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Posts posted by keithwakeman

  1. I may have given the wrong impression.

    As far as I can tell, the unit works perfectly.

    It comes with a ton of plu-gins that all work perfectly fine.

    I wasn't aware I had to authorize the unit

    but I did register it with Plugorama when I first received it, then it was placed back in the box (long-story-short:I moved,I had a heart attack, a couple of surgeries, you know; that old chestnut).And there is sat for about 10 months.

    My needs are simple. Im not a "computer-guy" Im a composer who needs a decent orchestral string and horn plug-in for the MUSE. And thats it! Suggestions?

    I hope I dont come across as some lazy prima-donna expecting someone to do the work for me, but I really dont know this unit operates. I networked it with my Mac but I have no idea how to troubleshoot issues, download and license plug-ins. As you know, you dont get money back for software, so I cannot afford to make ill-advised purchases.

  2. I wrongly purchased a Muse Receptor Quatro, supposedly their last and most powerful module a little over a year ago.(Quad core 3.9 gHz, 2-TB drive, 16 gig ram) I just opened it up a month ago to find no manual. I went to their website to find they are not really a functioning company, they have NO support or contact info ( that actually works). Guitar Center wont take it back. I was completely out of the scene for 5 years and was not aware of things like Vienna Pro which has changed the way we use virtual synths and players are now commonplace.

    I have NO idea how to use this box. "Plugorama", Muse's sister site ( for lack of better word) is completely useless and outdated too. The things that site claims I need to network and download, and authorize I simply cannot locate anywhere. Any help would be appreciated, or connecting me with someone who uses these and wished to purchase another one as back-up. I am flexible, and pissed that a retailer would sell me a $3k item from a non-existent company, who offers no support. Cheers

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