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Sam Mullins

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Everything posted by Sam Mullins

  1. Look at applications like Keystage, AUM, Camelot on iPad. They are designed to do this and a whole lot more. You should search for these app names threads on this forum to see discussion of all of these. I'm not an expert but things are easier if all the synth apps support auv3. Last time I checked, many of the IK apps do not. At this point I wouldn't buy an app that doesn't support auV3.
  2. It's not really extensive but more than what you reference here , e.g. resonance, cutoff, attack and release times, modulation and vibrato amounts, eq. See page 62 of user guide for list.
  3. Yeah that seems about right. Got my CT-S500 yesterday and went through one charge and it was probably in that same range. My rechargeable batteries are also a year old, so it’s possible you could do a little better with new ones. I’m also guessing using bluetooth would drain it a little faster.
  4. Got my CT-S500 yesterday and really impressed with the increased sound and functionality. Lots of good stuff under the hood. I really do think I could do some casual gigs with just this keyboard (and maybe an iPad.) The registration programming paradigm is different than what I’m used to but I’m getting the hang of it. I’m not one of these people who is going to complain about why feature X from my Kronos isn’t on this $380 keyboard. My one complaint is that you can’t name registrations; makes it harder to use live for sure. You can change the names on Setups which is similar functionality so I don’t really understand this limitation. Also, I want to second the shoutout to Paul Drongowski and his blog on the CT-S500/1000V. Very helpful.
  5. I checked the manual and it is the same as CT-S1 which can use rechargeable batteries. I keep two sets to swap and haven’t plugged my CT-S1 in 9 months.
  6. Just ordered my CT-S500 as replacement for my CT-S1. Primarily still for couch keyboard, but with the split feature and extra controls (pitch, 3 knobs and control pedal), I would consider doing a quickie/street gig with the CT-S500 and an iPad. Will probably have my CT-S1 (with bluetooth adapter) on the garage sale soon if anyone's interested.
  7. Hmmm...getting the itch to upgrade to CT-S500 from my CT-S1. One question for anyone that might have experience: how does the battery time differ between CT-S500 and CT-S1 (assume it's got to be lower with the display).
  8. As an old fart (first rig was Hammond C3/Wurly/Micromoog in the late 70’s), can I just say it is amazing that we can have a legitimate discussion of covering all this ground on one keyboard < $500. I’m grateful both for the high end stuff that I am completely satisfied with and the low end stuff that opens up more possibilities for people with bad backs or limited finances.
  9. I would consider the Casio CT-S500. I have no experience with it but I’ve owned a CT-S1 as my “couch keyboard” for quite a while now. I find the key bed quite playable and the sounds to be pretty good quality; I would consider them giggable in the situation you are talking about. The CT-S500 adds a lot to that make it a candidate for you: pitch wheel, lots more tones, setups with splits/layers, some effects configuration, control pedal input, 1/4“ L/R outputs,etc.
  10. I think the other band from that era that embodies what I like about the Cars (pop hooks + interplay between guitar and synths with good use of “space”) is from your neighborhood: INXS
  11. I’ve been looking at the Arturia keylab mkii. One thing to consider is that the 61 key is only 3” wider than the 49 because of the wheel placement.
  12. Yeah oddly enough i was using a soundcraft signature in the duo and my old mackie home studio mixer died. So put the signature in the home studio and bought the Notepad to use live. Just enough quality and flexibility for my duo. (Two keys, two mics, guitar and occasionally a couple percussion mics)
  13. I’ve been using the soundcraft Notepad -12FX in my duo for a couple years and been happy with it. The 8FX would save you space but only $30 less.
  14. The boards I have now are the best I've ever had (Kronos, Stage 3) but if the question was "what was the biggest leap in usefulness and enjoyment" ...definitely the Yamaha S90ES. First time I was really happy with an action (one of the rare good weighted actions that also had good pressure sensitivity) and very good sounds for the time.
  15. I’ve listened to the new record a couple times and so far I like it. Went back and listened to Seeds of Love and have to say the first side is one of the finest in pop history.
  16. The Wood Brothers ( Chris Wood’s bass solo on live video of Luckiest Man blows me away)
  17. Thanks to db and gang for all your efforts!
  18. I saw Doobies open for Steely Dan a couple years ago and was psyched when I saw that Bill was on keyboards. And then pissed an hour later after hardly hearing a note he had played. Don"t really understand how you can call yourself a professional sound person with such obvious problems.
  19. Second that. I have this one: https://www.soundcraft.com/en/products/notepad-12FX I have that one as well and have had good luck with it for my duo. Just enough inputs and flexibility for that purpose. And reasonably quiet.
  20. Joe Zawinul Fred Hersch Keith Emerson Thomas Dolby
  21. I'm quite happy with my QSC K10.2's for my duo...clean and plenty loud for the small venue's I play. If I was just using them for keyboard amp, I might consider the K8.2's, which people seem to favor for acoustic piano.
  22. I got my WU-BT10 bluetooth adapter over the weekend. The MIDI delay on bluetooth to my iPad seems slightly worse than the wired USB->lightning connection. That is my perception but it's close enough that I wouldn't swear to it without a double-blind comparison. I was hoping to use the bluetooth simultaneously for both MIDI and audio, i.e. using bluetooth MIDI to iPad and then routing iPad audio back to CT-S1 over bluetooth. But the audio delay is way too long (like a short slapback echo). On the plus side, I took my CT-S1 on a 10 day vacation and it was the perfect no-hassle solution. I even practiced for an upcoming gig in the car while my wife drove It would have been nice to have the bluetooth adapter for the vacation so I could stream tunes from my phone in our room.
  23. David Crosby and Sarah Jarosz doing Joni's "For Free": [video:youtube]
  24. New St. Vincent which has some nice wurly and clav work on it. Here is the SNL appearance: [video:youtube]
  25. My wife and I are on our first post-COVID vacation. We spent the day at Moss Mountain Farm (for PBS P Allen Smith fans) and then at local Breweries (shout out to Flyway which was excellent). On the way back to our B&B we drove by Little Rock Central High School, site of the famous Little Rock 9 incident, which was just a few blocks away. Quite a sobering sight. I needed a walk to get my blood sugar down (type 1 diabetes) and as usual put on my headphones and Spotifyâ¦with the intention of playing something 'appropriate' such as Sly or Public Enemy or Kendrick. But for some damn reason I put on Fragile by Yes ..about the whitest thing I could have chosen and immediately started to cryâ¦so inventive and and adventurous for the time. I realized it"s the same human spirit as Kendrick and Sly andâ¦. Sorry for the sentimentality but it just hit it me hard.
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