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About alvin13

  • Birthday 11/30/1999
  1. B3boy, How did you find the Exp Pedal on your Keyb Duo? Thanks.
  2. clonk The link is to a thread I found recently while researching the long throw question. It's how one person made a long throw pedal from a B3 unit combined with the pot from a Yamaha fc7. I might do this with my H/Suz XB2 pedal. Otherwise, there is not much else out there ...Ocean Beach Exp Pedal??????
  3. And just a reminder Dazz. Oz customs will hit you for 10% GST on gear worth more than AU$1000. Crumar should knock about 15 or 20% VAT off the Euro price though. It's a good time for us to buy with AU$ riding high at the moment.
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