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Everything posted by Markay

  1. The last of the Ferrari team arrived last night. Today Italy was added to our CV 14 day quarantine list.
  2. Indeed - let's say they do have a potential vaccine in 3 months. Then there are human trials and assuming it all goes perfectly with the first trial, the ramp up to produce hundreds of millions to billions of doses. 12 months will be an amazing achievement if they pull it off, but I'd expect it to take longer than that. Well I have to disagree and maybe the sole dissenter from that view on the planet. We are not talking about trials here on people in a remote Scottish village when for example statins were being trialled as the miracle cure for high cholesterol. Shame that only lasted two years cause I was getting statins for free until they got authorised under the PBS in Australia. We are talking about a rerun of HIV. Then I was on the pointy end of the impact of HIV on shareholders, with zero interest on the impact on individual lives. There were arms offered up by those infected by HIV everywhere in the world to test the new vaccines, and the rate at which HIV went from a certain killer to low mortality set a new benchmark. That was the late eighties, medical science has moved on since then and now has real live patients to work with. Let face it you don't die from Covid-19, you die from the complications, for example when an abscess on the wall of the lung bursts and you get complications from the resultant hole in the wall of the lung. All treatable in a first world medical institution. Sadly the majority of the world's population does not live in a first world country.
  3. Well the Unversity lab in Melbourne Australia that first cracked the Covid 19 code said that the fastest that a vaccine has been developed so far for other viruses is 3 months. Guess they should have consulted some keyboard players first before stating that fact.
  4. I am now in Melbourne looking forward to being in the grandstand at what may be the last GP run in front of spectators until we have the corana virus pandemic under control. Ferrari's pantomime about not coming here unless they got special treatment was entertaining, Ferrari is based in northern Italy after all, so our goverment removed Italy from a list of countries from which arrivals, which now includes Iran, must be quarantined for 14 days on arrival. I know Grandstand seats were sold out several weeks ago as I had to adjust my day job invites to accomodate a short notice corporate guest from overseas and could not buy another seat, but I suspect there will be many empty seats now as the infection rate climbs and do not congregate in large numbers warnings are now being widely circulated. The China GP has been cancelled and Bahrain will be run without spectators so it may be a TV only race for sometime during this season. Interesting times. Will post some pics, but not of the Ferrari pits as I am not going near them.
  5. I have never found any need to get my hands dirty with Mac OS. It comes with native audio and midi drivers which are easily accessed inside MainStage. Sometimes folk ignore the fact that Apple is the provider of all the software needed for live gigging and they have done a lot of research and testing to make sure it all works nicely together. With Windows as you say it is almost essential to get your hands dirty. Before I switched to MainStage I had a reliable Windows gig laptop running Cantabile and Brads guide linked above is a really good guide on how to configure a Windows gig machine.
  6. This part of the conversation is heading down an unintended rabbit hole. The point was that there is additional overhead when using VI's inside a scripting wrapper like Kontakt or UVI player. With adequate machine resources no issues. And yes load an effect like convolution reverb, including Logic's Space Designer and you can quickly eat up resources. One of the reasons I am switching to Logic's modelled Chromaverb.
  7. Rob, lets take one NI example, the recently released Noir by Galaxy Instruments, again from the NI website " System requirements: Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT (Version 6.0.4 or higher)." Here is the NI website LINK Look under "At a glance". MainStage has a CPU, Memory and disk usage live meters which tells you what resources are being used by each AU. When I load Kontakt ot UVI player without an instrument loaded inside them, I see them using resources. Load the desired VI inside them and resource usage goes up again.
  8. Which NI application is an AU host that runs inside Mainstage (or any other AU host)? Any NI VI that requires Konkakt. From the NI website, for example Kontakt Player 6 "FREE PLAYER FOR KONTAKT INSTRUMENTS, Hosts a huge selection of Native Instruments and third-party instruments". This and UVI are the major wrappers which third-party VI developers can use to short cut development time. For example Acoustic Samples B-5 requires the current version of UVI player be installed so you can use it. And there are all the IK VI's. Another major in the VI market. Same applies with any other host, for example Cantabile on Windows.
  9. I migrated from Windows + Cantabile + 3rd party VI's to MainStage and use, and have used, the AU version's of many mainstream VI's including those from NI. . The inescapable fact is that many 3rd party AU's need to run inside NI or UVI player which means added overhead because you are running a VI inside a host inside MainStage. How many instances you can run concurrently will be solely determined by available system resources. Typically modelled VI's like Pianoteq or VB3 are self contained and take up modest resources when run on current generation CPU's. But setting up multiple channels strips in a patch with several instance of Keyscape and Diva would blow out my machine. I have never had any instance where any Logic AU has had hung notes or other issues. Apple is the biggest AU supplier in the market and covers every base, they didn't get there making, or buying, flaky AU's that don't work together. The good thing about MainStage is you get all them plus GarageBand for $30, something no other live host can come remotely close to matching. But on the other hand you haven't wasted a cent if you choose not use them.
  10. Hey Jerry, Great to catch up in Sydney, I was going to PM you re the surf errosion at Collaroy beach, where we saw the cover band, and guess what it is all happening again this weekend. Hard to credit after a years worth of rain in 2 days and the smoke you had to put up with during your visit to Sydney. Remember I mentioned the "lucky country", some how nature takes care of us and finally puts the bush fires out. For the benefit of other MS users Tusker is a great guy who really knows his MS stuff. Pay attention. And Jerry, a coastal holiday home here in Aus is the best choice, hope the pics convinced your better half. BTW Jerry is real responsible drinker, doesn't have the same appetite to be led astray as I and CowboyNQ have when we are let loose without supervision. Possibly explains why I definitively need the split points spelt out loud and large by the third set in MS in performance mode.
  11. Great to see the number of power users of MainStage now on KC. When I first joined here as an MS 2 user on Lion the overwhelming sentiment was that MS couldn't or wouldn't cut it onstage as a substitute for hardware. As for backup I upgrade my gig machine every two or three years, and keep the old machine as backup. I am now now on my third machine, it takes about 90 seconds to copy my current MS concert onto my backup laptop. I take both machines to gigs but have have never needed the backup. But if it ever happens its a 60 second swap. Regarding this Murphy character in my day day job we contract to provide 99.9% uptime. In 20 years we have managed to meet that target, so contrary to the work experience of the many IT experts here, IT can be incredibly reliable. As a thirty year Amex card holder they have achieved a 100% uptime in reminding me of how much I owe them and I don't see why I cannot get close that with a well managed laptop. Plus I will not use third party AU's live that don't play well well together or are resource hogs. The extensive range of AU's that come free with MainStage means that with a few exceptions all my synth needs can be met with these including Alchemy, a leading synth that has dropped from view since Apple bought it. Still like Diva and Repro but for pop synth sounds there is a lot you can get from the included AU's.
  12. I just got logged out, but help desk 101 - have you tried turning you machine off and on again?
  13. I had thought about posting this video and pointing you out, but wasn't sure if you'd dig being exposed a big keyboard n3rd... too late now, ya big n3rd!!! Finally reached life's highest achievement. Nah you'll be on the A list now and in demand from producers of every keyboard clip from now to eternity. Plus you can be a life saver when the artist wants to plug their FC7 in.
  14. Have you turned all reverb off in Pianoteq? Ravenscroft may have some reverb baked into the samples but turn any reverb adjustment back to zero also. You want a completely dry sound playing in what is effectively an echo chamber.
  15. Well I'm guessing that as a tribute band you are trying to replicate how the song sounds on a recording rather than a cover band approach which tailors the song to the abilities of the band members and near enough is all the punters expect. So your process, time consuming as it is, seems about right. Depending on the material I find the "key" keyboard parts vary in the mix depending on playback source and different again when rehearsing. For example my car's sonic signature, plenty of thrumping bass, sounds different to my playing along with same track listening on B&W cans. Then carefully crafted sound and much practised playing gets buried in the mix at a rehearsal, and second run through using for example, a more shrill synth sound, or a wurly and not a rhodes, sounds better in the live mix but shite isolated in the cans at home. So, as an real average koala bear, learning my parts and plenty of rehearsal is the only way I can deliver something I think lives up to the song. I can always "make it my own" but not sure that is what the audience at a tribute band show expect.
  16. Wow a smorgasbord of MI investment opportunities this week. Another just hit my inbox. For those who are interested in returns. (Maybe) "An opportunity to invest in one of the biggest music biopics of 2020 covering the short life of the greatest music manager of all time - Brian Epstein, The Man Behind The Beatles. Investors are set to see their initial investment returned with a 20% uplift before we as a studio begin receiving profits, once you are in profit, final round investors continue to see returns of 25% from all sales of the film for perpetuity."
  17. Yes he did Fleer, there was an interview telling the story on the ABC here which was shown also in the UK on the BBC and elsewhere. Here is the link to news story I am in regular contact and am helping with the rebuild planning. The power poles were burnt out for 20 miles either side and roads were not reopened for 3 days. It was only then that those who had been locked out for 3 days prior to fire hitting on the Saturday were able to re enter and find out if their homes had been destroyed, about 20 were plus other buildings typical of a small rural community. Steves wife was on the outside. He told me that for the first two nights after the fire, although he wasnt cold, he lay in bed shivering. There are probably 10,000 people throughout Australia feeling like that today. Bear in mind that this is just NSW, every other state is just as badly hit except QLD and the NT, at the moment. The only sealed road between the West coast - Perth and the East Coast - Adelaide, has been closed for a week and will probably be closed for another two weeks due to fire's on the Nullabor plains.
  18. It really worries me when folk say they will stay and defend. As I related on another thread when my friend lost buildings on his property in Balmoral village on the 21st December he had defended his place on several occasions before. He had aleady done as much as he could to seal these buildings against ember attack, had water spray and fire pumps on each building and water reserves set up. He turned all these on when the fire approached. But it did not hit as fire front from one directiion as in the past . His whole 4 acres exploded into fire at once leaving no way out. The water induction pipes into the fire pumps deformed due to the heat, cutting of the water supply and game over. Exit road on fire, no option left but get in his ceramic material coffin shelter with a bottle of water and wait. An indication of the heat in the fire is that a collection of porcelain works ready for a forth coming exhibition that were stored in the pottery were found reduced to a fine talcum powder like dust after the fire. Regretably his will be but just one of thousands of similar experiences to date and for several months to come.
  19. Well seems like this fire has been contained just south of Eden for now: EMERGENCY WARNING â Border Fire (Bega Valley LGA) Fire is burning S of Eden & has impacted Wonboyn, Kiah, Narrabarba & surrounds. It has also spread west toward Burragate. If you are in or near Eden monitor conditions. Know what to do if fire threatens. #nswrfs #nswfires #alert 11:25 AM - Jan 5, 2020
  20. EMERGENCY WARNING â Border Fire (Bega Valley LGA) If you are in the area of Womboyn, Kiah, Narrabarba, Towamba, Burragate, Eden and surrounds, you are at risk. It is too late to leave. Seek shelter as the fire approaches. #nswrfs #nswfires #alert 9:37 PM · Jan 4, 2020
  21. Not looking good for Dennis. From the Guardian and ABC: We are getting reports that people are being moved from evacuation centres in Eden, on NSW"s far south coast, towards Merimbula. Fires burning just north of the Victorian border, including the Poole Road fire, are spreading quickly and emergency warnings have been issued. The southerly change is generally moving those fires on the NSW-Victorian border to the north. ð§Kelly Bowman @KellyBowman2 #firesNSW The message came through on local ABC there are buses evacuating 300 people and people have been told to evacuate to Merimbula from Eden. 7:38 PM - Jan 4, 2020
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