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Maestro Dirk

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Posts posted by Maestro Dirk

  1. Im very intrigued by this board. Im primarily a bass player, but piano/keyboards is my second instrument. For songwriting I love the feel of a piano or EP. Something with a simple, immediate interface appeals to me. The ability to sequence over USB midi and play with the effects or run it through pedals, which along with small synths will fit on top of the Seven, could make a centerpiece to my writing studio & would be a uniquely original gigging setup. It also looks really damn cool. Vintage but modern. I will definitely save up to purchase this keyboard.
  2. Depending on the price, I see this board as more of a Casio XW-P1 competitor. Drawsliders, sub-par Hammond sound (but can pull it off in a pinch), the ability to use the sliders to tweak the VA stuff, bread & butter ROMpler sounds.


    It's being listed at £729 in UK, don't know what that will end up being in the US market, but it looks like a good 2nd tier board.

  3. Depending on how in-depth you wanted your synth sounds to be, a Moogerfooger MF-101 LPF behind an E3 might get the job done. Load up polysynth sample of your choice, use the envelope settings on the Nord and use the Moog filter for sweeps, etc.



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