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Posts posted by lutefiasco

  1. Apparently SuperNatural strings and brass are in the beta 1.5 OS, along with other fairly significant bits and bobs. I"m still not quite there - even a list of changes in the OS update ( due by the end of the month) would probably push me over the line.
  2. It"s great. Some of the tuning stuff they"ve been adding is also really interesting, and I think it is or will be an AU soon. They also do the D1, which sells for $15 or so, and is full of shiny glittering 80s fabulous goodness.


  3. Went to check one out at the local GC. Got my head turned by the unexpected sight of a Sequential Prophet X. After an hour of pleasurable insanity there, when I did notice the ModX, I was too far elsewhere. Ill try again next weekend.
  4. LeesKeys - thanks for starting this thread; I've been wondering about some of these for a while. After some googling around, I stumbled upon a deal for the Peter Martin lessons - a coupon for the first month for $1 (plus $1 registration) - I'm not sure if the second month at $47 is mandatory or not (it was a bit unclear). Anyway, link/coupon here: http://tinyurl.com/jjnfb8o


    So, I've signed up for now...

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