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Posts posted by zahush76

  1. not even in the same league synthwise as the incredible Waldorf Quantum.

    Thing is, i have a Waldorf Quantum on pre-order. I got to say that synthwise, so far the only place the Quantum was incredible as a synthesizer - was on paper. There were so many youtube demos, and the last ones from synthmania - and as good as the Quantum's supposed to be on paper - somehow all the demos are lame.

  2. The bass strings of that "acoustic piano" sound in the video are like no piano I've ever played. What the hell are Roland playing at here?


    I think it's just because this wasn't recorded using direct audio out, but rather thru the cam mic. So don't judge the AP by this vid. It sounds quite different on other vids.

  3. I thought I'd bring this over from the NAMM thread as it's more relevant here at least until the documentation becomes available.


    These are the SN instruments I could find on the instrument:

    APs, EPs, clavs, B3, FM EPs, one 60s organ and one theater organ.

    Acoustic and electric basses

    Acoustic guitars (no electrics, distorted, plucked, ethnic)

    A small selection of bells and a few mallets

    Ensemble strings


    A wide selection of synth tones (basses, leads, pads, box, etc.)


    Missing SN sounds include:

    Solo strings, brass, woodwinds. Ensemble brass and woodwinds. Electric guitars (all varieties)

    Accordions, harps, harmonicas, choirs, saxes, flutes

    Ethnic sounds

    Percussion, e.g. tympani


    Yes there are PCM equivalents to most all of these, but I was disappointed to find many excellent SN acoustic tones to be missing. But the synth tones are very strong and I do think it's a very competitive board in this price range.


    Also, it still is unclear as to what exactly can be loaded in the two WAVE EXPANSION SLOTS. Roland describes the two slots as: "The wave expansion slots are rewritable internal waveform memory. You can download data from the Axial sound library site and write it via a USB flash drive into the FA's internal wave memory (slot)." On the Integra they are referred to as EXPANSION VIRTUAL SLOTS and can load SN and SRX sounds.




    That's too bad. On the Axial site - the only expansions are of supernatural synth tones. Haven't encountered any acoustic SN that can be loaded of a roland website.


    This makes this statement from the short review by keyboardmag, far from accurate:

    Roland today announced the FA series, their first new full-featured synth workstation since 2008's Fantom-G. Available in two sizes, the 61-key FA-06 and 88-key weighted FA-08, it packs all the sounds of the Integra-7 flagship sound module

    Obviously not "all" the sounds.

  4. I'm also wondering about how the P08 desktop and the Mopho work together in terms of patch memory.

    When you connect a mono evolver to a poly evolver (or any other evolver combination), you have to make sure the same sounds are on both synths.


    Back to the Mopho\P08 polychain - apart from the fact the Mopho\Tetra have feedback and sub osc - there is also a difference in the patch memory.

    The Mopho has twice as much as the prophet 08.

    So, what happens when you get to banks C and D? :confused:

  5. I'm not ignoring the context.

    You can polychain the Mopho to the prophet 08 - for more polyphony - but you would be giving up the features i mentioned.

    So the fact that a Tetra isn't just half a prophet 08 is relevant to the discussion.

    Maybe you're only interested in the polyphony issue, but there is more to it.


    Another difference, btw, is that the Tetra has combo mode which enables it to function as four mono synths (or any other combination using the four voices) which means that it has four individual sequencers, 4x16 steps each - while the prophet 08 has only two.

  6. Well, like Dave said: "you may think of this as a prophet 04".

    It doesn't mean that it actually is.

    Spec-wise it isn't.

    The Tetra has a total of 8 osc and 8 sub osc. Two Tetra's would mean double the amount of osc than the prophet 08. And of course there's the feedback that's missing on the prophet 08.



    You may think of the Tetra as half a prophet 08, but: sorry. It isn't. It's actually more. What Dave said on the video is just for promotion. And if you reffer to him as the person who designed it - than go watch the specs as they appear on the designer's website.


    It's just the facts.

  7. Apparently the MIDI implementation of these models is different enough from the P'08 that it isn't possible to Poly Chain with that model, correct?


    According to the Tetra page:


    • Expandable: poly chain with other Tetras, Prophet '08, and Mopho for expanded polyphony


    Given that the Tetra is, in Dave's own words, "four Mophos, or half of a Prophet '08", I don't see why it (the Mopho Keyboard) wouldn't or couldn't expand to the P'08 as you suggest, Mark.


    Not sure why someone with a Prophet'08 would also buy the Mopho keyboard instead of a Tetra, though.


    Edit: Well, I suppose I can surmise that someone would want to take just the Mopho K to a gig and leave the big brother at home... and want the Poly Chain functionality at home... but would be a rare occurrance, in my mind. ;)


    If you actually read the Tetra's specs - you would have seen that (with respect to Dave's own words) it's not just "half a prophet 08".

    If you look into the osc section - you have 2 osc per voice, plus 2 sub osc. That's 4 osc per voice. Four voices makes it a total of 16 osc.

    On top of that you also have the feedback that can create distorted sounds that are impossible on the prophet 08.

    So a Tetra isn't just half a prophet 08.


    It's all on Google, dude.

  8. fuck me in the ass

    fuck me in the ass

    fuck me in the ass

    fuck you in the ass

    fucks him up his ass

    you let me fuck you in the ass

    the bear fucks him in the ass


    you're not obsessed with something, are ye? :confused:


    Of course i am. Fuck ass jokes. They usally come in groups - you know, when you sit with your friends and someone starts with one joke, then another one on the same subject - and so on. What's the matter? Can't handle it?


  9. Ok guys. Two jokes (pg 18):


    First joke:


    A farmer gets up in the morning, walks out the door into his yard, and notices that his cow is dead. He screams: "Oh, what am i gonna do now? How will i be able to provide for my family? I'm not a man anymore..." - and he shoots himself in the head. The sound of the gunshot wakes up his wife. She walks out the door into their yard where she finds their dead cow and her dead husband. She cries and screams: "Oh no! What am i gonna do? I have no one to take care of me - and the cow is dead so i can't earn any money..." - and she takes her husband's gun and shoots herself in the head as well.

    Their 16 year old sun gets out the door and sees his dead parents and the dead cow. Out of despare he walks towards the river to drown himself. In the water he meets a mermaid that says to him: "I can reverse everything back, but on one condition. Are you interested?", and the boy says: "Yes! What's the condition?". So the mermaid replies: "If you can fuck me in the ass for 5 times without stopping - i'll bring your family back and everything will be as it was. But - if you can't make it 5 times i'll drown you". And so he begins. Once, then again - but after the third time he simply just can't take it anymore, and so the mermaid drowns him in the water. Then comes their 12 year old sun, gets out the door and sees his dead parents and the dead cow, and his older brother floating lifeless in the river. Out of despare he also walks towards the river to drown himself. In the water he meets the mermaid that say to him: "I can reverse everything back, but on one condition. If you can fuck me in the ass for 10 times without stopping - i'll bring your family back and everything will be as it was. But - if you can't make it 10 times i'll drown you". Without much choice, the 12 year old brother begins. Once, twice, five times - but he can't fuck her more than 8 times, and so she drowns him.

    Finally, comes their 7 year old sun, gets out the door and sees his dead parents and the dead cow, and both his brothers floating lifeless in the river. Out of despare he also walks towards the river to drown himself. In the water he meets the same mermaid that say to him: "I can reverse everything back, but on one condition. If you can fuck me in the ass for 15 times without stopping - i'll bring your family back and everything will be as it was. But - if you can't make it 15 times i'll drown you". The little brother replies: "Make it 20 times". The mermaid replies in return: "25 times". The little boy replies: "How about 30 times?". The mermaid looks at him, amazed, and finally says: "Fine! 30 times it is". And the brother replies: "Ok... But, you're not going to drop dead on me after 12 times like the cow did, are you?"



    Second joke:


    A hunter goes out to the forest to hunt. He explores the forest, untill he finds a good spot, and he lies down, waiting for deer to come near. Suddenly he feels big paws on his shoulders. He looks back, and there he sees a big bear. The scary bear says to him: "You've got two choices: either you let me fuck you in the ass - or i'll kill you!". The man thinks about it for a minute or two, and replies: "I don't really have a choice, do i? I really want to live, so... go ahead. What can i do?". And so the big bear grabs him and fucks him up his ass so hard - the hunter barely manages to make it back home.

    Two weeks later, the man goes to the forest again. This time to a different spot. He finds a good place to hunt, and so he waits for deer to come by. Suddenly - the feel of great big paws on his shoulders again. He turns around - and there's the big bear from two weeks before. The bear says: "You again! Well, you've got two choices: either you let me fuck you in the ass - or i'll kill you!". And so the hunter chooses to live - and the bear fucks him in the ass so hard that his asshole becomes like a schnitzel. The hunter returns to his town, and goes to the nearby hospital.

    Two weeks later - he goes out to hunt again. After exploring the forest for a couple of hours he finds a good spot and waits for deer to come by. And again - he feels the familiar big paws on his shoulders. He turns around and sees the big brown bear in front of him. The bear looks at him. He looks at the bear.... awkward silence... Finally the bear says to the hunter: "You don't really come here to hunt, do you?"

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