3000FX, I've read very good reviews of it and its price and power is very very convincing


    What do you think?

  7. JMcS, it's just to make the problem more noticeable. In big amps, it can be heard with normal treble.



    Now, talking about the hardware: Has anyone notice problem with the keys?. Since january I had to clean 3 times some parts inside the sk1 because some keys don't sound with the propper attack or simply don't sound if you don't hit them strong enough.



    Just to know if its normal or it's just me who isn't treating the sk1 right.

  8. hey, I was showing my musician friends my new sk1, they asked me

    "what artist do use this?"


    the only think I was able to answer was: "Well, most artist just use the vintage hammonds, like the b-3, but I don't know wich use this one"



    It wasn't what they were specting, so, what do you recommend me to answer next time? What artist do use this keyboard?

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