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Posts posted by clpete

  1. I have spent some time checking out Colorado, but it was on a motorcycle. Great scenic roads! You should check out scenic highways like the Million Dollar or the Silver Thread. Most likely the leaves will be changing at the higher elevations.


    The national parks have yearly passes available and lifetime passes if your 62. It may be worth checking into them. Dont wait too long if you purchase one as they take awhile to get and you have to have it in hand to use it.


    I would check out the camping site availability ASAP. After Labor Day you may have no problem, but there could be events scheduled. Ive had a hard time getting spots in Oregon the last couple years. Colorado seems to have few federal campgrounds in places where you expect to find them. Therefore, you may be required to seek out commercial RV parks that may require reservation.


    BTW: Moab is not very far away from Black Canyon. Arches and Canyon Lands are truly awesome.



  2. I purchased one of these mixers back in September. I used it for 2 or 3 gigs before I spent the time to check out a hiss that I was getting. Turns out the main out left channel had a loud hiss and the right had a hum. Sweetwater sent me a new unit allowing me to keep the bad one until I got it as I had gigs and the mono/monitor output was clean.


    Thats the first thing Ive bought from Sweetwater. Their customer service made a possible frustrating experience painless.



  3. I was playing my first gig with a band on Saturday. The stone sober drummer comes up to me after the 1st set and says I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed playing with you. Youre great. I wanted to tell you because it may be the last time we play together.With that he headed to the bar and started drinking heavily and didnt stop. He got fired after the 4th set.


    Maybe hes just not a quitter.



  4. Craziest: We were playing the patio at a local ski resort. We get there and they say they have been trying to call us to cancel because the owner showed up and theyre nervous about having rock on the patio. (Hes pretty old and in pour health.) Plan B. They decided to put us at the top lodge, so we had to haul every thing to the top of the mountain in gondolas. (The owner made is way to the top and enjoyed us. The next time he showed up we played at the main patio.)


    WORST: Two and half hour drive in a snow storm. Thirty some steps up to the front door. A hundred feet to the back of the building. Twenty some steps to the second level. A hundred feet back to the front of the building. Ten piece JBL PA plus monitors, power amps and all the other band equipment. Two and a half hour drive back in the snow storm. (Too much work and not enough money. Still Fun!)


  5. I am a 52 year old construction worker and part time keyboard player/singer/mandolin player. I bought my first keyboard 39 years ago. It was a Ace Tone Organ for $75. I was in 3 or 4 crappy bands in high school that played 2 or three gigs each. At 30 I started playing again and have been playing in country or rock bar bands for that last 20 years.


    I have been writing songs on and off. I think a few of them are marketable, but I haven't tried to sell them. Hey, my wife thinks they're good. Does that count? :eek:


    I come from a family of musicians. When I was about 13, three of my cousins had a popular local band. They gave me the band bug. My father played sax in a traveling Big Band and was the MC for a traveling road show he put together. He was still playing in a band at 92 when he past away. I have a cousin that plays with a top rock band and has played and produced on many top selling albums for various artists. My son is a good singer and had a very popular local band for 10 years. I played in his band for a couple of years. Family Tradition!


    I am not the greatest keyboard player, but I do pretty good playing Honky Tonk in bar bands. I am currently looking at getting a tone wheel clone and working on my organ techniques. I want to get an electro 3. I am currently cleaning house and slowing finding new homes for old keyboards.


    keyboards/modules/Sound Used:

    Still Own*


    Roland Ace Tone Organ

    Wurlitzer 200

    Sun Bass Amp

    Roland Juno 106

    Yamaha DX7*

    Roland KB 100

    Roland JX-10*

    (2)Yamaha 4115 Speakers-JBL (amp)*-Yamaha (mixer)

    Roland RD-200*

    Yamaha TX216*

    Ensoniq KT76*

    (2)Peavey 15" monitor speakers*-QSC (amp)*-Yamaha (mixer)*

    Roland JV-1010*

    Roland RD-700*

    (2)JBL 15" EONs (Speakers)*- Behringer (mixer)*

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