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Posts posted by arX

  1. It's time for the same old "are Nords too expensive?" debate.


    Anybody might conclude that given its particular features the Wave 2 is not for them. The same person might say "but I'd buy it for $500." That's not the same as making an objective assessment of value for the dollar. A serious discussion about value has to try to weed out anyone's subjective needs.


    Quality hardware is expensive, and Nords are bristling with it. My biggest criticism of legacy Nord synths is that they pair quality control surface hardware with a budget keyboard. Finally Nord has stepped up its game, but of course that entails a cost.


    It's often been pointed out that operating out of Sweden means meeting tougher environmental and recycling standards. Speaking for myself, I'll pay extra for that and consider it an investment in my children's future.

    Argument well made.

  2. :2thu:


    As mentioned in the global announcement sticky, things will probably continue to shift over time. We're in no hurry to hit any deadlines, so we can take our time and tweak things to our tastes.... :idk::cool:


    Man, this is the best fun. :D



    best forum 🙏🏼 may it long reign

  3. (now to test whether it will remember posts not read when I leave the site and come back. That would be new behavior vs. pre-update, but something I've hoped for for years.)

    Sadly, this doesn't seem to work. I hope it's on the list. If not, please add it. I *think* other UBB sites do it, but I'm not sure. Other fora do it, I know that for sure.

    *like* >.<

  4. A few little anomalies:


    Most threads when you click on them give the full path of links to where you are at the top of the page, i.e.:

    Musicplayer.com > forums > keyboard corner > etc


    But some of them for whatever reason only show musicplayer.com with nothing after that. A current example is the 70s Polysynth thread. (CLONK)

    The title of that thread is also missing in the browser window/tab top.

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