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Posts posted by Tomkeen

  1. True. I used to own a Blofeld (module and keyboard) and when I sold those and still wanted that sound, I got a Sledge, thinking of it as a knobby Blofeld. I was pretty disappointed. It's still the only synth I sent back to the store within a couple of days. There is something missing in the sound of the Sledge compared to the Blofeld, almost like it's a more lo-fi sounding synth.
  2. There's a lot of potential in Formula-E. What I like best about it is that the teams seem more evenly matched in terms of performance than in F1. The only thing they seem to be lacking is speed. Would be cool to see a company like Tesla join in, if only to improve on battery capabilities of performance.
  3. If anyone should get a penalty for the unsafe release, it has to be the team, not Max. All he has to do is wait for the team to communicate to him that he can leave the pit, and drive off. Also, I don't think he deliberately pushed Bottas away, he might not even have seen him. Still biased as a Dutch viewer, but I think Max is the most talented driver on the grid.
  4. I've been saying for a while that these guys are the best thing to happen to instrumental music in decades. There's something that feels really special about it to me.


    I feel the same way. A friend of mine even got his musical mojo to another level after I introduced him to their music. He's been hooked ever since and practicing his ass off on keys and drums.

  5. I have owned a Blofeld and a Sledge and highly preferred the Blofeld. The Sledge is cool with the knobs and all, but the engine is not the same as the Blofeld's. It's a slimmed down version I believe. The difference in quality is very noticeable in my opinion.


    If you want more immediacy the Nord Leads make sense. A second hand Nord Wave might make even more sense.

  6. I don't know about Dalton. No one seems to like him, but I think he was a really good Bond. Really liked both movies he was in, and the title tracks were probably the best of all (imo).


    I really loved Skyfall. It was way more than a decent movie. Liked the story, liked the action, not a fan of the bondgirls though. And that CGI komodo dragon looked a bit weird :P.

  7. Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie, License to Kill my favorite title track and Roger Moore my favorite actor. Though I can actually stand all of them (except Lazenby, but I don't really count him or the movie as anything Bond).
  8. Yeah, the E3 and a Wave is a nice combination, and the two together weigh less than a lot of single keyboards, The big limitation is that you still don't have a keyboard that feels great for playing piano.


    It's a Lead 2x, not a Wave. But the Wave would probably be an even better (and more expensive) choice. Personally, I don't mind playing piano on the E3 keybed.

  9. .............Plus pair it with a Tetra, and you've got a 5-voice synth that's a lot like the Prophet 5.


    I suggest that if your goal is to link the Mopho keyboard to a Tetra to get close to a Prophet 5, you might consider this:


    Prophet '08


    The '08 is about the same width as a Nord Lead, you can control it all real time from the panel (Tetra really requires software), 5 octaves and no wasted space at the ends, Killer sound (watch the demos), 8 voices, and the price difference is negligible.


    You don't need software for the Tetra if you hook it up to a mopho keyboard... Also, the prophet doesn't have the suboscillators and feedback functions that the mopho and tetra have. Makes a big difference in sound.

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