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Jason Stanfield

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Posts posted by Jason Stanfield

  1. I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but I saw on the first page that the sample-playback memory was limited.


    I heard from my Roland rep a couple of days ago that it will play back up to 32 GB of samples if they're on an SD card.


    That's pretty damn massive ... enough for me to, say, load tons of songs I want to practice along with, rather than using a mixer (since my RD-700NX doesn't have an audio input).


    I haven't laid hands on the FA08 yet, but hopefully we'll have it in stock next week. Then I can compare contrast with the RD800 (which is super fine) and make a purchasing decision.

  2. Check out this latest demo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCpsCMb8I94


    I just watched this. I am sick of videos that showcase somebody playing some shit that you would never ever play in real life ever. Can you really get a decent sense of a piano sound, an organ sound, ANY of the sounds by watching this? Ugh. That demo sounded like the floor at NAMM. /rant

    I've ranted until I'm blue in the face about this.


    The worst, to me, are synth-makers who assume everyone is making disposable dance grooves for teen clothing stores in the mall, or HGTV shows. Every demo is THOOMP THOOMP THOOMP THOOMP BWAAAAAAHM BWAAAAAAHM d-d-DEEEE d-d-DEEEE d-d-DEEEE d-d-DEEEE, and goes on for 3 minutes without any variation in sound.


    I want some trippy old sci-fi space noises, textured pads, and some good comp'ing sounds - I don't need another distorted bass or Hoover lead! - but it takes waiting for months after a synth is released, then scouring YouTube for user demos to get any sense of what the thing really sounds like and is capable of doing.

  3. A girl, quite faced at the time, got up on stage and grabbed a mic, then started chanting "I've got a fire in my pants! I've got a fire in my pants!" over and over again. The guitarist laughed, took the mic away, and said, "thanks honey, but we need to play the next song."


    The drummer suddenly whipped into this massive power-pop beat and started chanting "I've got a fire in my pants! I've got a fire in my pants!" and we all broke into a cacophonous, atonal blues-ish jam.


    I don't know what happened to the girl, but hopefully she was able to put the fire out ... one way or 'nother ...

  4. This very prim and proper lady goes into a pet store, and see the most beautiful parrot she's ever seen. She asks the store manager how much, and he says "I can sell him for $10."


    "Oh my, that's a wonderful price" the lady exclaimed. "I'll take him."


    "There's a reason he's only $10. He was raised and taught to speak in a brothel, so his language is a bit....colorful"


    The lady thought for a moment, and said "I'm a very devout Christian, and I believe there's good in every creature. I can change his language."


    When she got the parrot home, he looked around and said "AWWWWK. New House, New Madam."


    The lady admonished the bird, saying "That is improper language, and I will not have it in my home. I am the Missus and this is my home."


    A bit later, the lady's two teenage daughters came home. The parrot saw them and said "AWWWWK. New House. New Madam, New Girls."


    "No, No, No. That is not at all proper. These are not new girls. They are my daughters, and you will speak to them with respect."


    Things went well for the next few hours, when the lady's husband came home. The parrot saw him and said " AWWWWK. New House. New Madam. New Girls. Hi Bob"

    A variation of that joke:


    A prim and lonely old lady buys a parrot at a pet store in spite of the owner's warning of its constant salty language, the former owner being a sailor.


    The lady takes the parrot home, and the entire trip home, the parrot is squawking profanities with ballistic precision. When they arrive at home, the old lady admonished the bird and put him in her freezer to teach him a lesson.


    When she opened the freezer door thirty minutes, she asks "Have you learned your lesson?"


    The parrot, shivering uncontrollably, responds, "Y-y-y-y-yes."


    "Are you going to curse again?"


    "N-n-no ... b-b-b-but I have a q-q-q-question ..."


    "What is it?" the old lady asks.


    "What d-d-did the t-t-turkey do?"

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