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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. Thank you Elmer for sound comparison. The church is offering FP90x at a ridiculously low price. It's a bit of a drive and the other part of the deal is in order to get first appointment they want a commitment to buy...a little weird there.                                                                                                                                                           Yes I heard the 1976 Rhodes on the Fantom....it's like....what?  I also heard the Fantom piano....is FP90x the same V piano? There were some lower register overtones that seemed a bit squirelly.....but at the church price....I could try for awhile.                                                                                                                                   Or I could continue to live with FP 10.  FP 10 has served me well.....but you have to mess with outboard speakers....EQ.... and FP  10 Rhodes could be better. But was surprised that Fantom.....which I can hear at GC.....doesn't have many Rhodes options. Damn.....the friggin 15 year old Roland RD 300 GX had a damn nice Rhodes. Are these companies going backwards?

  2. Does FP90x have the same Rhodes as the Fantom 8?I did hear that the other night and also heard the acoustic sample.I think Elmer said the FP90x shares the same or similar sound engine with the higher end Fantom. On the Fantom there was only one main Rhodes....1976 or something. Anyway a church is selling a FP90x super cheap and am wondering why they would dump it after 4 months.?????

  3. So it sounds that way out of the box....that's interesting. I have tried to communicate with Christian at Keyboard Partner about how to get the best CV from HX3.....any way what you have there sounds great.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Regarding that tune....it is an interesting study in minor 7 b5/ to dominant 7  usage.....which is in so many standards. Would love to see someone discuss some improv techniques based on this very tune. The classic version is probably Miles Davis John Coltrane....would have to check their key. Has someone else done this as organ trio?   If not...very good selection and it is rather challenging to play for most of us who have probably not had the advantage of private instruction.                                                            Darren....didn't you get some time with Tony Monaco? I am thinking about trying one of his online classes. 

  4. I don't know much about the FP80....but I remember when the Supernatural Roland's came out I was not in love with them after having the RD300gx...which had Superior Grand sample and a very good warm Rhodes sample. They have improved the Supernatural and use it in many of the newer models. As I am saying.... FP10 supernatural not bad with some EQing. I am always adjusting the treble and touch settings to balance those super "unnatural" upper harmonics...IMO the Achilles heel of most digital pianos. The FP10 has excellent lower register.

  5. A lot of good things to say about this....top notch all around! I would be very curious to know some of the chorus vibrato parameters that you are using.....presuming this is HX3  or 3.5 sound engine. Mc Intosh Audio here in Oregon is service center for all things HX3 related and I have had my hands on the 3.5 .From what I could tell CV parameters looked similar.  Just curious if you have had to adjust anything to get that sound.Aside from that.....It Could Happen To You......a tune I also play but my chart is in G.....you guys do Eb....have to look into that. Guitar player.....really nice tone and Darren's bop chops are very solid on this challenging chord sequence. Nice to hear this....keep up the good work.


  6. This is what has developed. An FP90x has become available at a church at a low price. For some reason they are selling it after only 4 months use. I still haven't heard one and I have not heard the Yamaha P525. So a big issue for me would be the EPs on the FP90x.Is the FP90x sound library the same or similar to the Fantom 8?  I have heard that and I was not super impressed with the EPs....whick kind of surprised me. ......................................... The location of this church FP90x is a bit of a drive....but their price would make it easy to flip if I didn't like it.  It's  weird....this FP90x shows up actually a couple days after I started this thread. So I guess I will be finding out.

  7. Good to hear feedback on P525 and FP90x. Sometimes newer doesn't always equal better....another factor would be Rhodes samples on these. The Rhodes that Yamaha offers almost gets it for me....the one I like has the ping pong tremelo.....the tonality is nice but the bouncing effect gets distracting. I am not sure I am wild about the Rhodes modeling from Roland lately. My buying decision has a lot to do with past experience with Roland whereas some of my earlier Yamaha experiences were not so good...noisy keys etc. The 515 does tempt me and the price is attractive.

  8. I am not sure what I have to gain by asking for opinions but I am still in pursuit of getting a digital piano with speakers for home use. I have access to being able to hear the Yamaha P 515 which is being discounted at a shop near me. But before making that decision I am interested in hearing thoughts regarding the Yamaha P525 and the Roland FP90x................I am replacing a Roland RD 300 GX which I loved for many reasons. I used it for 13 years but it may be unrepairable. It made me respect Roland because I think it outshined most of what Yamaha offered in 2010 when I got it. But as stated in a previous thread there are no FP90x to demo and currently no P525 models around yet. The P515 discount is tempting and the local piano shop owner is a good guy. Still trying to hear feedback on the Roland's with this sound engine 

  9. These days....there are no clocks anymore in public places. It is expected that" MOST PEOPLE" are expected to have their phone/ mini computer at ALL TIMES. ........... So no... I am not a computer guy. I did not fall in love with any of these objects at a young age. I have a vague interest in what might be possible with some of this software....   but I tend to go to other qualified people to maybe help me with this but most report back that they were unsuccessful in getting results....generally because of lack of clear directions or some missing interface gadget or whatever.................................................................... I am completely non technical because lack of clear instructions generally. My phone comes with no owners manual and some of the keyboards I have tried over the years completely leave me in the dust...i.e. many Yamaha products I have tried such as Motif and CP5. So yeah....Roland FP10 is it for now.  Pretty simple....Also I have no idea what X line is....

  10. Audio interface.....SSD.....I am just not enough of a computer geek to be aware of these. The computer I tried to use  with Ravenscroft has 8 gig RAM at least. I would have to check other specs. As I was saying...I had two competent people try to help me with software without much luck. I know little to nothing about the internal workings of computers. So pursuing software may not be for me 







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  11. I have access to some lightly used computers that are sold as surplus through the State of Oregon. Was hoping to use some of this for Keyboard sounds. Many people go the software route....which seems to make sense because in many cases the latest boards get expensive! I have heard the latest Yamaha super Montage or whatever it was at GC. Was excellent but....$4000?? No way.  I spoke to the VI lLabs Ravenscroft people at NAMM several years ago and they claimed they could offer a sample that would compete with any hardware at that time. But my Ravenscroft experience was a nightmare..... latency from hell. The other thing that I might chase in software might be a good Rhodes or good organ . If software isn't up to hardware then why waste my time?

  12. Yes.....FP10 is bare bones Roland Supernatural. As many know....no 1/4 out.....no standard midi out and the sample has 90 polyphony rather than 256 in the FP90x. The speakers suck also. You have to put it on hard key touch to get rid of the upper harmonics dominating and then bring them back a bit with EQ. Then you have something.  Playing music is the point! I do a lot of work voicing the harmonies of jazz tunes....real book type stuff because it is so accessable. Then I translate the right hand voicings to guitar. That is the reason I use these tools. It's not all about chasing gear.

  13. I was able to demo Pianoteq because I had some help from Michael at McIntosh Audio who is the local service tech for Yamaha Crumar Hammond Suzuki etc.etc.He had the necessary interface gear to go into a PC. I was using a Roland FP 10 as controller and the demo we got was not an improvement over the FP10 itself as far as I could tell. The FP10 is not bad if you use it with a good amp and phones or speakers. I have been trying to chase some kind of upgrade for it and am wondering if it is worth it. The biggest improvement I have seen is to use some good phones though you guys would laugh if I said what I came up with. Basically some cheap over the ear phones from 20 years ago

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  14. And so what would be more detailed and easy to install? Also.....can software compete with some of the current offerings from Yamaha Roland etc?. Software is somewhat of a mystery area to me though a lot on this forum seem to be adept at navigating it. I got as far as the demo with Pianoteq and that really did not sound good to me though granted.....don't really know how to interface USB midi to desktop or laptop.

  15. Someone brought this up on my recent Roland digital piano thread. I had never heard of UA Ravel piano software so I looked it up and it's out there on many sites for 49 dollars. At that price I guess it's worth a try but as I have stated many times I am a complete novice when it comes to installing software. I had a horrendous experience with VI labs Ravenscroft....it wasn't only me but it baffled two fairly skilled computer techs as to why they made installation so complicated. In the end I threw away a lot of time and money and got nothing but a lot of latency. So am curious who has tried the Ravel and what level of learning curve it requires.

  16. Hi The Roland RD300 sx was mentioned above. Does that have the Superior Grand sample? The thing about Kawai particularly is that I was not wild about their EPs.....Also the acoustic sample didn't make me think I couldn't live without it. I was just maybe hoping to hear from someone who has an FP90x....but mainly I am actually hoping to hear one myself. Have also not heard the Yamaha P525 yet.....I sort of like the P515 Bosendoerfer sample. The 515 has been a consideration but I am still curious to hear Roland FP90x first. Sure wish I could find one to demo.

  17. Surprised that there doesn't seem to be much interest in discussing Roland digitals here......                           So that is interesting that the Fantom 8 would have a similar sample to the FP90x. Just about everything else Roland seems to use PHA 4 action and Supernatural model. That is why I was so interested in the FP10 when it came out. It seems like they intentionally backed off on the polyphony so that the 30x would seem that much more impressive.                                                                                                         When the FP10 came out I was able to A/B an FP 30 and an RD2000. I actually preferred the FP30.....once again the overtones on the 30 we're less prominent. Every time I am at GC there is usually an FP30x there and I compare it to whatever Yamaha and Casios are there. I am just not a fan of Yamaha CFX samples for various reasons. But many people love them.....just not for me.                                    I may continue to live with this FP10 for awhile. Through EQ I can get it to sound good. Mostly I am able to tame upper harmonics on the hard touch setting. It is actually pretty amazing for a budget priced piano. I love the weight too. I hope Roland comes out with the FP10 x or something.

  18. I tried to get some software happening with this.Ravenscroft was beyond impossible to install. Tried the Pianoteq demo and it didn't sound that great to me. No...30 x not much of a jump.....I think it's basically the same sample.                                                                                                                                                            If you spend time and add some EQ to the FP 10 you can get good results. You get used to the action. Stu Harrison on the Merriam revues loves it....and Roland does use the PHA4 on most of their boards. But once again....it just leaves me curious for how the FP90x might be. I just haven't seen any.                           I get by with the FP 10 for now.Used ones seem to be popping up from the Costco days. I picked up a spare on CL for 150......by the way the action on this a bit more forgiving than my original. Personally.... through decent speakers it sounds warmer than many Yamaha models I have played. As popular as the CP4 is it's way too bright for me.Supernatural modeling is more to my taste.

  19. Hello....I am curious how things are going for those of you who have one of the current batch of Roland digital pianos.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               About three years ago I caught the Roland FP10 bundle deal at Costco. At that time I was not able to get an FP 10 without buying the Costco bundle. But now they have been more available.                                                                                              The FP 10 has worked out pretty well for me. People complain about no 1/4 output....that is not a problem for me. I run the mini jack into RCA inputs into a home stereo amp and have used various home stereo speakers. With this it sounds pretty good and the action is decent though I don't play a lot of chops on it..... Mostly jazz melody harmonizations. I use the hard touch setting to tame the upper harmonics and I get a pretty good balance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I don't see a tremendous difference between the FP 10 and the FP 30x. I assume the Supernatural sample is similar but I will say that when I play the 30x at Guitar Center I like it more than all the other Yamaha  and Casios in that price range. For the most part the FP30x does not sound overly bright (Yamaha) or plunky ( Casio ). I am able to achieve a similar sound at home with an amp with EQ and good speakers.                                                                                The one newer Roland I have never heard is the FP90x. I really want to seek one out. Roland just seems to agree with the type of sound I like to hear. I am also curious about Rhodes and organs it might have and also they did put a different action in the 90 x I am curious about. Wondering if anyone is using a 90x on this forum.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I played a Roland RD 300 GX for 15 years but it has developed an issue. To me the Superior Grand sample was head and shoulders above everything else in 2010. I played  RD 700 GX recently at GC and it sounded as good as most of the new stuff they had. Another reason I look toward Roland.                                                                                           So I am curious about other experiences with Roland digital pianos......thanks                         

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  20. I posted about getting this 1964 A 100 about a month ago. It has several broken keys and possibly some missing tones. The good thing is that what is there sounds good....and it looks like it had fairly low mileage.  I was registered with the Organ Forum a while back but wouldn't you know it....that was on a different computer and I can't remember my password. I am also interested in other organ forums and also detailed and extensive videos on Hammond tonewheel repair. 

  21. Played the 515 briefly at the dealer today and intend to go back. Listened to the phaser Rhodes and the one with the ping pong tremelo....good but I really need to be sure I can live with upper register. Bosendoerfer acoustic sample seems to be the one....which is different than CFX everyone seems to like. I really wish I could compare to Roland FP 90x....still have not heard that. If anyone has a/b ed the p515 and FP 90x I would like to hear about it. 

  22. Can't tell a thing about CV with Leslie on or sim on ....sorry. I have HX3 but default CV on that was never close enough for me in the way Crumar or Viscount are. My original Numa 1 had some of the best CV but has developed a glitsch unfortunately

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