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About rha

  • Birthday 01/19/2022
  1. Thanks so much Jazzoo; the band you describe seems the same as mine; I'll look forward to trying this out soon. Appreciate you sharing your experience.
  2. Clearly, this product has generated quite a lot of attention and many fans. I too am intrigued by this, but have a question, and with so much info (we're at 79 pages already), I think I'm getting lost in the info, and now can't see the forest for the trees. Here's my question: I usually play in smaller venues (50-100 seats); typical setup involves hauling a Traynor K4 for stage monitoring and running balanced outs from the amp to the mixing board of the house PA for FOH. Since the Space Station has no outputs (other than the sub), I could either split the outs from the keyboard to both the mixer and the Space Station. But I'm thinking that having any keyboard in the PA would defeat the purpose of the Space Station by interfering/masking the stereo effect. So I'm thinking that I would just use the Space Station for both monitoring and FOH, and wonder if this would be loud enough to cut through my bandmates' instruments in the PA? I'd be grateful to hear from those with gigging experience in small venues, playing with a full amplified band.
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