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Posts posted by Lokair

  1. On 4/30/2023 at 3:53 PM, Winston Psmith said:

    @Lokair- Have to agree on the travel and potential allergy issue, after you mentioned Ocean City, Maryland. The Maryland/D.C. area has been experiencing a vicious pollen/allergy season (see @Caevan O’Shite's remarks above), on top of a period of drought, and it's very possible that you had an allergic response to the pollen and the dry air, as you came from Pittsburgh through Maryland, and back again. I work outdoors, for the most part, and I've definitely felt the pollen in the air, as well as the greenish-yellow dust on everyone's cars.

    Winston, that is definitely part of it, the Wife noticed everyday we were there that pollen covered our car, yellow dust on everything. 


    On 4/30/2023 at 10:14 PM, Old Music Guy said:

    I don't have "a tone". I really don't even know what that means. 

    I adjust to what I'm playing at the time. and what the situation calls for. 

    I guess I'm lucky. Can't lose what I never had. 


    Yeah my general tone for Metal and my general tone for Rock are not the same, and always require some tweaking of settings but this was over the top annoying to hear. I guess you could say I like to have base line of acceptable before I mess it up with playing. 


    I plug my Modeler into my small PA same channel same settings and while we were gone i just left everything plugged in and turned off. 


    My hearing test at work came back with a definite shift in my mid range frequency's I will retest next month with the Practitioner again, He said allergies and travel more than likely are to blame, the good thing is that I tested somewhat better in the highs than i did last year. Its good to be friends with the bass player/Practitioner at my job, he just Ok'ed the test with no BS.


    Thanks all for the support, these things sometimes bother me as I turned 50 last year and had tinnitus that was getting worse till the Dr found my ears had compacted wax build up, once cleaned out it cleared up within a month.  



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  2. I may buy one of those from DHgate, and put my Tumnus mini in it for fun. I have read that the Klon guy really hates whats become of his pedal with super high prices. 



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  3. Kuru, 

    I am also having the problem with a solid-state modeler GT-1000, and the JP2C has a spax7 in number one and two spots already (that's whole other discussion as to why), but I agree tubes are always a non-constant constant. 



    I have already fixed my crunch tone on the Real amp, I started with some generic settings that I have written down, then adjusted to taste, then did compare with written notes from what I had to what did to get back to happy. differences were brought the treble down from 3 o'clock to 1:30ish, dropped the mids from 11ish to 10ish bass is still at 9:15ish, the 5 band dropped the 2200 and 6600 slightly as well and upped the 60 and 240 slightly left the 700 roughly where it started at. The presence and gain were dialed back into almost the exact same place they were as well, gain at 1 and pres pulled at 1:30ish. Volume is adjusted to taste based on need, which will then dictate more slight adjustments over all but it sounds good for where its at now. 

     Caevan I think your onto something traveling from Pittsburgh area to ocean city MD the mountains on the way down my ears were not popping normally and everything is in bloom now to. 

    Watch some time this summer everything will sound too bright and I will have to revert back to my older settings. oh the joys of tone. 




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  4. Ok, Built my tone into my GT-1000 based on my Mesa JP2C with no effects, started around thanksgiving and finally happy around the new years. Go away on vacation April 16th no guitar no music, other than listening to some thru earbuds. Come Back April 21st and plug back into my set up and found my tone is like fuzzy, lost definition, sort of peaky in the higher Mids. Makes me rethink the GT-1000, never took down my JP2C set up just covered it with a moving blanket, uncover it plug in and my tone from it is a little fuzzy and mids are peaky top end is slightly cut, both easy fixes. I still think both sound slightly fuzzy , , check my ears (with samsung hearing test((which an ear doctor said is very good)))with a set of high end headphones and my noise cancelling ear buds my hearing is very good for being 50 years old. Going to work this week and seeing the hearing test guys and gonna have them do a complete hearing test and compare to the last few years. But everything else sounds good, my buddies tone is spot on Les Paul thru a small marshall type amp, even checked my down tuned guitars they sound fuzzy, my acoustics sound fine, my acoustic simulator sounds fine my clean tone on both set ups sound good, but my crunch and lead tones are just slightly off, too the point that I dont enjoy playing, so today I am redoing my set  ups starting with the real amp then gonna redo the modeler as per what the amp sound like(gonna back up all files first so i can compare at the end of it all). 


    My question anyone else ever have this happen to them , go away for a while then return to find your unsatisfied with your own tone? It making me question the whole Matrix? 




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  5. My experience is a little different. Used to have major head aches and seizures , got CBD's and other Holisitc's as kid in my late teens to early 20s , I am 50 now, some of that stuff made me sick, like worse than the problem so I dropped off using them. Fast forward to the 2004, very bad time head aches and some of my worst seizures. Dr. get me back to CBD's and cuts out all soda's and other dietary cuts, adjusts my sleep habits. CBD's and weed in general made me way better, still use both mostly recreational with the weed, like once a month, but if I have certain type head ache I know what to do. One thing I don't like is the CBD stores in PA are just ridiculously trying to get me to buy different stuff and such, like CBD hair products or CBD liniments for pre and post workouts(two different types and radically expensive). So now I have a Private account with a distributor from out of state, and they ship to me, no ads or crazy lady trying to sell me stuff I don't need. Do your research its your health and money. Get second opinion from Drs not associated with each other too. 



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  6. The light gauge thing has been what kept me playing Acoustic , tried a Frank Gambale Cort with 10 14 18(unwound) 30 39 47. I have tried the PRS acoustics SE's and wow they are great. Quality is very high and tone for days. 



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  7. I have my Les strat with EMG humbucker in the bridge and EMG single coils(not active) in the middle and neck S/S/81 set , I built this with an alder body the first time, then to finish the guitar with a no trem, using a Tune-O-Matic bridge I used a Poplar body blank, I never noticed any tonal disenable difference. Tone woods are for the most part for electrics is subtle if you add in an active pickup you'll never really hear the diffence IMO. This guitar has also had a JB bridge and fender middle and neck single coils once again never really noticed much of difference, now a difference that I did notice was a cheap TOM vs a good one(top end is better with a nash ville vs a Dean import bridge). 


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  8. The tube amp companies are selling before what is perceived as the true tube amp end. There will always be market for them smaller by generation but high prices due to parts availability and the rise of modelers and captures. Marshalls built by Marshall are not really anything special. I played a JCM 800 built from a kit that blew my mind away two years ago, last time a true Marshall did that was never(not to say it could not be done, I just never played one my self). Small Tube amp companies will be around for a long while.


    Just my 2Cents worth 


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  9. I checked them out and meh(i saw some news of this a couple of weeks ago when Jen was out talking about how she was dropped by Evanescence with out being told) , nothing to get excited about, Like a second rate Lacuna Coil. the dance beat metal is done better by alot more, Lord of the Lost , the aforementioned Lacuna Coil, and Jinjer has that same type of feel. When you label something as super group, it's usually a big fail. 


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  10. I love those old GM A  bodies. 

    I estimate that his old one will go for around $100K, and if it hits right $125K unless Guitar Center or the Hard Rock buys it then someone will drive the price to $200K easy 

    My 1970 GTO has the motor torn apart as I rebuild it, Probably done later this year. Just something about them that looks good and they go Fast. 

    Below is a picture of My GTO I had made into a Poster, this is the effected picture. 




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  11. For me when I play I have tone in my head(along with many voices) that usually guides me to it as close as possible. Everyday I make some sort of adjustment weather its how I hit the string or maybe where I roll the tone knob, even how hard I press my fingers into the string. 


    The quest for tone is lifetime spent playing and accepting that its as close as you can get to the tone in your head at that moment. 




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  12. The Kahler was a nightmare too, too many people thought it was stable till you rested your hand on it.I watched people mess with them for hours.   When I rebuilt my 87 Flying V i just put a tune-o-matic in place(was a kahler didnt even fill in the bathtub hole the holes were there just added some parts I had lying around)  If i was to ever go back to a trem system other than the fender style i would try the Edge style, but I just bend the neck enough for what I do. That and vibrato via a pedal is always an option, 



  13. Than coming up with cash that it takes to pay to have it done. 


    I set up few hundred in the 80s and 90s, and could have made a boat load of money, but I was the nice guy. The worst were people who wanted the trem to be better than it was, had guy who insisted it should let you detune the whole guitar a half step and  stay there. I finally found out he thought the FR was a trans trem thing. Another guy was disappointed when he changed his strings that it needed set up again, he had changed string gauge. I was amazed the first time I saw one with no locking nut, it was on a custom guitar around 1993 and had perfect roller nut and some type of locking tuners. 


    was all good fun, haven't had to set one up in few years. I still cannot believe people still use em, but to each there own.  




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  14. I apologize for bringing up an old Post, that being said. Here is review of the full-size version. 

    I purchased the full-size GT-1000 around thanksgiving 2022, after trying a friend's GT-1000core. I decided that for 700$ used it was a good deal.  If you can score either at a good price you will probably be happy. It has helped me start practicing more. It took me a month of learning about an hour every week to learn how to build patches using my lap top(also learned how to with my tablet using Bluetooth). I have never been all that good building patches with Boss gear, but now I am good enuff to build stuff for myself. Also got a few IRs loaded. 

    The pros are. 

    1 Sound really good once you get past the presets. As all pieces of gear like this the presets are just too much of showing off of every effect and amp. If you Bluetooth to tablet / phone or USB to a computer goto the tone central and get some better patches and load them into the user patches. 

    2 All the connections most of us would ever need, USB, MIDI, Sub outs are XLR, 2 EFX loops ectara 1.i use the sub out to a small PA for practice using IRs dedicated for each patch. 2. Also use it 4 cable method with my amps (on completely different patches). 

    3 Light weight easy to take with you like 12lbs with cables and such plus its road worthy. I have plugged into a pa at some jam sessions and then adjusted to the needs of my buds as they asked to try it. 

    4 Has every effect I should need. Now that's not to say they are all perfect, but most are top notch. 

    5 The value 700$ used including shipping and tax from reverb. I would have paid up to 825 for the full size. and if I lost, I would replace it with Identical piece.



    1 Learning Curve for this older player was a harsh reality that I have not kept up with Guitar tech. I feel now that I could program alot of these types of units (many are much easier but cost more and or will run out of DSP which no one has ever said of the GT-1000). Also, you may find yourself with options overload, so start simple and add only what you need then copy the patch to another location and add extra effects so you can have your basics down without erasing them. 

    2 Programing using a laptop, or a tablet is necessary you can so it from the unit screen and buttons, but it will take you alot longer. And a phone screen size would make me crazy. 

    3 The pitch shift effect is not the best, nitpicking here but its not as good as the Drop or the Brainwaves and I really wanted to use it for shifted tunings. 

    4 Get and learn how to add IRs to the unit as its uses separate software to load them. The stock ones are passable and adjustable, but I have few and they were easier than adjusting the stock ones.  


    The Core is also good unit, but I wanted full size midi connections and the Bluetooth. Like I said I tried my friends Core and with him choosing patches the sound quality was excellent. 



    If you have any? s feel free to ask I wanted to volunteer a review for anyone who maybe looking for a unit in this range. 

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  15. I use three pedals like that on my pedal board I am using a voodoo pedal power plus to supply 12V, have to move some dip switches. If people need em I also have some where around 50 Motorola power supplies 12VDC out 300mA(small wall warts) brand new, if I remember correctly I have to reverse the polarity on the out put for pedals and I used a couple of them for years till I got a fully functional board built. I supply these as needed as replacements for industrial radios. I think I charge 10$ to the mill each. I will look into my supply locker next week and see how many I am sitting on and double check the out put, I will even put one on my scope to see how flat the DC is coming out. 



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  16. Not the worst year for me, and still have not had covid(J&J vaccine in the spring) . My wife has had two minor surgeries and all biopsies have come back negative for Cancer, which all local Drs said was Cancer (Idiots all of them), Always get a second Opinion from a Dr not associated with the ones who made the original Diagnosis. Double Blind opinion we are calling it(this could easily be a very long Rant , So easily enuff to say thanks to the NIH and Cleaveland Clinic for SAVING my wife from the Local Drs .).



    Work wise was on strike for 5 months so no income for that time(no unemployment due to strike), but could be worse still have my job.


    Musically Turned down a touring spot for band coming to the US for and east coast tour, would have played guitar , bass and bass pedals. (turned down due to wifes health so was an easy thing to do).

    Also Joined Jazz jam group having a blast when we can meet(all canceled since thanksgiving due to covid concerns) , but a great bunch of people and we all really give each other a good ribbing during our get togethers(thinking of renting a space and forming a musicians guild based on how this all came together). We do challenges every month IE learn a song backwards , learn a song that is in minor key and play it as if it were written in a major key.



  17. Man he coming to Greensburg wich is like 30 minutes away . That EVO/Jem package would be great, but Expensive $1575.00. . I am tempted to go , but skip the package deals well maybe the VIP3 tear would be cool $275 or the merch package would be cool for $185.

    He always puts on great show, so probably worth the extra scratch for stuff you may buy any way and its always cool to get the extra's.

    Thanks for cluing me in to this.



  18. Ok after reading this post they other day, I decided to do 1 whole month with out a Flying V in my hands. I got out (2009)1959 relic tele( the only Tele I have ever liked). my Les Paul, and a no name strat. as well as a Dean Les Paul , and a Jackson soloist. so now I feel like a noob playing guitar, but diversity makes hard work and hard work pays off. I have two Jazz jams this month and a few heavy rock\metal jams. The jazz guys will have the most fun with me as they are ruthless bunch of nice guys (and one girl).



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