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Everything posted by SK

  1. I'll see what I can do, davinwv. I have a Mac. The tune will open in Quicktime, if you have that. It's just audio, no video. edit: a good samaritan on the forum has offered to convert this to mp3. Not that it's worth it, but it should be up soon.
  2. Since davinwv did that nice, pretty version of "Someday my Prince", here's a different one. In the Reharm Room, we get to mess around with tunes in different ways. I hadn't played this song in years, but the 'reharm demon' made me do a rough take, trying stuff out. (probably delete this in a couple days.) http://stashbox.org/461401/SMPWC.mov
  3. Very nice playing and good recording. An agent once booked me at the Blennerhassett Hotel (sp?) there, hmm, or was that Parkersburg? What are you using for your keyboard/recording setup?
  4. Maybe he should try counting it "1 2 3 AND 4" joke time: A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons, nor prior experience. She mounts the horse unassisted, and the horse immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slide from the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse's mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse's neck, but she slides down the horse's side anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, the blonde attempts to leap away from the horse and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup; she is now at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground over and over. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness when to her great fortune.....Frank, the Wal-Mart greeter, sees her dilemma and unplugs the horse.
  5. Nice work, Dave! Rich, pretty changes on both, and cool groove on Solar. Best recording of your piano yet. I'll soon be going back in the studio where my Steinway is. Looking forward to that.
  6. Thank you all. Salvador Dali - that's a lot better than the 'Andy Warhol of the FP4', which might be closer to what it was.
  7. Thanks, wmp, you got it. Yeah, there was just a tad bit of social commentary there. I did a simplified version of this on a CD and called it "Mayberry R.I.P." This new version is totally redone - never thought I'd find another way to do it.
  8. Just noticed I'm a "Hall Of Fame Member", so to 'celebrate' (I was gonna post this anyway)... I just did this TV theme reharm for the KC Comp CD which isn't a definite go now, so I'm putting it here. It's an alternate universe version of a famous TV theme - the idea came from the CD suggestion on the forum. Fraught with several TV show quotes, it's an intended "Cringefest" at times. Sort of The Tuxers on steroids - Linwood, you know what I'm talking about. A totally un-serious offering, here's "Welcome To Da' Berry." http://stashbox.org/447568/Welcome%20To%20Da%27%20Berry.mov
  9. Nah - I was half asleep, played a couple solos at the studio on someone's project, got paid and went home. We'll see...
  10. The link works now. So that was Cecil Taylor's version of Chick's version of Carlo's interpretation of my version of Dave's future interpretation. Lot's of fun, ideas and chops. Hey, you didn't resolve it! What the... That was nice, Roger! Thanks for posting it. Makes mine sound like Victor Borge's version. BTW, "Time Warp" threw me... a CD I was partially involved in is coming out by that name.
  11. Darn, I can't wait to hear your interpretation of all our past and future interpretations, but the link doesn't allow me access.
  12. Thanks, LB. Really, really nice, Carlo, and what a great choice for a reharm. It can go practically anywhere. Very nicely reharmed. Thanks for sharing that! Okay, I took yet another try at Solar (masochist). This morning I just woke up, no coffee, went right to the keyboard and played this sloppy, rambling version in one take. Nothing special - maybe a couple moments in there. Kinda fun to record under a mental fog, but I should probably delete this later. http://stashbox.org/431058/So%20Solar.mov Okay, hope somebody else will do one.
  13. I heard those albums many years ago and liked them. But the influences from back then were deeper than just listening to Jarrett, Chick, Herbie, etc. I also was into Ornette's tunes, and listened to a lot of Paul Bley and John Coates, Jr., all who were major influences on Jarrett, plus classical elements. So I get that feel sometimes, from all those same concepts, in certain circumstances. But... I'll have to try another Solar to make sure they aren't there.
  14. No apologies necessary or accepted. After I suggested it, I did a slower, more reharmed version, was really into it for about 2 minutes, then suddenly lost all interest. But sometime I'll try it again. As to your version being "bland" - if it was, that's what I liked about it - relaxed and expansive. I think mine was demented. Dave - it'll would be great to hear another take on it from you. And I look forward to the next tune from you Carlo.
  15. Carlo, I really enjoyed that. Beautiful. Since it all falls under "reharm" (well, a single note can be a reharm), I'd almost like to do a series of variations on this tune with you, me, and Dave or anyone one who wants to add more. (What do you think?) It gets back to the purpose of the thread - the different ways a piece may be done. Here's an old one posted a while back. Sort of mad scientist groove with intentional overuse of reverb. I did something in one section I'd never tried before - stabbing at the keys, one note per hand, not knowing how it would work out. Now I'd like to try a totally different one. Thanks for the inspiration, Carlo. http://www.bellmusicproductions.com/clientdownloads/Solar.mp3
  16. Thanks kad. As always, you're very kind. Although "running out of superlatives" could also be a superb left hand compliment - like "I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it." Kidding - I'm thawing out from brain freeze after no heat all night and day.
  17. Yeah Linwood. Now that's what I'm talkin' about.
  18. Very nice, Linwood. And love the surprise upward modulation of chords at :45.
  19. Thanks Dave. I wanted to do more with that song, but I thought it might drive people crazy.
  20. Thank you, Carlo. Love to hear what you'd do to Solar. Kevin - Linwood and I were there when Nat started out playing. Strangely, I've run into him on the street by accident both in Boston and Baltimore. Each time, he ended up coming over with his bass and playing. Pretty funny.
  21. While you were posting that, I did a quick take on "Solar". It's sort of similar to that video, but I hadn't seen the video yet. 'Reharmed' the melody and dropped some beats, now it's absurd to play. I didn't do much with it, but maybe tell NR to check it out when he visits. http://stashbox.org/413382/a%20different%20Solar.mov
  22. Thank you, Linwood. The "Bull & Bear" - Egads! I forgot about that place, but you're on target for the 'atmosphere.' Please give my best to N. We run into each other every few years - we're overdue for a hookup.
  23. Hey thanks, 'Piano.' It takes musical discipline just to sit through that rendition.
  24. In the spirit of 'The Room', I wanted some old standard that might be representative of The Great American Songbook. (I don't have that book, but this tune's bound to be in there.) So this one's for The Great American Songbook and DAVE HORNE, wherever you are. Or maybe we'll call it "Ode To The Real Book" or general business reharm. An homage to the solo piano player. All left hand bass and RH piano played in real time.... so pardon any time issues. No overdubbing, but I did reorder a couple sections to be more cohesive. I rarely enjoyed this song when I used to play it, so I tried variations on it, from classical, latin, traditional to bop. It forced me to play some styles I don't consider anymore. So it became an academic experiment: I EQ'd sections differently - the piano on the melody section sounds kinda like a musty room at a country club. http://stashbox.org/411947/I%20Could%20Write%20A%20Book.mov
  25. Thanks Sue, Piano4U and Linwood. Linwood, 'performing' with the Beatles sounds like fun, but I trust you have a good lawyer. I also wouldn't mind throwing a chord cluster or two in on a James Brown song. Such as (singer) "In a cold sweat"... (bass)boom, boom, boom... (snare) bop bop... horn cluster.
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