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Justin Havu

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Everything posted by Justin Havu

  1. Thought I'd try something a little different yesterday--a morning AND an evening run. Ran my normal 2-mile route in the morning, and again in the evening. A little bit fatigued but I'll be ready to go back out tomorrow.
  2. Did 2.5 miles today in just under 30min. 60°F today, and no better way to take advantage of that!
  3. New live rig... http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/423286_3411264686647_1420890283_3420074_2126878069_n.jpg
  4. Did another 3 miles today. 44°F today, couldn't pass it up! I would like to start doing some more core exercises to help with my posture and such. Any recommendations?
  5. Looks like it could be some kind of sequencing software.
  6. MAN ALIVE! How's the Midiboard treating you? I had to trade mine for a Keystation 88 because while the action was in my mind, the best I've ever played, it was just too damn heavy for gigging! I miss it dearly.
  7. I did a search and didn't seem to find a topic like this, so let's see some pics of your studio and/or live rig! I'll start: My various rigs with my former band, BeyondBlue http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318555_2473159314599_1420890283_2938398_124200553_n.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/199901_1004689363768_1420890283_11308_7828_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/25248_1411094483642_1420890283_1113002_7159967_n.jpg My current live rig with various bands... I was in the middle of programming it when this pic was taken. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/394905_2982794455159_1420890283_3234143_1031903851_n.jpg And to round it out, a studio shot from tracking keyboards for my original band, (The Juice) http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/307205_2137525723969_1420890283_2543602_850575_n.jpg Your turn...
  8. Well, change of plans, I decided to do my usual 2-mile route. Finished in just under 20min.
  9. 44°F today! I'm shooting for 3 miles.
  10. I rather enjoy listening to music while I'm out running, sometimes I become one with it, and I forget that I'm running. Mind you, I'm still very aware of my surroundings. My music choice varies, but it gravitates towards more heavier stuff (Dream Theater has been my main choice for that) but I like to sometimes listen to my own music as well. It just depends on my mood.
  11. I'm jealous! It's THE MILL for me tonight.... Regards, Joe lol. I don't really do much running on the treadmill at the gym anymore--mostly outdoor running. I've just been doing some simple hill workouts. After approximately 5 minutes of brisk walking at 3.5MPH for warming up, I'll increase the incline to about 5%, I'll walk that for 2 minutes or so, then speed up to around 4-4.5MPH, almost a light jog, for around 5 minutes, then slow back down to 3.5. I'll increase the incline by 2.5%, and repeat the walk/jog routine--until I reach an incline of around 10-12%. Once there, I'll just alternate between walking for 2 minutes, then a light jog for 5 minutes. The main reason for this workout is to boost my cardio. I've only just recently started running/working out the morning of a gig, and when I go to play the gig, I feel more energized.
  12. Two more miles done today. Weather permitting, I'll be going out again tomorrow.
  13. Well, it was very unusually warm today for southern ME--47F. What better way to take advantage of it than a nice, long 45min run!
  14. SOME TUNES CARRY THE FIRE NEVER BREAK ME DOWN TAKING ME OVER My store can be found RIGHT HERE! My main ReverbNation site is HERE! Enjoy!
  15. Went to the gym, did quite a bit of core and back exercises. Looking forward to my run tomorrow. NOT looking forward to running in 32¤F temps, but it's gotta be done!
  16. Yeah, I'm not too worried about speed training--I'll save that for warmer weather. Right now, I'd like to up my distance/endurance. 2 miles is quite easy for me right now. Believe it or not, there's no snow on the ground right now. I could probably do a 2-miler right now if I wanted, (gotta get some food in me first, though.) I actually did 2 yesterday so I'm probably going to focus on strength training today.
  17. Is there any major difference between doing interval training on a treadmill and running outside?
  18. I started running last summer, with 2 miles two to three times a week. It's kinda hard to keep going in the winter months due to low temps (I live in southern Maine.) Listening to my iPod while I'm out running is fun, too. I almost zone out and while listening to music, I sometimes forget that I'm running. I'm currently working on upping my distance from 2 miles to maybe 3 or 4. I can do 2 easily, it's all about challenging myself.
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