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Posts posted by soapbox

  1. DeeSquare, it's great that you still have a chance to perform regularly. Considering your day job, wife, and kids, it sounds as if you're very lucky all the way around!




    DeafMix, I remember when Liam and Mark were born . Have you slept yet? :D


    Also, how is that Motif working out? It's my favorite of the current crop of keyboard workstations.




    Ben, it sounds like you're having a lot of fun in the club scene. I was your age at the peak of my bar band days as well. It was a great time in my life.


    Now, I'm in the studio scene. If you want to combine your love of computers with a music gig, one option might be for you to become a certified Pro Tools expert or operator for studio or post work. For more info, click on the link below:


    Digidesign Training and Education Site


    Another possibility might be to help design some of the software we use to create music with. Mark of the Unicorn (MOTU) is about an hour's drive from you. They make one of the best DAWs available, Digital Performer. The link I gave in this paragraph takes you straight to their Job Openings page.


    Good luck.




    Thank you all for sharing. I enjoyed reading about your lives.





  2. This is my first trip to the forums today; and I've gotta say, "WOW, what a response!"




    J :D nas, what a diverse list of influences you have! I love fusion and funk too.


    Both my sister and a good friend of mine have tinnitus as well. From what they've told me, they would agree that you are lucky about the frequency shifts. This is a serious malady. My friend almost decided to kill himself before he found a moderately successful treatment! I hope that your situation is tolerable.


    How do you like your OB-Xa? I used to have an OB-8 myself, and I sometimes regret having sold it.




    Scott, it's good to know this extra dimension of you. Reading how you need to hear someone pushing the envelope musically, I now understand better why the safe picks in the NFL survivor pool bugged you!


    Personally, I love to hear the envelope pushed as well. I love progressive rock and jazz-fusion, but I also like pop. It's the middle ground between the two extremes that it took me awhile to warm up to.




    Frank, I love Earth, Wind, and Fire. I saw them live while touring their All 'N All release in 1977. I'm into a lot of the other artists you mentioned as well. It's cool that you're about to build your dream DAW/Studio. Have you decided on the gear? If not, you know where to post your questions. ;)




    Dave, thanks for the kind words, my friend. Not too surprisingly, I love this thread as well! Thanks for starting it! :thu:




    Rudy, you're off to a good start gearwise. I didn't buy my first synth until I was 21 and I did okay. While the JV-1080 isn't a bad choice, there are a lot of options, even in that price range. Feel free to start a thread asking for help if you need assistance.




    I've been an unabashed booster of this community for almost two years, and it makes me happy to see so many of you posting here. I look forward to "seeing" all of you online.





  3. d and Markyboard, thanks for sharing. It's nice to be reintroduced to you both in this way after having interacted with you both online. At 43, I'm close to you both in age. Like you d, I have a formal education in music and yet also value self-actualization. Like you Markyboard, I've been married for 12 years to a wonderful woman (no kids though); and I've spent a good chunk of my life living in LA.


    Originally posted by DJDM:

    As for your personal adoption of the technology? There ain't nothin to it but to do it! What do you have that you are debating over installing?

    DJDM, I'm embarrassed to admit that I've got HALion, Reaktor, Battery, Absynth, and OASYS all sitting in boxes waiting to be installed! Actually, I've installed the OASYS hardware, just not the software.


    What's holding me back? Mostly it's that I have a stable and functioning studio system without them. I do plan to install them, but probably one at a time. That way, if problems arise, I'll know what caused them.


    I should also mention that I use Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Logic Audio, and Cubase VST (on a Mac). I presume that this will make setting up soft synths four times as difficult as it would be otherwise.


    Reading your positive report of working with soft synths reminds me that I really should start this adoption process, so thanks for your feedback and enthusiasm!





  4. Hey bitdump, your site is a great introduction! Thanks for the link. Stravinsky was an early influence for me as well.


    A few years ago, my wife and I studied Italian for a month. It's a beautiful language. Molto bene! We also almost moved to your birthplace of NYC last year, but we wound up staying in LA.


    As you may or may not know, we have two Kurzweil members who frequent this forum. Perhaps you know them from your time at Young Chang? They are Mike Martin and Geosync (George Hamilton). Our moderator, Dave Bryce, once worked for Kurzweil as well.


    Welcome aboard Jeffrey. I hope you enjoy your time here. :thu:








    So who's next? :)

  5. Hey DJDM, I did read this the first time around; but thanks for posting it here too!


    Congratulations on your soft synth success. I know a number of people who have gone this way, yet I still haven't gotten around to installing the several soft synths I bought in 2001! :rolleyes:


    Please keep us posted with soft synth tips, tricks, and updates.





  6. A lot of newbies have arrived in the five months since this thread was last on page one.


    So, in the words of our esteemed moderator:


    Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

    please...step on up to the mic and introduce yourself!

    ... And if you're an established long-term member and you haven't posted here ... well ...


    WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? :eek::rolleyes::wave:

  7. Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

    My main controller is a QS8.

    Same here. I like the action on the thing. I don't know what the deal is with the criticisms of the bass patches. I guess we either have different tastes, or it's a matter of context. I produced an album last year, and the most prominently featured bass sound in any song was a QS8 fretless patch that I used as a sort of duet with the vocalist on a ballad. The artist and I were both very happy with the way it turned out.


    I use the "Pure Stereo" piano patch a lot as well. I have a few piano samples that are more realistic on their own; but this one usually sits well in a mix, IMO.


    I had one problem with the pitch bend that a hard reset fixed. Otherwise, I've found the QS8 to be a reliable keyboard.





  8. Dave, thanks for posting and for sharing. I'm glad that you found your way back to music. I played the clubs part-time during college (1976-1980) and full-time from 1980 to 1992, and sometimes I miss performing too (I now do studio work).


    Be sure to let us know if the Jaywalkers perform down in LA.





  9. steinwaym, thanks for posting; and thanks for your service to our country. With your military gigs and freelance bands, a wife, and two kids, it sounds like you have a full life! :thu:


    I also agree that playing is more important than programming for most users, yet we seem to have a lot more discussions about sounds than we do about technique. Perhaps you'll steer us more in that direction with a thread of your own sometime?


    Welcome again to the forum steinwaym.





  10. progfusion74, great handle! You'll find a number of progressive rock fans (including myself) here at The Keyboard Corner. We've got everyone from beginner to pro levels as well, so it's a diverse community. I'm glad to see that you're honoring your dream of building a home studio. Good luck and welcome aboard!





  11. ers, welcome to The Keyboard Corner. It's a small world: I was one of the writers of the music for Sega's game, "Sonic the Hedgehog 3."


    It's true that Chris got off on a bad foot, but he turned things around well. I hope that both of you will hang around and participate in this fun forum of ours.





  12. Chris, thanks for posting and a belated welcome to The Keyboard Corner!


    Like you, I switched my major to composition midway through college (I began as a jazz major). I also played trumpet for a few years during elementary school, but I gave it up because it was painful to play after I got braces. I switched to drums in 7th grade. These were just second instruments to me though, because I began piano lessons when I was six.


    Anyway, enough about me. I already wrote about myself a few pages back.


    Who's next?

  13. Steve, Eric, Alban, and Guerillatheater, thanks for sharing. I'm sorry to only be responding now. I must have missed your posts. Thanks for joining us in The Keyboard Corner!


    I've noticed a few new screen names around here recently, so I decided to bump this thread up to the top and invite those of you who have yet to share in this thread to do so now.


    tundrkys, analogman, 88 KEYS, Dave Pierce, Hanjaya, SurrealMcCoyJazz, jlsy, and anyone else I may have missed, please tell us a little bit about yourselves!





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