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Eric Jx

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Posts posted by Eric Jx

  1. Yes, and I'm not talking about the descent.


    I've decided the F and Aflat playing during the intro is an overdub (or the descent is). The A and F can be played on the second manual. Tom's a master of overdubbing stuff.


    I'm still missing what your saying. Look at the first measure of Mike's transcription. Are you hearing different notes?




  2. I had always thought of course the intro lick is the Bflat, Dflat Eflat and F arpeggio...But I never noticed...at the same time that arp is playing- what's with the notes going A flat- F back and forth????? Is this an overdub? Or does Tom play those on the second manual? Problem is if you do those notes as well- then you can't do the descending line on the intro. Hmmm


    I'm not following your dilemma. The decending line is an octave below the opening right hand pattern.

  3. Yesterday, while still on a runner high, I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon (21.1 km or about 13 miles). I am stoked about it, and can't wait, although I also keep wondering, 'am I nuts...??'.


    About 4 years ago, my girlfriend found a Couch to 5K training program. It's for those who never ran before and slowly builds you up to run a 5K. We both started and complete the program and I've been running ever since. I ran about a dozen organized 5Ks and have run maybe a half dozen 10K races. Last fall, some friends and I decided that we were going to sign up for the long island half marathon (which is in early May). At that point, I was running 5-6 miles three times a weeks so I figured I had 6 months training to build up endurance to run a half.


    Then winter hit.


    We had a pretty bad winter this year, and I prefer running outdoors. I just don't have the dedication to run when there is snow on the ground. When th weather warmed up (March), I was starting from nothing. I tried ramping up quickly, but developed ankle problems. I had to shut it down for 3 weeks.


    When may rolled around, I ran the 1/2, but it was GRUELING. My foot was killing me by the time I finished.


    I'd like to run another 1/2 but I'm not going to make the same mistake again. The next time I'm going to sign up for one in the fall, so I have all spring/summer/fall to make sure I've prepared properly.



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