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Posts posted by MonksDream

  1. One way to accomplish that on some boards is to set up the sound stacks (2 on one side and 1 on the other) then swap their effective ranges, i.e. make the Right side C1 to C3 and the left one C#3 and up.
  2. It is a transitional story and a movie that had to be made. There are a lot of references to old films, the Aston Martin, Ms office with the Leather door, Bond talking to Q and saying you must be joking. If you know Bond all the references were to previous movies. The big difference is the laptops and technology in the offices.

    I guess I went expecting a James Bond movie. And got to saw a movie about James Bond movies. Perhaps celebrating all that makes a great James Bond movie, but still.

    Exactly right, Guru! I've been a Bond fan since the 60's so I appreciated the references. There are some other things I liked about Skyfall that I can't mention without spoiling it for someone else. Did I mention Bérénice Marlohe? ;)


  3. See I really don't understand what people are seeing. The plot was revenge on M. It's a transitional movie with a story that had to be told.

    I get that. What I don't get is why they didn't do a better job of it. I'm not saying the movie is bad, just not as good as it could be, or the others have been. I have more questions about Skyfall but don't want to post any spoilers.


    D-bon - glad you enjoyed it! I may have to see it again. Any excuse to see Berenice Marlohe! :D

  4. I hear ya Jeff, but you still have the car! :D


    We went to see Skyfall in IMAX yesterday and were disappointed. The story was weak and had lots of holes in it, not the least of which was the villain's motivation. We want 'Bond saves the world' and instead we get 'Bond saves the agency'. I give it a 6 out of 10 because of the cinematography, some excellent chase/fight scenes, and a couple of insanely beautiful women in key roles.

  5. PS - If you want a wonderful score that borrows (ok, steals) heavily from the Bond style check out Pixar's The Incredibles.

    You are going to love watching this. Rick Baptist (Dancing with the Stars, Oscars telecast) and Wayne Bergeron (Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band) on trumpets.




    Mark - You were right. I loved this!! I understand one of the reasons that soundtrack sounds so good. It was played live by the whole orchestra. Nothing beats that vibe. Nothing.

  6. What a great thread! I've been a Bond-lover since I was a child and have fond memories of playing with my brother's Corgi DB5 with the ejector seat!
    The gold Aston Martin? I had one of those! I think I know where it is, even, though the extra man and the roof lid are long gone (45 years now). The tires are probably missing too. But I think the front machine guns and the rear window popup bullet deflector still work! :-D


    We have that CD too, and I have to agree with all your comments about the actors.

    Yes! The Aston-Martin! If you still have the box and the stickers you can probably retire on it. lol

  7. THIS is how it's done, with the greatly esteemed Derek Watkins leading the trumpets:




    Brass section from a ROMpler, anyone?


    Thank you, Mark! I want to write a Bond-esque chart for the big band I play in so I've been trying to study the arranging style. Watching the horn section lay it down is a great learning opportunity. Derek Watkins has certainly earned his esteem! I love the way they relax after the last note, wait for the 'cut' and then go on with their conversations. Pros :-)

  8. What a great thread! I've been a Bond-lover since I was a child and have fond memories of playing with my brother's Corgi DB5 with the ejector seat! On a recent trip to the Gulf Islands we stopped in at a second hand store and scored a CD of Bond theme songs. This has led to an in-car game with my passengers we call "Name The Singer". You'd be surprised at some of the people who have done Bond themes (aha and Louis Armstrong?). The most common wrong guesses are Nancy Sinatra and Shirley Bassey. Bassey kinda makes sense since she did three of them. Unfortunately the CD only goes up to 1991.


    My Bond actor picks are, in order:

    1a) Connery - because he created the role and is the standard against whom all others are judged

    1b) Daniel Craig - because he's AWESOME! Fleming's Bond from the books has been described as "a savage in a Saville Row suit". Nobody does the Bond "don't even think of f**king with me" look like Craig. He has the air of someone who knows he can kill you without spilling his drink. That scene of him walking down the hall in Buckingham Palace with the Queen during the Olympics said it all. Craig doesn't play Bond, Craig is Bond.

    2) Pierce Brosnan - he was a great Bond IMO and I really liked all of his films.

    3) Timothy Dalton - he was really good but I wasn't watching Bond films much in the late 80's so I don't have much attachment to him.

    4) Roger Moore - Live And Let Die was the first Bond film I ever went to the theatre to see without adult supervision. Roger Moore brought the cachet he'd earned playing The Saint (cool theme on that show too). Looking back his performances were, at times, laughable but aren't they all really?

    5) I even liked Lazenby! The film, not so much.


    The James Bond Theme by Monty Norman (Arr. John Barry) is my all-time favourite big band tune. 50 years on and that chart swings like a wrecking ball!

    After that my favourite Bond theme song is Live And Let Die although there are some other great tunes in the Bond canon.


    PS - If you want a wonderful score that borrows (ok, steals) heavily from the Bond style check out Pixar's The Incredibles.

  9. [

    "You've reached the musician support group. Post your questions about gear, music or life's problems, and 50 experts will be along soon to offer customer support/counseling. Press 1 for English, 2 for near English."


    Before the internet, how did the world ever get by?

    We had these things called 'friends', most of whom we'd meet weekly at places called 'music stores' on weekends when we went to look at gear we couldn't afford. ;)

  10. Ahh, I see what you mean, mcpepe. (Thanks for the link, Tom) it's nt that you can't get an 88 into the car, you just can't hide it. Assuming your Skoda is the same size as my Sonata a 73 or 76 will fit across your trunk. But you're right that there aren't a lot of those to choose from. The best, and most expensive, solution would be to get a different car!
  11. McPepe - I don't know what your car looks like so I can't recommend a keyboard for you. I have a question about your car. Does the rear seat of the Octavia fold down? I own a Hyundai Sonata and the rear seat splits (60/40) and I can fold down either side. My RD300GX in a Yamaha YBB case fits unto the trunk nicely with part of the rear seat folded down. I then have enough room for amps stand and cases, etc. When fully loaded all you can see is a bit of the case inside the passenger compartment and I can still carry 3 passengers.
  12. Played a gig during an Ice storm. Jersey Shore (1988).

    Parked behind club. Tried to unload gear. Guitarist and singer decided not to help the off-load.


    I pushed the giant caster wheel bins toward stage entrance.

    Door locked - wind-chill -4. brrr.


    Ran in through front door, used monitor wedge like a doorstop - yelled over to the slackers: "Help"



    How do you all deal with the slackers that don't seem to want to help move the gear? Been a problem for years. Either showing up late on the load-in or disappearing at the end of a gig on load-out. We work just about every Friday and Saturday and again Saturday night I found myself and the female singer rolling up PA cables, while the other 4 guys are nowhere to be found. The band leader is the female vocalist who seems to be afraid to challenge the slackers. Frustrating!





    Don't pay them until the load out's done?

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