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Ross Ward

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Posts posted by Ross Ward

  1. The Shure PSM 300 system is great if you can afford it. I use the more expensive PSM 900 system every week at church, but although it has more features than the PSM 300, it's getting a little long in the tooth, and I think the PSM 300 actually sounds better. It's probably a good thing that it's not an immediate purchase, though â I work in the AV industry and a lot of Shure wireless gear is currently on backorder with long lead times. Hopefully it will be better by the end of the year or next spring.
  2. I too, use the Amphenol, which Murph at Nashville Pro Hammond turned me on to. He makes a little box that mounts right next to the amp that takes the EP connector in and has a little tail with the traditional Leslie connector that plugs into the amp. That way, you don't have to modify your amp, and if you're in a situation where you need to use a standard cable, you can still do so. I believe my Hammond has both connectors on it as well. Murph's good buddy Tim Warneck at RetroLinear did something similar for the Dark Star Orchestra. If you go here and scroll down to the "DSO â B3 & 145 After" gallery, you can see a couple of photos.
  3. I am a fan of Mogami, and I've found the higher-end Live Wire cables sold at GC to be quite good. Canare is another name popular among pros. Kimber is pricier but liked as well.


    The higher-end Live Wire cables are made by ProCo â I think they're basically the same as the Evolution Instrument series. A good off-the-shelf cable option.


    I usually make my own with Canare GS-6 and Switchcraft 270 connectors. I'll use the Neutrik NP2X-BAG if I want the connectors to be black, or if I want to color code them. I'm a big fan of the PXR colored rings. But, as others have stated here, almost any cable is reliable if you take care of it, and most any cable will fail if put through constant abuse.

  4. For speaking, like a pastor or presenter, I generally lean towards omni, assuming proper speaker placement and no wedges. For singing, I'd probably go with a directional headset due to the (likely) other stage noise from the rest of the band, regardless of IEMs. The AKG CM311 (formerly Crown CM311) is the standard for singing vocals and has been for many years (the "Garth Brooks" mic).
  5. Great band! Man, I wore the grooves out on this album when it dropped. I still hum "Ruby Baby" all the time, but my favorite track by far is "Walk Between the Raindrops" :thu: ("Whoaoooaaa, Miami!"


    Fun fact, my daughter (Ruby) is named after "Ruby Baby". Great tune!

  6. Drug companies definitely want you to toss drugs after a year but even my doc just told me off the record that pills are good for 3-4 years. My wife (nurse) has been saying this for years. EpiPens maybe not so much but I"d still question a year or whatever the drug company specifies.


    My mom and grandfather are both retired pharmacists, and had no reservations about our family taking medications that were slightly out of date, especially over-the-counter ones. That being said, my daughter had food allergies for a few years that required an EpiPen (thankfully she's grown out of them). I ALWAYS made sure that her EpiPens were current. It's one thing if you have a headache and your out-of-date Tylenol isn't doing anything for you, but if it's a medical emergency like anaphylaxis, I wasn't willing to take the chance that an outdated EpiPen might still work. I also realize that they can be really expensive, especially if you don't have good insurance, and that I was fortunate to be able to afford to replace them every year. I'm sure they probably would still work fine, but it was a peace of mind thing for me.

  7. I like Lake Cable a lot, either AVB221A or AVB241A. Sounds fantastic. Anything Belden or Canare would be acceptable, too. I think for internal rack wiring, foil shielding will be fine. The rack will shield the cable from any abuse, just make sure to use appropriate strain relief. If it has rear rails, you might consider using lacing bars like the Middle Atlantic LBP-1A or LBP-2A.
  8. VTines MK1


    Just got an e-mail about this new Rhodes VI from Acousticsamples this morning. Not sure if it was literally just released or if it has been out for a bit. Has anyone here tried it? I know Steve Nathan (and maybe Jim Alfredson?) have done some beta testing for them in the past, so maybe they've gotten to play with it?


    I think it sounds pretty good, albeit maybe a tad bright from the demos. I'm sure that can be tweaked.

  9. I have been using this bag from Musician's Gear for going on 10+ years at this point. It's not been gigged quite as much in the last few years, but it held up to at least 5 years of regular gigs (at least once per week). I've never been a fan of Musician's Gear anything, since it's mostly cheaply made, be it bags, cables, etc. However, if they still make this bag to the same level that they did ten years ago, then it's definitely worth considering. A little on the pricey side, but I've found it to be worth it.
  10. Resurrecting this thread from the dead so as not to get crossways with our friend Sven :laugh:.


    My 122 went down this week. Power it up, rotors going full speed with no control, and tubes are cold. Called Murph, who suggested I replace the 1.5A fuse, and if it blew again, it was probably an issue with the power tubes. Replaced the fuse, it blew again. Swapped out my trusty Winged C's for a backup pair of EHXs, and things are normal again, so I'm afraid my poor Winged C's might be goners, although I need to get them tested.


    I don't particularly love the way the EHXs sound, and I tend to agree with Steve in that I like the way the Winged C's break up. Murph suggested I try the JJ KT88s, which Todd mentioned having heard but not tried yet.


    Anybody have any updated preferences on Leslie power tubes since this was discussed last? I'm leaning towards biting the bullet and trying to find another set of Winged C's, but that's a more expensive bullet than the last time I purchased, so I thought I'd see if there's anything new that people are digging.

  11. Sounds like a case of bad luck. They were likely still in business when you bought the unit I think they only went out of business within the last year. What took you so long to open it? I would imagine Guitar Center would have taken it back had it been within the return window (or even slightly after), but a year plus down the road...that's a stretch.


    Best of luck to you.

  12. Cardinals are looking to improve on their defense from last year, which was sloppy and very atypical of what we've seen from them traditionally. Last year was a bit strange for the first time in a few years, most of our regulars and starting pitchers were healthy. However, our pitching was worse than usual, and while our offense certainly hit (finally...it's taken a few years), we made too many defensive miscues that cost us some games.


    Here's to hoping we get back to our usual pitching/defense. When we get that right, we typically win, regardless of the bats.

  13. "just a tiny and tinny sound" is usually what you get when the woofer is blown and only the horn is working. I suspect there might be something else going on here though.


    Yeah...I thought of that, too, but not knowing what the "width" knob does, I was leaning more towards the HF driver being blown because the "High" control does nothing and the "Mid" control didn't do much. If the "width" control brings the woofer in and out, or has anything to do with it, the "tiny and tinny" sound could be the HF driver putting out what little it can after having been compromised.


    Either way, yes...something ain't right! :)

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