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Posts posted by mul

  1. Cheers dr88s. I really dig your rig also. Are you the same as me and lusting after the new krone ?( Kronos really!!!)

    Try the setlist maker app withy the values I have provided to see if it works well for you. The midi patch change requires an in app purchase but it is very useful. I am gigging tonight and will try the work arounds you all suggested. Thanks guys. G

  2. Cheers another scot. You are indeed correct and cheers for the prompt response. Also found another setting in set list that implys I had to select ' auto midi sequential midi preset selection.


    Yes dr88s I have the boards configured correctly. When I have that appropriate journey patch selected and I have the korg on ch 2 and ter casio on 1, if I plug the USB into independently into each keyboard then the will select the required patch straight away.

    It seems like as anotherscott posted, there is a midi protocol disambiguation. I don't keep my live rig at home and so I will check tomorrow pre gig and see if my discovery in the midi settings of set list has changed things.


    Appreciate the responses guys and if anyone, especially ESCAPE ROCKS cause I reckon he has more or less the same rig and apps as myself, could chime in and let me know if they are running with multiple keyboard patch changes from setlist then please let me know how you are doing this. Cheers guys. G



  3. Hi all. My current set up is this a korg m50 73 on top and my new, absolutely beautiful, casio privia px 5s. Never thought I would say that about a casio and in fact on these forums in the past I have even poured derision on casinos offerings but I digress.


    I run set list maker with its midi change function. I used to have two m50s and had these midied together as follows.


    iPad via cck to m50 73 and midi out to in of the other m50 (88)

    I used the combi bank d.

    The msb lsb values for this bank are 000 323

    The programme number. Eg slot 000 = 000!!

    I used the ext 2 feature in the combi bank on the m50 73 to initiate the relevant patch changes but never like this because althought when the page turn function on the iPad app did change the patch on the first keyboard, I had to manually select the patch again in the touch screen of the first keyboard in order to send the msb, lsb, and programme change to the second keyboard. ( first world problem I, I know !).


    Enter the casio. Through the casio forums I easily obtained the msb lsb values to select the individual stage settings. These are as follows 112, 036 and again the corresponding stage setting value. Setting 0-0 is again 00


    Only when I got the casio did I have access to a midi tru so I decided to used this and try again with the ' one touch changes all' approach with the set list app. I set up a new set list maker song, it happened to be 'don't stop believing', I have both my patches ready and check each one individually with the iPad plugged via the cck into each individual keyboard. I set the casio to midi channel 1 and the korg to 2.( default since the previous setup).


    To be clearer I have the casio set on my stage setting 00 ( chorus cp80) 122 - 36 00. Directly connected the app changes the stage setting.


    I have the korg set on my combi bank d 012 ( don't stop synth patch) 000 - 323 - 012. Directly connected the app changes the combi correctly.


    I assumed that if I connected the setup as follows that the ' one touch changes all' should

    Work. iPad via cck to casio. Casio midi tru to korg. As you may have guessed and by the length of my post, it didn't.


    I also tried iPad to casio and midi out to korg but nothing also. When I say nothing I mean that when I select the 'dont stop patch' the keyboard connected first in the chain does bank patch select but the other keyboard seems to be losing the midi singnal somewhere in the chain. Any advice on what I am doing wrong or is there a work around. . Thanks in advise for any input.


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