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Posts posted by Bif_

  1. 1 hour ago, Montunoman 2 said:

    My thread  with the silly hypothetical question ……was if you could be in a relationship with a pianist (any gender)  more skilled, talented, and successful  than yourself. 


    ..... I'm here share and grow with other keyboardist, and my apologies for offending anyone. PEACE and GODWILL to ALL. 

    I understood your intentions after reading the first few sentences. I know you meant no harm.


    You’ve explained and apologized. That’s good enough for me. Be at peace. 

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  2. Working late a few nights, I recently plugged the phone into my Korg plugkey and fired up Spotify on my music room setup. I rarely listen leisurely on that setup (Event monitors with a sub). Wow, I was so accustomed to listening through earbuds or in the car, I forgot how great music sounds in a room, through nice speakers. REFRESHING!


    Back in the day, with my home stereo/big a$$ floor speakers, listening to music was something you did. Now, for most people, listening to music is something you do while doing something else. 


    Yeah, I'm working while listening, but it's so much nicer hearing sound "in the room", enveloping the whole space. 

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  3. OP here. What color dress do you see?? LOL.





    Talking about instrument tuning brings flashbacks to bands in my 20's, arguing with a guitarist about his instrument being out of tune. Disclaimer: I don't have perfect pitch, but have good relative pitch. 


    I posted this because I hear the piano as sharp to the rest of the track. I noticed it on the intro the first time I played it. Listen to the first 20 seconds, and the piano (to me) is sharp to every other instrument. As the piece develops, I still hear the piano as sharp, but it is less noticeable as the full band plays. 


    Although I didn't notice it during the guitar solo. 😁


    I thought it possible that this was intended to make the piano sound brighter, or to stand out just a touch, from the rest of the band. Whether intentional or not, still fingernails on a chalkboard to me. 

  4. I’ve had a lot of success by finding YouTube videos with certain content providers that resonate with my skill level. 

    Two that I enjoy and learn from are Jeff Schneider and Mangold. 

    You may have to poke around but you will likely find useful, educational content.   

    I agree that a teacher could help but also know there is a lot of free content to get you started. You can further patronize those that you find especially helpful. 


  5. I can honk the OP is referring more to finger technique than what finger is playing what note. Finger technique and fingering are two different things. 

    Yes, when I see videos of awkward technique it makes my brain explode, especially when they are playing the keys off the board. 

    if they get the job done that way, more power to them. 

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  6. Timely post, been dealing with sleep issues for a few years. (I'm 62.)


    I do 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I break a hard sweat. Although execise is touted to help, I've not seen that benefit.


    I have central apnea (like sleep apnea, but my brain doesn't tell me to breath while I sleep). I have a Bipap machine (like a Cpap, but way more complex functionality). It works like a charm, I've used it for around 10 years. I'm accustomed to it and it was life changing for me. Ironically, my sleep doctor was no help on "why can't I sleep better." 


    Met with my general practitioner for an annual physical. Discussed my sleep issues. She would not prescribe Ambien or Lunesta (or anything in that family of drugs, or anything that could be habit forming). She had no kind words for those, said it could lead to not being able to sleep without them, or worse. She prescribed Doxepin (non-habit forming, helps you stay asleep). It has helped but no magic cure.


    Some nights I'll wake up many, many times, often lay for what seems like long periods of time. Yet in the morning when I get up, I don't feel groggy or have a headache. Maybe it's just natural ageing. 


    Regarding most OTC sleep meds, many have diphenhydramine (as do many cold/allergy medications). These worsen BPH (Benign Prostate Disease, or enlarged prostate) symptoms, and can lead to urinary retention. Pseudoephedrine (in many cold meds) affects BPH the same way. 



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  7. Many sincere thanks to all the comments and gestures of support and understanding. It is as I expected it would be because of the support I've seen many have given to others here. 


    Yes, it is helpful to hear others stories, what you're dealing with, how you cope. I'm sorry for all that are experiencing this, and it sounds like some of you are dealing with worse circumstances than mine. I'm so sorry. 


    My challenge has been that my symptoms have continued to worsen since last June. If it would stabilize at a level then I think I absolutely could learn to ignore it. It's just that it keeps changing, which concerns me, all just a vicious cycle. My visits with my audiolgist have given me reassurance that there are other treatment options, but then again, the sound increases. 


    I've also thought, that if I won the lottery, or was instantly healthier, or whatever good thing I can imagine, I'll still have tinnitus. That is a sobering thought. I also have learned through my tinnitus retraining therapy that although the sound seems abnormal, I must learn to accept it as normal. As many have written, focusing on other things, and NOT focusing on the tinnitus, makes it seemingly disappear.


    For those that don't know, what this really means isn't that the sound goes away, it just means that there are times throughout my day where I say "Hey, I haven't noticed my tinnitus for the past 3 hours," and at that exact moment, it is fully apparent again. Yeah, that's how tinnitus works. Talk about it, think about, it seems worse. 




    I'm passionate about this and have sincere concern for all that may think they can continue to abuse their very delicate hearing instruments. 



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  8. Although I've had tinnutus for 30+ years, it started taking a turn for the worse last year. By June of 2021 I suddenly made the decision to stop playing. (30+ years with a church band as well as other bands off and on).


    It was a very emotional decision and one that broke my heart. I had thought about what that day would look like, (when I'd no longer play at church), and my vision of that was very different. My musical identity is as real as my identity as a husband, father and employee. My loss was palpable, yet overshadowed by the ringing in my ears. 


    After visiting with an audiologist (one that happens to specialize in tinnitus) it was determined that I could play safely by using custom-molded in-ears (to assure that there would be minimal external noise bleeding into my ears). I went back to play last October and discovered (before I was done playing that day), that my tinnitus seemed worse, and again, on the day I returned to playing, I immediately knew I could not continue. 


    My condition has worsened this year, and I went back to my audiologist. She suggested cognitive behavior therapy. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, as well as using hearing aids. I'm currently managing using TRT and mostly try to focus on other things. During my visit with my audiologist, I asked if there could be a correlation between my condition and the Covid vaccine. Her answer was "I can't scientifically say yes or no, but I can tell you that many of my patients correlate their tinnitus to the Covid vaccines."


    In addition, I took both the flu vaccine (which I've taken for many, many years without issue) as well as the shingles vaccine. My tinnitus worsened within a day. 


    I'm not writing this to start any debate about any vaccine, and frankly it will only sadden me if this post goes in that direction. That's not my intention. I consider many on this website to be kindred spirits, because of our love for music, and creating music with our differing skills, equipment and abilities. 


    I've not really posted here for some time, but continually visit, but this has been tough. I'm not in a bad place emotionally, just don't know how I got here, and finally had the desire to share my situation with my keyboard brethren. 




    Thanks for indulging me. 

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  9. Bass solos can be quite nice, certainly many virtuoso bass players out there that can deliver. Deep respect for the way that instrument has been elevated in recent years. Many great players (Vic Wooten, Henrik Linder, Abraham Laborial, Brian Bromberg) are just a few that come to my mind. 


    Listening to Spotify (Jazz stuff) and hear a fair amount of bass solo albums. Kind of neat, but whenever they start doubling their melody line with a sax, horns, piano, synth, etc., it starts to irritate me. If the bass can't stand as a solo instrument for bulk of the album, then don't go down that road. 


    I really like Briam Bromberg's album "Bassically Speaking". He really carries the songs from start to finish, and I recall also has some bass instruments that function better in a higher solo register. There's probably othe bass solo albums that are great, but there seems to be an abundance of players that need support for their melodic lines. 

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