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Posts posted by stillplaying

  1. I'm here reading the thread now but it's not what I thought.


    The Bechstein crew have collaborated with Casio to produce the GP series - I've played on the 300 and the 500. What I'm hoping for is a version of Kontakt in a hardware keyboard - with the full library included and the ability to run third party stuff (from a USB drive or whatever).


    I don't mind if I have to connect a monitor for things like mapping sounds to zones - but I don't want to use a laptop or a desktop to host Kontakt.

  2. Italian company. I'd the GEM S2Turbo. "Wow it's a poor man's Kurzweil" was one comment at a studio session from the engineer.


    They did ones with built in speakers, gigging instruments like the S2 and S3 (61 and 76 notes), a cracking one called the Equinox that I think someone on here has and the Promega series (very heavy digital pianos).


    I have a pasive sub and two 12" tops that they did. Sound amazing. Sub is very light.


    Now the company's gone, gone, gone, wo - oo - oo - oo - oo


    SoundOnSound have some GEM / Generalmusic gear reviews. There's a piano module that's still worth owning (if you use a piano module).

  3. Woohoo....my FA08 shipped yesterday. Due WEdnesday. :(




    I do my best to keep up to date with the various threads and gigging musicians on here - have I understood this right - you're replacing your current live rig with this?


    If so my curiosity is well and truely piqued.

  4. 19th Hole Carnoustie (Hotel bar) - last Saturday night after the gig. Our young (19 and 21) cool tall skinny charismatic front men (vocals/guitars) were signing young girls bodies with marker pens. Not breasts - arms, shoulders, just above the bra strap - nothing that rock and roll or smutty.


    We'd just played Beautiful by One Direction and a crowd of them mobbed the lads at the end.


    Our drummer (my height - not tall, my build -not skinny, my age - not young) shouts over to me -


    "do you remember when the drummers used to get all the girls back in the 80s? It's all changed and now they all want the singer."


    What? When?

  5. I just figured they were checking out the giant rubiks cube


    Dan you are the man. The squares all have little piezzo triggers don't they? And you use the legs of a shop mannequin - with leg warmers and a Flashdance welding mask - to tap on the giant squares and play the synth riff to New Order's "Blue Monday"? You do, don't you?


    Actually ignore the question marks. You do. Don't spoil it for me. By the time I hit the school run I'll be boring the mums with the details of the medley you play on it - big finish with Aha's "Take On Me."


    You are the man Dan.


    (BTW quite right with the tambourine seekers - loved her response but those things are a disaster in the hands of the untrained - even a cutey who's just "hard of rhythm").

  6. Comic: So, it's a music forum ... let me see, how many guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?


    Audience: Are the guitar players playing through solid state or tube amps?


    C: What? That doesn't matter ...


    A: It matters to them.


    C: Ok then how many keyboard players does it take to change a lightbulb?


    A: Are they using presets or their own sounds?


    C: What? It doesn't matter ...


    A: It matters to them.


    C: Ok. I'll try again. How many jazz players does it take to change a light bulb.


    A: Jazzers?


    C: Yes, jazzers. Light bulb. How many of them to change it.


    A: By change you mean ...


    C: I mean change it. Change it. For f**k's sake, it's not that hard.


    A: Change the light bulb.


    C: Yes.


    A: Jazz musicians.


    C: Yes jazz musicians. Taking a light bulb and substituting another one.


    A: Which substitutions are they using? Have they agreed them in advance ...


    C: Good night folks. Nothing to laugh at here ...

  7. How many characters in a Bruce Springsteen song does it take to change a light bulb?


    One to change it, one to contemplate the dystopian reality of the American Dream now that his girlfriend is pregnant and the factory is closing, and one to drive his car round the streets late at night while demonstrating a rather cavalier attitude to road safety and the local speed limits.

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