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Posts posted by JAD

  1. http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y486/Sheherezadeh/JADRig1_zps57510fa3.jpg


    This was for a one-off gig. My normal rig is usually a variation on this, without the Vortex or little instruments, and usually with the NE373, XS8, sometimes the Tetra is triggered by an RD600, and I frequently substitute a Triton Extreme 61 for either the JP-8000 or Ion. I also usually run the Tetra through some Moogerfoogers and an Eventide Space. I'll get a picture of how it usually looks later.

  2. Ahoy, I'm 28 and live in Northern Virginia (Fairfax County). I've been playing keyboards on and off for 17 years. Just at home initially, but for the last 8 I've been playing out more and more, mostly at church or for fun in bands generally comprised of buddies. Music isn't my vocation, but I enjoy it a lot, so I've invested quite a bit of time and money into it. I also play bass, guitar, mandolin, drums, saxophone, and noodle around with a few other instruments.


    I suppose I'd consider myself essentially a hard/classic rock player, but tinges of a lot of other genres thrown in. Jazz has been a fairly constant music listening interest, with metal declining over time and electronic genres and blues rising. My goal this year is to further my knowledge of synthesis and get more into jazz and blues piano.


    My current keyboard rig is a Yamaha Motif XS8, Nord Electro 3 73, and Alesis Ion, all run through a Roland KC-550. In the next few weeks I'm going to be purchasing an Access Virus TI2 to replace the Ion, and adding a Neo Ventilator and Ocean Beach DB-1 to the Electro to pass the GAS for the 4D. I also have a Yamaha Motif ES rack, Kurzweil PC-88 MX, Casio WK-3500, and Alesis NanoSynth at home.

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