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Posts posted by SHaka40

  1. I still consider the FA-07 a compromise (ideally, I'd want aftertouch and sliders/drawbars on this 2nd board), but it's about as close as I've seen to what I'm looking for

    Same here, and I'd gladly pay more for it. The only current 7x semi-weighted boards I can think of with drawbars/sliders and aftertouch are Nord Stage 2EX/3 and the too-heavy (and long-in-the-tooth) Kurzweil PC3A7/K7.


    Forgot to mention the Nord stuff. The Stage does indeed come very close to what I need, but the limited multi-timbral capabilities (especially when combined with the fixed slit points) scares me. My old TR allows me 8 sounds at a time in a Combi, and I can put them wherever I want! Considering the price-point of Nord's boards, I don't think I'm willing to make that compromise the way I'm willing to live without aftertouch and drawbars on a ~$1500 FA07...

  2. Just played the FA-07 today at Gearfest. I will confirm that the action is a substantial improvement over the 06.

    Oh jeez...I sense my pockets getting lighter in the next couple of months! If I do end up getting the FA-07, it would replace my aging TR-76 as a second tier board on big gigs and a stand-alone board on smaller gigs..I'll miss the aftertouch a bit...but the sampling pads would be VERY useful for the gigs I've been doing over the last couple years...and the lack of user Program/Combi slots on the TR has become extremely frustrating...To be honest, I haven't yet found a perfect replacement for my needs...The Kurzweil PC3 was probably the one I was closest to buying, but I think I'd find it's small screen frustrating eventually, and I hear that the action on the 76 key is polarizing...the Forte is pricey and not available in unweighted keys...Yamaha doesn't make a MOX7, and besides I've already got a MOXF8...Korg decided to put a weighted action in their 73 Kronos (plus the 2-minute boot up would be a problem for some of my gigs). I still consider the FA-07 a compromise (ideally, I'd want aftertouch and sliders/drawbars on this 2nd board), but it's about as close as I've seen to what I'm looking for


    Moonglow, you say the action is noticeably better...is that in terms of the action itself, the key-size, or both? Also, was the finish on the chassis the same glossy style as the 06, or was it matte?

  3. Current FA users: back when people first started getting their hands on this board, there was mention of an issue regarding the black keys triggering louder than the white keys, particularly on Supernatural piano sounds (it's discussed here: http://forums.rolandclan.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=49133)

    1)has this ever been fixed via firmware?...and 2)if not, how big a deal is it (how noticeable)?


    That was one of the reasons I never actually bought the 06...for my multi-set, decent-paying R&B/soul gigs, it wouldn't be a big deal, as I would be paring it with my MOXF8 and would rarely use the Roland keys...but for the gigs where we have 20-25 minutes to perform and are expected to break down within a minute or two--this happens quite often with some of my gospel duties--I would be taking the Roland by itself, so uneven velocity response on the main piano patches is somewhat of a deal-breaker.

  4. I am a former user of an fa06, i,ve loved a lot of things of this keyboard but can stand with those tiny and awful keys. I will purchase a fa07 if keys are full size and a little better responsives to my playing (i,m an aficionado, amateur, but can appreciate the quality of a keybed). If someone of you have more information about fa07, please share!


    Doesn't look promising...from the website:

    Available models include the 61-note FA-06 and 76-note FA-07, which both feature velocity-sensitive keyboards with synth action, and the FA-08, which features an 88-note keyboard with weighted action.


  5. Listening to a lot of Gospel tracks, since I'm working on my annual Gospel/Symphony orchestrations. Kirk Franklin is quite an amazing musician and writer, this one is going to sound great with a full symphony:


    That song is the 2012-2013 gospel equivalent of what Adele's "Someone Like You" was to 2011-2012 pop...meaning I've heard it waaayyy more times than I'd listen to any one song by choice! Don't get me wrong. That's not a criticism. Quite the opposite. It's a modern classic :thu: But as a--hack of a--church musician, I've heard enough singers cover this song (and seen enough praise dancers interpret it...) in my travels to last a lifetime :laugh:



    Interesting. I've never heard it before as I don't really follow Gospel except for this project, so I don't know which ones are the "hits" or not. Here's another one, I'm assuming it's very popular as I see a ton of versions on Youtube:


    Yeah, that's definitely a hit (I believe my church's Mass Choir did that one for our Easter service), though not to the degree of "Take Me To The King." In general, the ensemble/praise and worship/Kirk Franklin (at least the stuff he's done over the last 10 years or so) style of music has overtaken traditional choir stuff like the Malcolm Williams song in terms of prominence in black gospel. That's probably overgeneralizing it a bit, but that's been the trend over the last decade or so, at least to my eyes/ears.

  6. As for me, I've been listening to this:




    It's what I've come to expect from Glasper, with his distinctive blend of jazz, neo-soul and hip-hop. Time will tell if I'll give it as many spins as the 1st Black Radio project, but it's certainly in the same ball-park sonically (btw: where's Chris Dave? maybe just too busy to commit to another project so soon?). Think I'm ready for another Robert Glasper Trio project, or some other more acoustic-leaning stuff though.


    ...and I've also checked this out within the last month or so...


    First Jonelle Monae cd I've bought. I find it a lot easier to support young artists who are unique and seem to take the artistry of what they're doing seriously, even if it may not be a style or genre I'd normally listen to. While I think Monae still has room to grow vocally--don't get me wrong, she's got the pipes and range to spare, but I think her instrument will get even more polish, confidence and maturity as she develops as an artist--I'd say the production, creativity, energy and sincerity of this album more than makes up for it! And I hear her live shows are spectacular.



    ...and of course I always keep my full catalog of Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan, Bill Evans, George Duke, various gospel etc. close at hand.


  7. Listening to a lot of Gospel tracks, since I'm working on my annual Gospel/Symphony orchestrations. Kirk Franklin is quite an amazing musician and writer, this one is going to sound great with a full symphony:


    That song is the 2012-2013 gospel equivalent of what Adele's "Someone Like You" was to 2011-2012 pop...meaning I've heard it waaayyy more times than I'd listen to any one song by choice! Don't get me wrong. That's not a criticism. Quite the opposite. It's a modern classic :thu: But as a--hack of a--church musician, I've heard enough singers cover this song (and seen enough praise dancers interpret it...) in my travels to last a lifetime :laugh:


    And you're right, it should be absolutely sublime with a full orchestra! If this annual event is something you guys record, please share. I'd love to check it out.

  8. ...how difficult it is too play in C major because there are no black keys. I never thought about it before I think he is right. It is hard to really dig in if there aren't any black keys.

    No question. For me, my favorite keys to play in are Ab and Db. Some of this has to do with the fact a lot of the urban gospel repertoire is in these keys. But beyond that, I think they just feel better under my hands. Playing on all whites sort of lacks tactual context so to speak.

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