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Posts posted by MDCard

  1. Thank you for the quick reply. I should have been a little more careful on the TAD... it's actually a TAD 7025 S, which I believe is actually Chinese production. Here is Watford's blurb on it:


    This appears to be from the same factory as Groove Tubes 12AX7-M. The TAD item has smaller plates than the GT or the original Mullard. The plates are spot welded and follow the same structure as the Mullard. It has thick mica spacers and rugged mechanical construction. This has certainly helped as the item does have lower mechanical noise than the regular Chinese ECC83/12AX7.


    TAD claims that the TAD 7025-S delivers rich, harmonically complex tone and midrange warmth. In our tests the valve has proved to be very well balanced. The mids are warm yet not overblown with nice clear top end. Under distortion it did not go hard or fizzy like the regular Chinese valve instead it produced a nice firm balanced distortion. The microphonics level was also very low which along with the rounded sound makes this a great choice in Fenders.


    I've had the other TAD 7025 in previous amps and never liked it. This one seems quite different to me.

  2. Myles - I have a recently acquired Carol-Ann OD2r. Here are the current tubes:


    V1: TAD 7025

    V2(OD) and V4(PI): Ruby Chinese 12AX7B

    V3 (Loop): Sovtek 5751

    PTs: Tall Bottle Ruby 6L6GC


    Any suggestions for improvement?

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