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Posts posted by sparetime

  1. Just picked up another On Stage KS7150 platform stand from B&H Photo/Video in NYC:


    I really don't know why more people don't use these - they hold up to 375 lbs, fold up completely flat, have independent telescoping legs, you can add a second tier or a mic boom, the floor beneath it is totally free for pedals, and it's so cheap, even at $80.

    Totally agree. I really like mine. I've used it for both my DMC122 and FA08. Folds up small. No up/down bounce. Light weight. TONS of leg room. However, you have to be careful when folding up the legs - multiple times I've gotten my finger stuck in there. Major pain. I should buy another one for when I setup in an L.

    So I just ordered one of these. Do you guys have any issues with your keyboards sliding around? I'm going to use this with my Hammond SK1 which only weighs 16 lbs.

    I glued thick spongy shelf liner to the top(black of course). Spongier the better. Plus you can adjust the width to more than adequately support an SK1.

  2. Just picked up another On Stage KS7150 platform stand from B&H Photo/Video in NYC: ...


    I really don't know why more people don't use these

    Agreed. Cheap, strong & quick setup. They don't travel well, especially if you have a second tier. I use a velcro strap to secure the legs in transit.


    Last purchase was a Zoom H2n, to replace one that grew legs at a gig. 3yrs, no interest. Last Day.

  3. Separated for over 3 years... gets boring and lonely at times, but I don't miss the nonsense.


    How does that work? ...

    It works any way you can devise. I couldn't take it anymore and moved out. But because our son was still in high school and she didn't work, I continued to pay all the bills and gave her some additional cash. We lived this way for 4yrs. Once he left for college we began mediation. Now as part of the agreement we're not officially divorcing until she finishes a master's program. Staying married, I can subsidize her medical ins.


    But do I get any credit for all that Noooooo. Like Timwat, I elected to take the high road. Dis'ing the ex, is dis'ing the kid. I actually defend her to him. I took it as an opportunity to be a model for my son, and it's paying off big time. Protect the kids as much as possible with your actions.


    But I also embraced, what a counselor once told me: "Ha! everybody's been f'd up by their parents!" You can't shield them from everything.

  4. I own a whole lot more keyboards now then I did when I was married. See, it's not OT after all.


    Definitely truth there :laugh: On a more serious note, if you tend to drink a lot watch your alcohol consumption. I slipped from heavy drinking into full blown alcoholism, which probably did more damage than the divorce itself.


    Almost done with mine. Fortunately the kid is in college. It's been a great opportunity to take stock and learn what's really important. Work hard to evade the negative emotions. Never forget: it will end and you will survive. Mediate if you can, not easier but way better than court.

    (my keyboards are starting to multiply, odd)

  5. I called SW and will receive a new unit in the next batch.

    AndyW, whatever came of this? Was the replacement better? My front speaker buzzes with all levels down and only power connected. Tried in different circuits and buildings. Have to wait for next shipment to SW for exchange. Full disclosure: the box had a big puncture and the speaker grate a slight indentation.



    Wow, did you make a note about the box w/ the Fed Ex delivery guy? Best to always make them write that down in case of damage later discovered.


    FYI, I will personally see to it that you are completely satisfied w/ your SS3, but if Fed Ex screwed up then they need to be a part of the solution!


    Meanwhile, send me a PM and I'll give you my direct email, so you can keep me posted.


    Thanks Aspen. I'll pm you.

  6. I called SW and will receive a new unit in the next batch.

    AndyW, whatever came of this? Was the replacement better? My front speaker buzzes with all levels down and only power connected. Tried in different circuits and buildings. Have to wait for next shipment to SW for exchange. Full disclosure: the box had a big puncture and the speaker grate a slight indentation.

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