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Posts posted by Charleston

  1. Maybe the cutaways on the sides of back aid in speaker projection? If not, is it all coming from the bottom? 

    I'm really interested in the speaker quality. 

    I like the sound of my P-125 built-in speakers. Curious to know how the CK compares.

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  2. 1 hour ago, D. Gauss said:

    Played a crowded, biker dive bar last night for drunken St. Patty's day. (Least fave night to gig after new year's eve.) Anyhoo, needed to play B3 on one single song. (rest of night i was geetar guy).  Brought tiniest setup i could that (hopefully wouldn't get destroyed).  Yammie Reface YC triggering VB3 in Ipad mini on a rockband ministand with an EH Lester going to my geetar amp (50's Tweed bassman).  Set it behind the subwoofer on my side of the "stage" (um, floor) to hopefully shield against drunken mayhem. Despite not one, but two different drunk girls falling down and knocking into it on separate occasions, it survived admirably. ;) 




  3. On 2/15/2023 at 3:06 PM, vonnor said:

    Good suggestions, thank you guys. My main issue is lots of pain in the balls of my feet and part way down the tarsal arch towards the heel. Never really have any issues with the sustain pedal since I double route both sustain pedals through Cantabile on the laptop to the Piano sound source for a given song, then I just switch off left foot to right foot on the damper if needed.


    ~ vonnor

    Sound like you are wearing shoes that put your weight on the balls of your feet, and probably have arch "support" (which btw makes the arch weaker). They also probably have tight toe boxes and don't allow your toes to spread out ( spread toes creates a proper natural arch). 

    If you aren't already, the 1st thing to try is flatter shoes with wider toe boxes. Watch SquatUniversity YT videos on the topic if needed.

    Also, if you're calves/hams are tight, and/or your knees stay bent too much and further over your toes, etc... that can also contribute (or be the cause).

    Also, toe spacers (with wider toe boxes) can help.

    But yeah, standing on one foot playing keyboards in that position for long periods of time can get cha in the feet, knees, hips, back, etc...

  4. 11 minutes ago, cphollis said:

    Here's a place to begin -- a "portable power station" here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095Y6ZTR1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1


    These are slick little units.  I did the math for my trio and gear at a beach wedding, and figured we could run 4+ hours, so fine for 3 hours of music.   They are also great when the power is out, camping trips, etc. so handy things in general.  It is not light.  


    While there is an argument to be made for self-contained amp+battery units (e.g. convenience), using separate speakers and (battery) power means you can scale your rig up or down as needed: more watts, longer duration, play louder, etc.  

    When it comes to emergencies, mine is crucial for running my CPAP machine during a power outage, and my portable solar panels will recharge it if necessary. I'd like another one for my chest freezers.

  5. 22 minutes ago, miden said:

    I'm trialling the Blofeld (keyboard version) at the moment, but this new Roland 61 might be ok...I do prefer the 49 keys, but with all the other "doo dads" might make it appealing - no AT does make it a stretch though, even if it IS cheap!

    I just watched the Blofeld video by AudioPilz. If you haven't seen it, or his channel, he does some interesting/humorous takes on synths.

  6. 3 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:

    I'm not aware of any difference in the actions between the YC and CP of the same size. I believe the higher end NW-GH in the 88 is triple sensor, the lower cost and lighter weight BHS action in the 73 is not. Have you seen something to the contrary?


    Ooops! I should have said on the 88's. 

    I am seeing NW-GH for the CP88, and NW-GH3 for the YC88, on Sweetwater and Yamaha's site. 

    But now I see some others say the CP88 has NW-GH3.

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