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Posts posted by Russkull

  1. Like with all gear, it was just a matter of time. I'm in deep. Along with the Fishman Fission and the ZVex Distortron that started this thread, I have now acquired the MArkbass SuperSynth, the EBS Octave, and the DiscomBOBulator (the latter two from our resident Dr Sweet Willie!) As you can probably tell, I'm tryint to augment my very electronic and aggressive synths with a similar role on bass. I'm trying to avoid "standard" effects because I have several generations of Line6 modelers and, of course, plug ins. But buying bass filters has revealed just how many there are...which may drive me to try them all.


    Any suggestions?


    Every bassist could use a Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI (Version 2). Super versatile, built for war and capable of subtle and not so subtle tones, it's a must have DI. Studio quality sound, low noise floor, can be run off phantom power if you go direct. It's the good stuff. Our bassist has the Geddy Lee pedal, that's cool too and so is the Dug Pinnick Fly Rig.


    Super agree on the Sansamp. I have the Deluxe DI at church (three presets, there's another bassist and we each have our own settings) and it does a great job with no fuss.


    I also have an MXR bass envelope filter...that I leave on all time, and really don't use as envelope filter! More like a second EQ for tone shaping. I can't explain it too well, but it imparts some kind of magic that I miss when I don't have it on.


    An MXR bass octave and Stone Deaf Fig Fumb (their version of a Big Muff) are also on the board, but used less as you can imagine. Still, I like having the option. Had a Boss bass chorus at one point but never really cared for it.

  2. I'm in the FB group, and didn't know that this had been revived.


    But thanks to the miracle of data breaches, I'm being forced to change my passwords everywhere...so it's good to be back here! Hope things pick up. Like many of you I have good memories of this forum.

  3. Here's a Starnes & Shah rehearsal session that we shot at the recording studio where we made our most recent record, Red Brick Tide. This tune is called "Precious face & familiar bride".

    Cool stuff, and as Eric said, very solid line. You're right, that drummer is pretty good.


    Looked like your view of the drummer was obstructed - did that make the recording a little tougher?

  4. Here's an entire 1,5h concert we did a few years ago, in HD, for your viewing pleasure. It was a really great time in my life, all the ~6 months of preparation and practice leading to the event, and as a result I was in the best shape of my life, bass wise - hope it shows...

    Pernax - I really enjoyed this. Like, a lot. I'm replaying it again right now.


    You can tell just how much preparation went into the whole thing! Thanks for posting it.

  5. Interesting to see the flip-flops or sandals on Paul's feet, since in the album cover he's walking in bare feet.

    I have a bootleg CD called "Abbey Road Anthology". The booklet has several of the shots that the photographer took that day, and Paul is wearing sandals in several of the other pictures. So obviously the whole barefoot thing wasn't intended to be symbolic (man, people are crazy!!).

  6. A track from last night's gig:


    Anything But Time


    This was recorded straight from the mixing console. I ran it through Audacity: boosted the bass and then amplified the whole lot.


    First time we played this track live. Needs a wee bit of work but we'll get it right, I am sure.

    I too was blown away with the quality of this! It sounds pretty good to my ears. Nice playing too.

  7. He was the baddest man in the whole damn, I mean, DARN, town according to this 1978 Welk version of the Jim Croce hit. And the dancers really cut loose. In a Welk way. You'll need a STRONG glass of milk after seeing this. (Maybe even chocolate.)



    This could be subtitled Things That Do Not Belong Together.


    Or, How to Cover Edgy Things With Cheese.


    Or, A Lesson In Why Good Music Cannot Overcome Bad Production.


    I'll stop there.

  8. I will try one, for a change. This is a quick, unmastered mix (and not the final one) of a John Mayall tune we recorded for demo purposes. The bass/guitar intro was corrected for timing (my mom says it never sounds so tight live) and some of the solo's are cut'n'paste from two takes:


    Dead City


    Not sure if the final (mastered) mix will make the demo cut, but I always have fun with this tune. Feedback is welcome!

    Eddie I really enjoyed this. Bass tone is great and the solo section (right around 2:11) has some nice work on your part.


    On a side note, I didn't know you could link to dropbox like that. Will have to check that out.

  9. Our singer could sing them. He can sing in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, and Arabic.


    Wow. I can barely sing in one language. I'm assuming he can speak all of them, too?


    I also like having this thread as a sticky, but I do see plagent's point in that I forget to click on it sometimes. Maybe switching to that Active Topics thing that Bottom End talked about....

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