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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. .Regarding blowout price...my local piano shop retailer is offering his floor demo model at half price. That seems blowout enough to me. And that seems like a pretty good bargain if there isn't a significant difference in the sound samples. I don't care if it has Bluetooth etc.etc. A friend of mine swears by his CP4 and claims that to him there hasn't been enough of a difference in recent stage piano Yamaha versions for him to upgrade. I am due for an upgrade in my home instrument particularly if I can get good EP. 

    Yamaha really has been offering bang for the buck lately...I was tempted by CP61 to use with another controller. If the organ was better I may have gone that route.But the 515 Bosendoerfer seems preferable regarding what I am looking for. I need to spend more time with the 515 EPs....any thoughts there?

  2. If this is being powered by HX3 or variations how are they getting the chorus vibrato dialed in?.I have spent quite a bit of time at McIntosh Audio in Oregon who services for Keyboard Partner. From what I can tell the HX3 in not all that different from the 3.5 which is what I presume MAG uses. What are they doing to CV that is working out?

  3. What is the difference in the sound sample between the 515 and 525? It's interesting that they action has been changed. I also have the benefit of playing a 515 and cannot find a 525 to try at this point.As far as Roland FP 10 goes...they do offer a lot for the money. The action in the same as most of their models exception being FP 90 x. And the FP10 sample not all that different than FP30 x or RD88 from what I can tell. Anyway.....looking for home instrument would not gig this

  4. Yes...another in my yay or nay series. Since the Yamaha P 525 has come out of course some P 515's are being offered. In my case one has shown up on Craigslist and it looks like the owner is anxious to sell it at sacrifice. The plus is that I am looking for a home instrument and I currently have a Roland FP10 through speakers. I have demoed a 515 in the past....and the Bosendoerfer sample was the one I preferred...it seemed warmer than the CFX. Is the 525 that much of an improvement? There are probably more than a few 515 owners here so...any thoughts appreciated.

  5. How do you PM people on this forum these days? I do not see a link....I am in senior age range and computers still give me fits. Still trying to get back on Hammond section of Organ Forum and if I am not mistaken there has been one or more Organ Forum members reply to this thread. They changed the format here a couple years ago and it took me up to a year to recover my original password. Can't keep track of these things...this A100:is going to need some stuff. I sure miss  Hamtech when Sal A. and Harvey Olsen were still around....

  6. Not sure what GI caps mean...but yes......pretty sure it is 1964..I too have storage problems and hate to part it out for smooth drawbars. I do need to be able to test tones at the generator....I have seen the missing tone problems be loose wiring at TG. So also need to determine which pickup coil is Low D...808000000. Still haven't pulled the trigger....but it's not going anywhere with the three broken keys etc. Was on Organ forum but lost my password....is anyone here on that? It helped when I wired percussion to C-2.

  7. Also....before I would repair foam manuals I would probably just get another set of manuals. So I am looking for videos on this and also perhaps on tone generator swap. The 1964 cap set is unique....Todd on this forum discussed the 1963 caps which I think are the same as this.1963 and 1964 are before red caps. But...my 1954 C-2.... doesn't need a thing. I need to get back on some Hammond forums and discuss this with  Kon etc.After playing 1954 vintage I am finding a lot of tone issues are in the preamp


  8. My 1973 B-3 I believe has foam. It has never failed me. Was used as rental to.... Billy Preston,Joey D. Dr.Lonnie, Tony Monaco etc..They were all intrigued by it ...Billy said he was looking for this vintage and it was so cool to meet him. It is different..... The manuals have a bit more resistance than older organs.Some people say the later organs are crap....not in this case. It is in my  living room.

  9. As far as bang for the buck on a Hammond....the guy who has the A100 gave me a1954 C-2 last year. It was my first experience with a 2 series organ. Something ordered a Trek percussion unit for it. My god....I prefer the Trek percussion now. I really like the percussion level feature and I like how clean the percussion sounds.There is no crosstalk at all and none of this hum in midrange tones you often hear.And no flutter that I can tell. The C-2 just has something...though I did change the cap in the vibrato dial which gave a huge improvement.Are there any C-2's in Canada or Washington?


  10. OK.....geez drive down from Edmonton? There must be something else between here and there. Anyway.....this may be a project I can learn from. I am still not sure if this has foam manuals....there is one note not triggering in the lower register...low D....but that is on both manuals not one.This one has the transition generator that Todd on this forum used to rave about. My '73 is red cap which I really like

  11. I again am having to make a decision on whether .to get this.1964 A 100....has a few issues. It has 3 broken keys in the upper manual. This is perhaps a gooey foam period organ....so that is possibly the reason for one of the tones in the lower octave to be missing. But other than that....it is in nice condition cabinet wise....I hate to part out a console Hammond with percussion. The key repair probably not a big deal.This one may be a candidate for new manuals anyway because of foam. Is anyone aware of videos on manual replacement ? Or....how to tell if there is gooey foam or not? 1964 is a transition period for that. BTW...I have a 1973 B-3 that has foam but has never had a problem for 25 years.....



  12. Someone asked if I prefer Taylor Swift or Katy Perry....I haven't paid much attention to either though have heard Taylor a bit. I don't think she is a Beatles level talent....Among the new generation I am impressed with some of what is coming out of the bluegrass movement....Molly Tuttle really caught my ear and some others that are involved with her. Show business has gotten so big and overblown that it just doesn't seem real to me anymore. And jazz has left my interest.... I loved the bebop rebels of the 40s 50s...certain Blue Note of the 60's particularly tragic underdogs like Tina Brooks....the organ guys....guitarists like Wes Montgomery, Grant Green etc. I have been in and out of being a pop music fan but Katy Perry? I wouldn't recognize her....is it worth listening to?  Back to Beatles though....am a huge fan of the early recordings.....live at the BBC etc. As an early live band they were SO MUCH FUN.



  13. Another "reunion" thought.....I would have liked to have seen some gigs where Paul might have sat in with Ringo and the All Starr Band. And as a second drummer....add Pete Best to the mix. The one thing the Beatles DID NOT do was to give Best credit for his two grueling years in Hamburg. As far as him being inadequate....if you listen to the Decca audition there were moments where they all sucked. He got punished for sucking on Love Me Do.... George Martin said no go and that was it for Pete. Can you imagine?...we have all had personality clashes as working musicians.....Pete took the worst ever rejection that has EVER been given in the music biz....the worst form of loss ever. Something could have been done to heal that one. All you need is love,?

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  14. Regarding a Beatles reunion....if it would have ever happened this would have been what we would have gottten. In other words....that infectious energy that made the Beatles what they were  in an earlier day is not what this music is about. It's pleasant and most of all it has  BEATLES stamped on it.....I am not going to judge negatively but if I were 12 years old again I probably would not buy it. But I am glad it happened

  15. I apologize for getting into clonewheel wars....I don't have VB3 but I do have Mojo module and also Viscount module.I just can't get the Mojo Leslie sim to work for me. The change from bypass to Leslie sim alters the percussion tone too much.....my opinion....my taste....there is too much high end peak during the spin. The Viscount on the other hand is much less extreme. And I don't have to monkey with it. I have suggested taking the percussion out of the spin....but I doubt this is going to happen. I like the Mojo without the sim on....it has excellent overdrive. The emulated Hammond tonewheel very well but I do not agree with what they think a Leslie should do or be. Too extreme!

  16. At this point....yes I am leaning toward Pianoteq. What I am trying to find out is if this software is comparable to buying a whole new keyboard. As I may have said....I have pretty good controller with. CP5 Yamaha. I do not plan on gigging or moving any of this. As far as sampled vs.modeled....isnt Yamaha sampled and Roland modeled? I have always leaned toward Roland in that regard. The sampled lower register notes on the CP5 just suck whereas the modeled lower register notes on my now defunct Roland RD300gx were IMO vastly superior...so yes...the modeling is one reason I might be looking toward Pianoteq. I am just trying to determine if the basic version would be sufficient. ..........


  17. Right now the computer is in the shop.....I know it is 8 gig RAM right off the top of my head. I will call and get more details on it's capability but as I recall Ravenscroft only required 4 gig....the reason I got a desktop was because I knew it could be upgraded to do what I needed. .............I appreciate the feedback but may be looking to Pianoteq anyway. So for that I need opinions on what version to get. I should have enough juice to run whatever........keep in mind.....I have ZERO technical knowledge that may seem to be second nature to many of you.

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  18. OK.....my trusty Roland RD 300 GX has apparently crashed. A while back I purchased VI labs Ravenscroft software and installed it in a HP desktop computer. So far....no luck getting it to work. Right now it is in the shop at Mc Intosh Audio....who BTW is nationwide service center for Crumar,Hammond Suzuki, Viscount etc etc. Michael has not been able to resolve latency issues with this program. So.....I may be looking towards Pianoteq. Which version do you recommend?  ,,............................ I know little to nothing about how these software programs work and apparently neither do a number of qualified people who I have gone to for help with this. I don't feel like purchasing another piano for 2 to 4 k......I have Yamaha CP 5 for controller........Help! 

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  19. I have commented on this several times but here I go again. Most clones sound just fine through Leslies on chorale speed or fast speed. The real issues are....accurate tapering of percussion in the upper octave and the amount that an organ clone alters percussion by running in stereo.............................................,....................................................................................................................I am sorry but some very good clones that people love have a dramatically altered percussion tone when stereo emulation comes into play. Just push the drawbars in all the way and listen to percussion with the Leslie sim on and off. In my opinion it is virtually impossible to emulate percussion in stereo with the chorale emulation "spinning". ......,.......................................................................................................,...........................................................My solution to this would be to bypass percussion from the Leslie sim. I have been able to achieve this by running a second clone with just percussion on. I thought the difference was dramatic. Given that I have found that the clone that alters percussion the least in the sim is Viscount. But if you do use a real Leslie quite honestly just about any clone that offers percussion volume editing is going to sound good.

  20. Ted Gioia is pretty much a jazz guy if I am not mistaken. So what is he trying to do,get Taylor Swift to support jazz musicians? I started off as a jazz player but my experience became that it was the musicians themselves who were trying to undermine each other.Good luck getting an opportunity from a jazz musicians....in so many cases I have seen that many of them are classic narcissists....it takes a lot to play jazz but so many players are so busy taking care of themselves that they have little time or concern for anyone else. Also....there is a local jazz radio station where I live....K M H D  Portland and the DJ's are making some very bad calls in their programming. So much so that I don't know who would care to listen to this station for very long. The administrators seem to not pick very good people to program the music. Anyway....I would be surprised if Ted Gioia gets very far with this. Taylor Swift gets a lot of attention from things that have nothing to do with music. She is cute....and that means EVERYTHING in the market these days.

  21. I am not on Facebook so I do not have access to the original post. From what I gather GSI ( does that mean Crumar ?   ) is offering a version of a Yamaha CFX piano sample at an affordable price. And some are saying it is on par with something like a Yamaha P 145. I would have to comb back through this thread but what is the price and what else would be required to use this with something like a laptop such as cables etc. I failed miserably with trying to install Ravenscroft onto a fairly powerful desktop recently. This whole software sample world leaves me in the dust....

  22. Hey....if you want cabinet simulation and mic distance and dopfler simulation and all the rest of it,great! It drives me nuts to try to deal with editing it. I do prefer the sim on the Viscount once again this was beta tested by Joey DeFrancesco and it's the sim I prefer. Mojo gets a great and very credible take on the basic tonewheel...excellent chorus vibrato ,percussion and everything else.So when I use it,I just don't mess with the Leslie . I am about ready to try it through just a real Leslie and I bet that just kills.I think Crumar is a great company and Guido and Andrea are first class.We are fortunate that a lot of great companies take clonewheel seriously. Lots of hours of enjoyment there. 

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  23. Personally I do not want a Leslie cabinet to affect the Hammond tonewheel sound in any way. Neither did Laurens Hammond . At home I play a C-2 with Trek percussion using headphones and I would to get a Leslie to come as close to that as possible. So, as much as I like Guido and Andrea at Crumar I am not in love with their concept of Leslie simulation...all that cabinet resonance mic distance and all of that. I haven't come to terms with it because it drives me nuts when I get into editing. But I do enjoy the Mojo basic tone with no Leslie sim. Old school, just CV and percussion. It does a pretty good job of that at least I suppose.

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  24. Campaign on a beer budget . . . . Is more likely to be found on the Roland FP30x at this price point. When I demo these through phones at GC I don't find much not to like. And the recent FP4 action issues seem to feel a bit more friendly. I wanted to try the P225 before possibly picking up an FP30x. I do have the FP10. Talk about a beer budget...one showed up used on Craigslist for 150 bucks. A lot of FP 10s were sold at Costco a few years back and are showing up at used prices. It is very tweakable and a good overall tone can be had from the FP 10 but the speakers are complete poop. 


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