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Posts posted by Dazzathedrummer

  1. Hi,


    In my band we have a really great keyboard play but he's not got much live experience and we're having some trouble getting his patch levels set consistently.


    He uses a Korg Kronos and a Behringer Deepmind, both stereo out into a Roland amp and we take the stereo out of the amp to the PA.


    I play keys a little but mainly in the studio for writing purposes - i'm an experienced producer so I'm trying to help hm out.


    My thinking is that he needs to set the master volumes of both boards to around 75% and run each board into a mixer with a VU meter (I have a small A&H he can use) - I would then suggest setting the patch levels (not the master) to hit around -6dB on the VU ensuring they don't go above 0dB when payed together - from that point I would adjust each patch for the desired balance and save the patches.


    Does that sound like a good approach? ...like I said, I'm not a live keyboard player - any advice would be great!


    Here"s a tribute band doing it - you can hear that pitch bend doesn"t really work as well (just after 6:10)...




    In this one you can see Mark Kelly switching the glide on/off over Steve Rothery"s shoulder...



    I guess that answers the question - thanks!


    All we"ve got to do now is figure out how to do this on a Kronos or a Juno 6.

  3. Yep - that"s the one.


    ...it is a glide? ...ok, great.


    So, I take it you would set the start point by holding the chord in a lower octave with the volume off and then hit the actual chord with the volume up and tweak the glide time to fit?


    By 'frequency sweep" I meant the frequency of the wave as opposed to a filter sweep - I"ll get the hang of the terminology one day I"m sure :D


  4. Hi,

    As you can guess, I'm mainly a drummer but I've dabbled with keyboards all my life and use them for writting and helping out with production with my own band.


    I'm currently in a Marillion tribute band and I'm wondering how Mark Kelly achived the frequency sweep (if that's what it is) sound on the opening chord of the section that begins with the line "The fool escaped from paradise" in the song Script for a Jesters Tear (I'm at work at the moment but will update this with a video later).


    Other tribute bands use pitch bend but it doesn't sound correct - the sweep sounds like it's covering a few octaves and starts in the bass frequencies. It's also a very consistant sweep - not something done by hand.

    I've messed about with glide settings on Logic's Retro synth but I can't get it to start consistantly from the right note.


    I'm just learning about analogue synths so please forgive my ignorance - does it sound like the pitch is being raised by a slow LFO? (I don't even know if that's a thing - but I'd love to learn more and figure out how to do this!).




  5. Hello,


    My Marillion tribute 'Brave" is in need of a keyboard player.


    We"re based in Cambridgeshire, we play songs from the entire back catalogue and we"re looking to gig once a month in medium sized ticketed venues.


    We"ve got a lot of interest from the Marillion community - we had some gigs lined up but had to cancel due to the keyboard player leaving.


    Happy to wait for the right person to get up to speed on the songs.


    Let me know if you"re interested.




  6. Hello!!


    I thought I'd sign up to a keyboard forum as I'm increasingly getting more and more work as a keyboard/piano player despite me being a drummer of some 20 years!


    I started playing drums at the age of 14 but ever since I was about 7 I'd always had a keyboard at hand and over the years have always contributed as a songwriter, to various bands that I've been with, by stabbing out chords (with no real knowledge of what I was doing - just finding things that I thought sounded cool).


    I've been a pro and semi-pro drummer all the way through, but back in 2007 I got a bit tired with not having much of an influence over the music that I was playing due to my position in the band so I decided that I'd build up a home studio (I have also learnt a lot about engineering and production as a result of hanging around studios after my drum parts were done), write an 'album' of my own material and put it out there for the fun of it.


    To do this I decided I'd need to master a front line instrument - I've always thought guitars were dumb and illogical, and always having had a keyboard around, the natural choice was Piano/Keys.


    I got myself a midi controller and set about teaching myself to play 'properly'....scales, chord scales and then figuring out some of my favourite songs, youtube has been a great help, check out Pianojohn113, I learned a lot from his vids - I mainly figure things out by ear though.


    Just under a year ago, a venue manager approached me after a gig (drumming) and asked if we could do an acoustic version of the set, I said 'yeah we can do a piano and acoustic guitar set' and he booked us for a mid-week gig.

    I set about putting a two hour set together, singing and playing piano on 50% of the set and singing and shaking percussion for the remainder with the guitarist.

    We got paid and the manager booked us up for a years worth of gigs - man it makes a big difference when you only have to split the money two ways!!!


    I guess my playing level at the moment is kind of 'Phil Collins'....not fantastic but I can probably entertain you with a song......I'd like to be more 'Tony Banks', I'll keep working at it haha.


    I've just been invited to play on a tribute gig to 'Dark side of the moon' with a line up of pretty serious local musicians.


    Gear: -

    -Technics P30 stage piano (borrowed, I'm waiting for a Kurz SP4/8)

    -Emu Xboard 61

    -Macbook Pro running SampleTank Piano collection2 and Vintage keys 2 (hosted in Reaper).


    Influences: -

    Phil Collins

    Peter Gabriel

    Kate Bush

    Rick Wright

    Peter Robinson


    Here's my youtube channel page - http://www.youtube.com/dazzathedrummer74


    Looking forward to convos with you!

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