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Everything posted by jpgxk3

  1. Hi Dave, sorry to hear about your back troubles. IF you’re tight with drummer, and he’s willing to help, perhaps you just leave the low pro at his place so he can take to gigs for you, and you take the pro t3??? Anywhere you can place the low pro on first floor and forgo the basement stairs if the drummers place is out? They make a good flower stand in a corner somewhere 😁 Joe
  2. Hi Chris, my simple advice would be to have a nice black 3 sided drape made up cover up pretty much all the "eyesores"from the NES2 to the floor. I'm sure you'll get better advice for the logistical end of it, but I'm in the keep it simple camp these days. Nice shows too! Joe
  3. Take him out to lunch and then to a music store if there's one somewhere close for dessert, your treat of course. Or, do the lunch and give him a gift card from Sweetwater, Musicians Friend, or your favorite one. Enjoy your time with him 😁
  4. You have a Spacestation v3; why not try that a your personal monitor?
  5. 65, SK-1, original Vent, Roc n Sock throne, JDL stereo DI, MS kp500 when needed, stand, small gig bag. Roller Kart, lightest rig I have. Mojo 61 Vent 2, etc... MAG P2 organ Trek uc1a into 145 when the load in/out allows... no complaints moving the gear, just go easy/smart. I have no qualms asking for help when I need it. Joe
  6. I see an 11 pin cable plugged into organ. Assume it’s running a Leslie. Cory smokes it as usual.
  7. Never owned one, but saw a band recently using a Korg X-50 in Camo. What a great backpack “all in one” board. Searched the web and realized long gone.
  8. Try setting the EQ knob on the Mojo all the way down, bass and treble at @1:00. Should tame the honk in the sim. YMMV.
  9. IIRC there is a trough/tray that runs along the top of the generator that acts as a conduit for the threads that that absorb the oil and distribute the oil to the wheels, bearings etc in the generator. The funnels feed the oil into the tray. That 2-3 drops of oil covers a lot of parts with the lightest coating. The threads hold onto some/most of the oil in that tray. Amazing piece of hardware under the hood and engineering. Check it out sometime.
  10. Maybe you are in split mode and the lower drawbar selection is blank? All zeros? Look at the upper lower pedals display and try changing the settings with correct selected switches; upper left corner of the organ.
  11. Thanks Jim, nice find. I saw the guys in 1976 at My Father's Place. They blew the place up of course. Tightest band ever, what a sound up close. One of the horn players used to be able to hold a note as long as he wanted using central breathing?? IIRC? Might have been LP, but can't recall. CT is just The master of funk period. 😁
  12. 3 different companies Dave. Keyboard Partners invented HX3. Max builds the MAG organs. UHL is another organ company. Both use the HX3 boards to run their organs.
  13. I also ran my 145 with a switch wired into the 2 pin "brake" plug. Made it long enough to mount in a small pvc gem box and did the Velcro mount thing onto side of organ. Worked great, gotta use all the tools in the box. 😁
  14. Just looking into a very small living room type of rig using Ipad along with a Korg plug key interface. Can or does anyone know of a small midi controller that has 9 sliders? I just started searching, looking for a 25, 37, or 49 key controller. Just going to play VB3M and Korg Module Pro for some fun on the couch get togethers. Thanks, Joe.
  15. A friend of mine sent me this today, interesting board. I have no affiliation with this outfit. https://playvidal.com/products/vidal
  16. Listened last night with cans, and the organ and sim sound great; all the parameter tweaks a step up too. Hoping this version finds its way onto the support page as an update for Mojo 61. Nice works boys!
  17. I'm a fan of his, he is entertaining and gives 110% in all the vids I've seen. If he came to the greater NYC area I would go to one of his shows.
  18. I bought a Dual direct from Crumar back in November 2015, it had the new action keybed springs and I was able to order it with the black tuff coat type spray finish. It was badged as a "Limited Edition" by Crumar. I also purchased a one octave set of bass pedals, halfmoon and foot switch for sim control along with the editor which I hard wired into the computer board with a 90* angle usb cable. It has been set up in my house ever since and I still play it today and have had absolutely NO issues. Everything works/functions as it should and I also used the lower manual for piano voices via Korg module on an Ipad or Iphone. Very easy setup and has been great. For gigs I use an sk-1 on occasion, but my go to rig is the Mojo61 which I purchased in October of 2019, liked it so much that I purchased the lower manaul for it too. Absolutely no issues with this rig either, and I also connect my Ipad/Iphone with Korg module running pianos IF I want to run organ up top and piano voices on the lower manual. My experience has been great, no regrets. Joe
  19. Keys are same as indicated above. The amp sims are allocated to the electric piano edit page. The organ simulated Leslie sim is separate and parameters can be found in the edit page for VB3, can’t apply the piano amps to the organ.
  20. Sounds like you found your go to amp; any recordings floating around YT from your summer of fun? 😁
  21. Can anyone tell us if the xk-4 uses those sim cards that the skx-pros use? Thanks Joe.
  22. That was a great interview, thanks for sharing!
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