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Posts posted by Dgas

  1. I used the following 8 pin din cable to build an interface to my Leslie 145. I modified an XM-47 Leslie interface box so I could control the 145 fast/slow speed using the SK Leslie control buttons. I built another cable to interface to a Vent (I bought 2 cables, same source). Cut the length down to avoid noise issues on the signal line (it is a 25' cable). All 8 din pins are wired out to the cable, just pick whatever pins/wires you need to wire to your preamp box. Great price considering the din plug is pre-wired.




  2. Does anyone know of a way to load tonewheel sets without having the presets change? For example, I'd like to use Jim's C2 tonewheel set but not lose my own "favorites" presets. I think my options are to either put in the tonewheel parameters by hand or reinstall all of my presets/patches after loading Jim's SETUP file. Either option is a lot of work. It would be helpful to have a parameter to selectively write-protect chosen patches/favorites; or some alternate method to load interesting patches or settings without nuking everything I've setup over a fairly long time. Perhaps there is way & I've just missed it?


  3. The organ and EV's cannot be separated at the 1/4" outputs. They can only be separated via the 8 pin adapter and there can be no digital Leslie there.


    Thanks, this confirms my findings. It seems unlikey (but certainly welcome) that this feature could be added via software release (independant organ-with-Leslie-sim & EV channel ouput). Perhaps HS would consider this on a future hardware version. It seems to me that the ability to use different amplifiers & EQ systems for piano & organ (with sim) is a desirable function and reasonable expectation.



  4. No.


    An adapter can be made for the 8 pin Leslie connector that can separate the signals though. It isn't available commercially in the US. I think Thomann(sp?) sells one in Europe.


    I have built an adaptor to allow me to get the organ signal out of the 8-pin Leslie jack & EV sounds out of the 1/4" jack...however....the organ signal does not have the Leslie simulator in it. Has anyone found a way to split organ with internal Leslie sim & EV on 2 different outputs for SK1/SK2?


    I PM'd you, but I believe the answer is buried somewhere in this thread. I think Pin 2 is the "leslie detect" pin, so if that is grounded the SK1 will think there is an external leslie and disable the internal sim. So I think if you don't ground that pin it should use the internal sim.


    Haven't tried this myself though...



    Thanks. I have tried grounding pin 2 with no effect; still no Leslie sim on 8-pin connector signal. It may not be possible to get the sim signal out of the 8-pin Leslie connector due to SK logic (signal flow may bypass sim on Leslie connector). I am still looking to see if anyone has had success splitting signals for EV & organ-with-internal-Leslie-Sim on SK1/SK2. I'd be perfectly happy using the internal SK Leslie sim however I have to use a Vent if I want to split EV & organ signals.


    Also, I PM'd you regarding inexpensive source for 8-pin din cable.

  5. No.


    An adapter can be made for the 8 pin Leslie connector that can separate the signals though. It isn't available commercially in the US. I think Thomann(sp?) sells one in Europe.


    I have built an adaptor to allow me to get the organ signal out of the 8-pin Leslie jack & EV sounds out of the 1/4" jack...however....the organ signal does not have the Leslie simulator in it. Has anyone found a way to split organ with internal Leslie sim & EV on 2 different outputs for SK1/SK2?

  6. quote zoooombiex

    " So selection #3 would only work for me if the bypass is off and I make a cable that pulls the organ from pin #1 (as described here




    The EV's would be isolated and accessible from the 1/4" outs.


    Selection #1 would work the same (regardless of how the bypass switch is set). I can pull organ from pin #1 and EV's from 1/4" outs.


    That would work, though it makes me wonder about options for the leslie effect. I use a vent now and it definitely sounds like I can pull a dry organ signal from pin #1 to use the vent for leslie. But if the SK2's sim is really on par with the vent I'd certainly be open to using that instead.


    So can you pull an organ-only sound from the SK2 that uses the SK2's internal sim? Based on what is written here (https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2338957#Post2338957) if you don't ground pin #2, the SK2 will not think an external leslie is connected. So would it follow that if you make a cable pulling the organ from pin #1 but leaving pin #2 ungrounded the SK2 will use its internal sim? "





    I too am looking at separating organ & EV signals. I'd like to run internal sim organ signal to a tube amp (Fender Deluxe) and piano signal to K10 powered speaker. I have tried wiring an 8 pin Din, pin 1 organ signal, pin 2 signal ground, float pin 5 instead of ground (Leslie detect). In this wiring configuration, there is no internal sim Leslie at pin 1, only dry organ. So far I haven't found a solution to wire internal simm leslie organ signal to 1 amp & piano to another amp. Anyone else have success with this? It would be great to have 2 small amps; 1 piano/1 organ, without having to buy a Vent (or carry a Leslie).

  7. OK maybe not the craziest but memorable nonetheless. Long ago we played a gig at a bar in the Vermont back country; I couldn't believe my good fortune to have found parking right next to the entry door. Easy load-in/load out. Shortly after unloading the gear, the doorman/bouncer kindly suggested that I move the van as it would likly become a puke magnet by patrons stumbling out the door later in the evening. I did move the vehicle & sure enough, later that evening a car in the same spot hopefully had a good wash the next day. A well informed doorman, I'd say. Bit of a dive joint but hey, even these can be interesting gigs in a twisted sort of way.
  8. I loaded release 2 on my SK-1 today; no problems. All of my custom patches are still accessible as well as my 10 "favorites" button assignments. I assumed the process would include an automatic factory reset and clear my custom settings however that was not the case. The new extended voices are installed as noted in the update notes. This update to release 2 was a quick & easy process.
  9. Spike, The 200 patches are split into 100 factory patches & 100 user defined patches. Initially (or upon factory reset)the user patches are copies of the factory patches.....alterable user patches U001 through U100 are identical to unalterable factory patch P001 through P100. You can select whatever you like from the 99 file capacity voice library, modify as desired, then save to a user patch location. You won't lose any sounds patches since the original user patch is still available as a factory preset patch. Pages 60-62 in the owner's manual describe how to save to a user patch location.


    I haven't loaded the new sound library yet; maybe this week.


  10. I have been running my SK-1 mostly though a Leslie 145 and on occasion though a 122 for organ sounds (Extended Voices through Fender Deluxe or Silverface Twin for now). I use a Leslie XM-47 or XM-122 to interface to the Leslie cabinets. Seems to work very well except the Leslie stop & Leslie slow/fast switches operate a little different then I would expect. Either the stop or the Fast/Slow switches can operate the Leslie speed control. A little quirky but no big deal. Has anyone else had similar experience with the XM-47 Leslie interface on the SK-1? Prior to getting the SK-1, I was gigging with an XK-1. I really appreciate the lighter weight & extended voices on the SK-1 over the XK-1. One of the 2 bands I play with is a guitar/keyboard gig for me so the smaller footprint of the SK1 is a real plus on the smaller stages.
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