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Everything posted by Cabo

  1. I need move my Yamaha upright to our new home in North Carolina. Does anyone have any helpful advice on picking moving companies, getting it there in good condition, etc.? Thanks!
  2. I had one of the original Mirages (terrible keybed) , then upgraded to the improved version. I remember creating a bunch of my own samples and trading them with a few people. They weren't very good quality. Several months later, I saw an ad in keyboard for mirage samples and it listed the specific file names of the sounds that were for sale. The guy I traded my samples with was selling them!
  3. This has come up a few times for me -- and I'm wondering how others have handled it? I'm going to be leaving a band and I get a request to share my charts / arrangements with the replacement. I'm NOT talking about simple lead sheets (lyrics + chords), but rather written out arrangements I created myself with keyboard parts notated and detailed solos. How would you handle?
  4. I use the QSC Touchmix to record everything. It has no issues. Maybe you aren't using the right kind of drive. I know standard USB sticks don't work well. I use this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B8GKWSB9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  5. I prefer the dark side, mainly because the instruments seem to shine through more. The bright side seemed overly compressed. One other thing that really struck me was the enduring quality of his voice -- for a guy who's 73, he sounds fantastic (assuming the vocals were recorded recently).
  6. I have both the Stage 4 - 88 and the Montage M6. They compliment each other nicely in terms of sounds. The Montage's multi-sampled sounds mostly beat the Stage's sample library (imo), but I like the Stage's organs and acoustic pianos better. Having all 9 drawbars (on the Stage) is important. I haven't scraped the surface of the AN-X engine yet, but it seems like it will be very useful. The Montage is definitely more deep and complex, but I find both keyboards to be organized more logically versus my experiences with Roland Fantom, RD2000 and Korg Kronos. The Stage's front panel is simple, but makes sense. It's just so easy to grab whatever I need. I like it much better than my Yamaha YC-73. For me, going with the 88 Stage 4 versus the M8X was also a question of weight -- 43 lbs. for Stage 4 versus 63lbs for M8X. I can't imaging moving a 63lb keyboard to a gig. The Stage's weight is manageable. I also like that the the Stage is only 14 inches deep. It's easy to pick up and fits nicely on multiple stands and can I get my upper keyboard closer and still read the displays and get at the controls versus some of the keyboards with greater depths. I also used a laptop setup for a couple of years. Based on my current band requirements, I don't see the benefit sound-wise or logistics-wise. Personally, it just created a lot of hassles for me; using all-in-one boards generally has worked out better for me. The computer thing would probably be cheaper, but getting it set up and working nicely and sounding great was a lot of extra work / time that I'd now rather put towards making actual music.
  7. That's a great tutorial -- very helpful.
  8. Maybe someone should start a separate thread that's actually about the Pro-800 (and re-name this one)? I'm a little curious about actual product experiences and there's nothing here.
  9. I'd think about adding a percussionist. That would open things up considerably (if you get the right person) and avoid the backing tracks issue, which would be a huge time investment.
  10. Seems a little high at $ 2,750. Reverb mint ones seem to regularly sell for 300-500 less. I'd offer him $2,500.
  11. I think that some larger photos could really help with a lot of the aspects (equipment, lighting, etc.). I'm really curious about the lighting equipment and how it actually looks on stage. Maybe there's a way to zoom in more on Google Docs, but I can't figure it out. Also, are you ever concerned with the lighting cans "walking off"? At $225 a pop, I'd be concerned.
  12. A drummer friend often used a trick that I've borrowed a few times --- run a live mic into your monitor mixer (he would just put it on the floor in front of his drum set. This allows you to hear some level of the live mix of the band if your monitor mix is not optimal.
  13. Fantom 6 is also very deep at 16 inches.
  14. Thanks to all for the suggestions. I owned a Alesis QS8 in the late 90's. I listened to a few YouTube videos to refresh my memory and don't think the sounds will be what I'm looking for. jeffinpghpa, I'm considering the Juno X (didn't realize it had the XV-5080 sounds) , but may wait until after NAMM to see if something else comes out.
  15. I'm looking for recommendation for a 61 key, synth-action rompler keyboard with aftertouch (around 30 lbs. or less). I need both decent synth sounds and things like vibes, flutes, brass, etc. I've looked at Montage 6 -- but I'd prefer a keyboard that's less expensive and not as deep (it's 16 inches deep), in order to fit on my stand as a top keyboard. I used to have a Kronos 61, but they seem to be in short supply and high priced. I don't see any new keyboards that would work for me. Are there older keyboards that I could consider?
  16. I'd have to respectfully disagree -- It's just okay at this point to my ears. It was probably quite good 6 years ago. I've played the Stage 3 organ ever since it came out and there's now many other options that are much, much better sounding -- between lots of software titles, and especially my Hammond SK Pro. Several people I play with from different bands have noticed an improvement in my organ sound. Given the price of the Stages, I just expected it to be improved in some way --- that's probably why it seems to be a big deal to a lot of us.
  17. Just wanted to follow up on this post -- I just got back from my trip -- including a few hours at Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center in Wheaton, MD. It was pure heaven. I got to play a Moog One, Trigon, Prophet 5, Novation Summit, OBX8, Roland Fantom 07, Nord Grand, and many more. There was essentially anything and everything you would want to try out. It was a little overwhelming. Almost everything was set up with speakers right in front of it and ready to play. Very friendly sales people too. I'll definitely be back. It really puts in perspective how pitiful my local selection is.
  18. I don't want to be overly negative, but for my purposes, this is a big disappointment. - No individual split points. - No improved organ (biggest area of weakness, imo) - No increased piano memory - No USB Audio - No Improved Displays
  19. Make sure you're using aiff format files in Playback. There's a whole series of "MainStage best practices" that you can google. Turn off wi-fi, bluetooth, step through all your patches before you start the gig, etc. How much RAM do you have?
  20. As many can relate to, none of the stores in my area or nearby carry the kind of selection they used to. I've stopped in various Guitar Centers and Sam Ash stores on my past few trips around the country -- and their selection was lacking to say the least. I'm going to be driving through Harrisburg, PA, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Richmond, and Raleigh areas and was wondering If there are any stores with selections of higher end keyboards on display? Here's my try-out wishlist: - Sequential Trigon, Prophet 5 or 10 - Novation Summit - Crumar Seven - Numa Pianos - Waldorf Iridium - Kawai MP7-SE - Oberheim OBX8 - Minimoog Model D I saw that Chuck Levin's was mentioned about 9 years ago in a post -- it is still a good option? Their website seems to indicate that they have a few of these keyboards in stock. Any other places? Much appreciate any info.
  21. I need to replace my custom molded IEMs that are about 8 years old, and just wondering if anyone has recommendations from personal experience. My last pair were Westone - ES series.
  22. In my opinion, there are a few significant advantages --- the Montage has a premium keyed --it's so much better than the MODX. Also, there's no wall wart to deal with, and the interface is much better with the extra sliders, buttons. These were significant enough for me to sell my MODX.
  23. I usually get volumes roughly right in rehearsals. Then, at a gig, I record the mains using a live mic (I use a Zoom H4n), then make adjustments, and then do it again.
  24. I recently switched from a Kronos to Fantom 7 for one band and to Yamaha YC for another (that doesn't need as many synth sounds). The learning curve was substantially for the Fantom switch and not really worth it in the end. One thing I'd seriously look at is getting a Kronos 61 to use with a lighter weight 88 key weighted board. You already have all the programming for the Kronos done. It's not worth the time to have to re-do all that and learn an entirely new system (imo). (Plus, you'll hate that wall wart on the Fantom 07.)
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