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Posts posted by PianoManChuck

  1. We have a Global Supply Chain problem that's causing most products to experience massive delays from the time that you order a product to the time that you receive it.

    While this problem is a multi-faceted problem, I've put together a video that covers the shipping portion of these delays.

    While this video will definitely educate the viewers as to the shipping portion of the problem, its just one of the global problems happening that's causing the entire industry to go into chaos.


    Here's the video: [video:youtube]

  2. Thanks for your kind words AussieKeys... much appreciated!


    You've pretty much summed it up with the AC Power Supplies - yes, they're heavier but with the increase in weight also comes an increase in capability/usefulness! You no longer have to worry about finding the right type of 'connector' or dealing with the proper type of polarity, etc. The DC bricks (if you can even find a decent one out there) will power one device, while the AC power supply will power as many as you like (as long as you keep it under the total wattage the power supply offers). Also, the heavier the AC power supply weighs, the better it is (that translates to a much more capable battery in terms of Watt Hours).... how cool is that :)


    Those RavPower DC units I recommended years ago were discontinued by RavPower.... I got sick of the entire DC power supply scene with the proper connectors, polarity, single-use, and finding it harder and harder to locate a decent unit (since RavPower stopped making them).


    Anyway, much success with your quest to find a proper unit for you.



  3. If that works for you, then your search is over! It seems like you're in search of something ultra-light in weight and, if this device does what you need then you've reached your goal.

    I guess I'm more functionally oriented and if the DieHard will provide AC power of 400 Watts all day long, powering not one, but all of my gear simultaneously, then the extra weight is a welcome compromise.

    Both of these items are approximately the same price.

    If you do end up getting the RavPower device, I would be extremely curious in learning of your experience with it!

  4. Cool, but for the task at hand (quick wedding setup), I was thinking of something much smaller and lighter, like the one this guy suggested, if it's got enough power whatever board in question...

    Funny.... "like the one this guy suggested".... that guy was actually me! And that video was referring to an excellent DC power supply made by RavPower. The only problem is, RavPower has stopped making those a while back and they're almost impossible to find now. That's why I did a 180 on DC power supplies and went with portable AC power supplies instead. Sure its bigger and heavier, but it will power anything, and pretty much all day, so to me its worth schlepping it to whatever outdoor gig I have.

  5. I don't even bother with whether its battery powered or not anymore. Now I use a DieHard 1150 which supplies many hours worth of AC power at 400 Watts, so you can power any gear you have... you could practically power a band with this!

    I did a video review of it powering a Nord Piano 4, QSC CP12 and a floor fan:



  6. Its comforting to hear the varied experiences of other musicians as far as music in their minds.


    To expand on that, I've also found that (since I was a little kid), I had the ability to actually practice playing the piano in my mind (you could see slight movement of my fingers as it was happening). I was able to correct problem spots as I "practiced" in my mind. It also worked for rehearsals as I'd actually go over problem spots of songs while driving to the rehearsal. Additionally, it was a way of 'keeping up my skills' if I was away for a period of time (ie: summer camp as a kid, vacations, etc).

  7. I also "see" sort of floating piano keys playing the notes I'm hearing. Anyone else have that?

    Not quote "see" or "floating piano keys", but I know every single note I'm hearing as I hear it, and exactly where on the piano they're at. I don't "see" it, but the best I can do to explain it would be that I "feel" it.

  8. It seems like I find myself with music playing in my head much more often than I did pre-Covid. Is it just me or are others experiencing this too?


    I call this how lovers of music get through the day. It"s a blessing.

    I think you pretty much nailed it! It definitely helps getting through the day during a pandemic!

  9. Good point that RD88 includes SN pianos... though in the list of expansion compatibility, it shows SN sounds being able to be downloaded into the Fantom but not the RD. Whether this is because the RD doesn't support downloading additional SN sounds or simply that the currenntly available downloadable SN sounds were already in the RD and so redundant, I don't know.

    When Fantom was released, it didn't have any SN sounds (not piano or anything else), that's why SN piano became available later for download into the Fantom.(other SN sounds came with a new OS release).

    RD already included SN right from the start.

  10. Seems everyone shares the same sentiment/prediction about Winter NAMM 2021.

    My business was hit hard, so I've been contemplating whether or not to renew my NAMM membership dues this year (coming up for renewal at the end of the month), knowing Winter NAMM 2021 most likely won't happen.

    I ended up paying the renewal dues just now because NAMM does so many good things with the money, and I wanted to make sure the hit they took by closing Summer NAMM (and most likely Winter NAMM) wouldn't damage them.

  11. I understand NAMM is currently working on virtual events that will be available to NAMM members in case the show is cancelled.

    I haven't missed a NAMM show in over 15 years, but I renewed my membership anyway (despite the possibility of NAMM 2021 not happening) due to all the good things NAMM does with this money... AND knowing there'll be some sort of virtual events happening for its members.

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