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Posts posted by Losendoskeys

  1. Uni - omni will pickup the drums if you have a drummer!

    Been using a Shure Beta 53 for 5 years now -expensive but worth it, crystal clear.


    Thanks - I'll have a look at it


    SORRY! Got that wrong - I have the Beta 54 which is supercardiode - the 53 is omni.

    I see it has been discontinued and replaced with the WBH54 - Elmer mentioned the 53 above.

    It's £300+ however


  2. Not sure. Ray Gerlich (spelling) over at Hammond-Suzuki could tell you better. Not sure how many people have had both boards.

    Can't get hold on anyone at Hammond Support - ignoring my emails.

    Got a direct email for Ray?

  3. Getting an SKX is not in my financial or practical use future but just out of curiosity do the SKX's have pitch & mod wheels? That's one of the 2 Achilles heels on the SK1 but I see they fixed the other - not being able to play more than one extra voice at a time.


    No unfortunately

  4. Thanks guys.

    It's more about the ergonomics than anything else - having more patches readily available is a good thing for me.

    Better layout is another

    I don't think the extra voices will be useful though you never know.

    And I found one at a good price which is only ex-demo, so not much cost to change up.


    I believe I've found someone who supplies a suitable 11 pin to Vent cable so that should be fine.

    I'll let you know!




  5. As a Gabriel/Hackett era fan I'm not interested - don't think I could stand hearing Say Its Alright Joe or the other pop stuff amongst any prog they resurrect.

    Happy to be playing their music with Los Endos Ultimate Genesis and keeping it alive - Hackett does (in his own way) but the rest don't.

    I did see Mike and the Mechanics last year doing a few numbers - More Fool Me, Turn It On Again - it was truly awful

  6. This is great! One Tony Banks fan would like to know if during this analog wave, somebody would release a pro-soloist keyboard.... just like the original in every way, except build quality. :whistle:

    I have the ProSoloist Rack + from Joachim Verghese.

    I have been using it for 10 years and it is totally utterly reliable - just add a MIDI keyboard.

    You don't need it to look the same shape as long as it sounds absolutely the same - and it does!

  7. The trouble all the old guys face now is some Tributes sound better.

    On Fremont Street I saw a Steppenwolf Tribute that was impressive.

    Captured all sounds and vocals were spot on.

    The AC/DC Tribute out of Nashville is also that good.

    Other tribs, and I"ve seen most are good, but don"t capture the total sound.

    Sure, there"s recordings that are better, but live is where the rubber meets the road.


    Loved Crimson though.


    No-one can do a tribute to Crimson, they are in a complete league of their own.

  8. I use the Samson SM10 10 channel mixer to mix my own vocals and six synths (two mono three stereo) and a Radial ProD8.

    8 channels to the FOH desk.

    The sound man knows the music so it all works, but the SM10 gives me the option to go 2 channels if need be.

    Excellent mixer.

  9. Are you saying Tony only went to "cover" his own songs? :laugh:

    It's more about the level to which you go to reproduce a track and which version you play - live or studio.

    You've gone for studio. I've gone for something half way because I can't add in the organ any other way.


    I know that Tony didn't do live what you or I do for instance, and missed the organ out completely.

    I prefer to add in the organ and sacrifice the left hand.

    I'm sure there will be other songs where i do more than you, it's just how it goes and what is physically possible in some cases.


  10. The mapping of the Kurzweil is eye opening -- especially to someone (like me) who has never programmed a keyboard. I would have assumed there's no way to simultaneously play those organ and piano parts. Wrong!

    I have a Shine On You Crazy Diamond Multi for my Kurz that works similarly.


    I hold the G min string pad -1st inversion, with octaved G - but the stacked bass program's G is mapped to/triggered by the Bb I'm holding as part of the string pad chord, not the low G; then, I can change to the Cmin chord - 3rd inversion, with octaved G again - without really changing my hand position...and the bass note is now triggered by the C, even though the lowest note I'm playing is still a G.


    What Ian is doing is obviously more involved...but the same basic idea.



    Yes -- and I imagine such techniques would be essential to reproducing the studio recordings of bands such as Pink Floyd and Genesis.

    Funny how we find different ways of dealing with the multitrack problem.

    For Ripples I play the piano arpeggio on the lower keyboard of the SK2 and the organ on the upper - don't think you notice the left hand is missing because of the rest of the band parts

  11. You need more gear Ian! :laugh::crazy:


    Hoping to catch Ian and his rig in the UK next year to compare notes!

    Yes - encoring with Suppers Ready certainly whips the fans into a frenzy!


    BTW The Pianet N and T are quite different - the N uses an electrostatic pickup and the T electromagnetic.

    In the N reeds are plucked by electrostatic pick-ups and leather and foam pads, in the T, reeds are plucked by silicone rubber pads.

    They don't sound the same at all

  12. What are these "millimeters" you speak of?

    Those are the things the rest of the world deals with for measurement - a bit like the "World" Series in reverse. Only America plays in it, go figure!


    Don't worry, here in England we never did adopt those nasty things properly so we have a halfway house with miles/Km/lbs/Kg in random places.

    Maybe with Brexit we can go back to Imperial measurements :like:

  13. Thanks for the many suggestions. Finding a used VMK-161 is not easy and I would not want to spend more than my 73-key P-121 costed.

    So I suppose I will continue traveling with a roof box for a while...

    I'll give the Go Piano and the other options a try, though, if I see them in some shop.


    I just bought a Go:Keys - same format but more sounds - for £130 slightly used on EBay :like:

    Sounds great!



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