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Everything posted by Markay

  1. Well next time your imagination is running riot on the the possibility of theft why not let it wander into the realm of the Kensington lock. And I don't know how many rack units the military take into combat zones but I do know they take laptops. Google is your friend for further info, for example "Amrel".
  2. I am not familiar with Cubase but effect plugins can be controlled by midi as described above in Logic/MainStage.
  3. Yes L'otary controls can be mapped to midi CC's sent by controller. For example, fast/stop/slow to a mod wheel. Overdrive to a rotary encoder. You can also save a set of settings to a user defined preset and use a midi control on your controller to switch between your L'otary user presets.
  4. Once you add guitar pedals to the mix there are many more. Based on my experience with the Boss RT-20, which I use occasionally with guitar, but once plugged in after VB3 and found it vastly inferior to the VB3 sim, leaving the guitar orientated pedals off the list is not going to mean anyone misses out on a killer rotary pedal for keys.
  5. Implicit in concept of determining the split point and the boundaries of the floating range per split is the notion that you know, when you set it up, what the requirements are to play a specific piece. For improvisation where you could be playing different notes in a different sequence in each split every time yes, floating splits are not yet up to, or suited to, anticipating your next move.
  6. There isn't a default in MainStage, you split wherever needed and as many times as needed, and adjust the pitch of each split to sound whatever pitch or octave is required.
  7. Not if you follow the rules. If the previous note was played in the upper split and the next note is played below the split point, but within the range you have defined below the split as the floating range for the upper split, then it will sound the sound assigned for the upper split. Also you can transpose each split by octave so the pitch sounded is correct irrespective of where it is played on the keybed. All described in the MainStage manual, might be worth reading it.
  8. Oh yeah! Congrats! +1 Can't wait for the three way shootout review.
  9. I am really confused about the application of business ethics to the MI industry. When discussing semi-conductors, replicating circuit designs that have long been in the public domain raises serious ethical issues, while in the organ world there is wide ranging support for any one who can best clone the original. Never once have I read that anyone has ethical issues in buying something that replicates a B3 nor has anyone suggested Nord, Korg, Roland, Crumar et al should politely ask Hammond Suzuki for permission to clone their IP, which has also long been in the public domain. Do some refuse to buy a DP that clones the sound of a C7 unless the manufacturer has written permission from Yamaha?
  10. I dunno, Rolling Stones, and I know everyone will agree, except Malcolm Young, who set out to show em up as having sloppy timing.
  11. The internecine war of opinions seems to flare more often than not in most Behringer threads here. FWIW my experience, n=1, with Behringer mixers and DI's has been overwhelming positive over the past five years. I also owned a Behringer K3000FX which to my ears, and based on other opinions of the Roland KC range, sounded about as good. But someone bought it in perfect working condition within 5 days of putting thé ad up. My take on Behringer is that they have for the first time made entry level gear available to the millions of young muscicians who are not members of this forum, and PA's to thousands of low rent venues that would not exist if they had to pay what the established players charge. More power to them, when has à low cost alternative been something that should be run out of town?
  12. When my wife says that, after years of exploring all possible options, I have found it is best to STFU and just do it - NOW
  13. Its not rocket science, Logic/MainStage's Vintage B3 has a built-in option to select an SK/XK as the controller, also Roland VK, Korg CX and Electro. If VB3 were not a legacy app I guess Guido would have mapped it as an option by now. Maybe this type of mapping is what AcousticSamples have in mind for the next update to B5.
  14. I don't understand your point. Everything that Aspen posted that was reasonable is here to read. The multiple violations DB mentions he cleaned up, and asked Aspen not to repeat, were deleted before most of us got to read them. It is clear that Aspen, even after multiple violations, and his acknowledgement of the amount of free advertising and promotion this thread has generated for the SSV3, chose not to stay within the rules. The end.
  15. Just finished watching Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man documentary on late night TV. Includes concert with an eclectic selection of artists covering Cohen's songs including Anohni, Nick Cave, Rufus Wainwright. [video:youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bFnZjrqV1Ds
  16. If Sgt. Pepper is prog then its twin, The Mothers of Invention 'We're Only In It For The Money' must be prog too.
  17. On further reflection if proto prog started out as experimental rock then I think Jimi Hendrix was the first artist to bring prog rock to a global audience.
  18. Thanks Jerry - I will study it closely and polish up on my genres - although I reserve the option to think of all of it as just music. Actually back on the day there were just two types of music that mattered - the first type was that which your girlfriend of the moment would listen to and go to concert with you to see and second type was what she wouldn't listen to or go to a concert to see. I think the second was called prog rock.
  19. An early Roxy Music concert would have had a quite different set list to the direction that Ferry took once they charted. I guess we should also note the embryonic Kraftwerk from 1970 prior to the electronic format that I first became aware of in about 1974. Some interesting experimental music came out of Germany in parallel with what was being made in the UK and US during the 70's.
  20. Karelia suite, many may be familiar with this. For those who are not this is worth watching. [video:youtube]
  21. I seem to have started out in a genre free zone and never caught up. Music was either mainstream charting or not. My first exposure to what retrospectively seems to be classified as prog rock leant heavily on re-inventions of the classics, Brandenbuger, Sibelius Karelia Suite (with bowed electric bass) by The Nice, Mozart and Beethoven on Vanilla Fudges ' The Beat Goes On', Tull's Bouree (Bach) and Pathetique (Beethoven) in By Kind Permission Of, followed a year or so later by Pictures at an Exibition. Along side this was The Piper at the Gates of Dawn but maybe that was 'pop' as See Emily Play charted in the top 40 out here. King Crimson I guess would be prog, Robert Fripp definately, but not sure what genre Brian Eno falls into, Pop when in Roxy music, ambient later?
  22. So your comments about percussion are directly related to the "ease of access of other sounds" comment made by Outkaster. Your snide suggestion that Outkaster should be "outed" as a biased Hammond endorsee who mindlessly praises anything that has the Hammond name printed on it breaks new ground for this forum. How about coming clean on the facts that support your comments. I will publicly retract these comments if you can factually demonstrate the link between "other sounds" and "percussion" and provide indisputable evidence that all positive comments made on this forum about HS products are only made by disclosed or undisclosed Hammond endorsers.
  23. Agree the Melda sounded sweet. I have L'otary and it is definitely an improvement on the VB3 sim. But I no longer use it live. The combination of VB3 wrapped in 32 Lives plus L'otary in high CPU mode eats all available resources in MainStage on my machine leaving little over for other instruments in a spilt.
  24. So by way of comparison how many other speaker manufacturers that paid for a booth at NAMM to showcase their product immediately turned their gear off when you asked them, and then welcomed you back to their booth for a second or third time?
  25. In, while Halloween is relatively low key over here particpating in this reminds me of the giant pumpkins we saw at this time of the year when traveling several years ago through Bird in Hand, PA.
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