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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. Hey thanks  Max I was the one who  introduced McIntosh Audio to Crumar and Keyboard Partner initially and that led to other things....I am somewhat devil's advocate over there from time to time.....but basically I had a Hammond rental operation and I rented to many major players.......  Joey and Dr  Lonnie are gone now but people like Tony Monaco and Brian Auger have been customers clients in the past though things have slowed down a lot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           HX3 let me down initially but I will get out hear 3.6 at Michael's soon.....I think he has seen one MAG by now  But we do hope to see some on the  west coast .I will discuss with him.....there may be some outlets here that might have interest but my assumption is that MAG would be sold direct. But hope to see one.

  2. I don't have any issues with the volume button on this BTW. Not that difficult just tap the button. I wish it had EQ .  I don't mind the mini plug out.....I use mini to RCA a lot. Roland face us something good here but they teased us by giving us zero functions. I get around that because......this thing weighs 25 lbs !  And has a pretty damn good piano sample ( model  ) . 

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  3. Yes I agree .....they went totally minimalist on these lightweight boards FP series. I don't really gig them.....but in some ways I like the simplicity. I just turn it on and play piano or maybe Rhodes on FP 10.On the other hand I am totally lost on Motif/ Montage or Fantom etc.etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             What I am saying is that Roland put one of their better modeling examples into this and if you fuss with it just a little you can get good results. As far as used deals at this time there is an FP 10 in Humboldt county California for $ 250 on Craigslist. As I said I got mine for $150.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I adjust the touch sensitivity on this a bit and always run it into another amp source with EQ. PHA 4 action is a little tough......in the review world Stu Harrison at Merriam Music loves it while others may not. I have adjusted to it but it's a durable action whereas I had  a Yamaha P45 start clunking on me after 2 years


  4. Another factor would be that the FP10: doesn't always show up at Guitar Center etc. The way I get results with it is to run into older simple home stereo amps. Use a good pair of phones with this and you might be surprised if you are looking for a warm sounding DP. The action seems to improve with age too and the Roland action doesn't show signs of falling apart like some of the recent lightweight Yamahas I have owned. I think you have to live with it to appreciate it and use another amp source.

  5. After a few days with the Roland FP30 x and my previous and very trusty FP10 I would like to report that I am not finding a tremendous difference in the acoustic piano sample for what I am looking for. The FP 30x does possibly have more "presence"'perhaps but my main goal is to get a digital piano to sound less edgy because it can be so hard to manage those pesky upper harmonics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The point here is......the FP 10 and perhaps also the FP30 are going to give bang for the buck at used prices. I am just not hearing the result from any other board at the FP 10 price and weight. I think a lot of people would be turned off because of the rather weak speaker system and also the mini plug out. I get around this by using mini to RCA outs. 

  6. There are a number of studies linking breast cancer in women to consumption of dairy products.....which of itself might not be so bad.....except dairy ain't what it used to be.....sorry. There are loads of anti biotics...growth hormones.....and for some reason women seem to be susceptible.            Linda's food products that were out as I recall were things like Lasagna....very comfort food oriented.But absolutely.....she was a poster child for veggie people not achieving longevity.

  7. Nice to hear from MAG organs but I didn't get much info about CV settings or what exactly if different about HX3.6:etc. Fortunately for me I live close to McIntosh Audio where Michael does service on HX3 Crumar, Viscount ,Hammond Suzuki and a variety of other keyboards ,amps etc.So  I will be checking out HX3.6 soon. Apparently Michael can update HX3 to HX3.6 by replacing a main board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If MAG organs would like to contact McIntosh Audio you can do so through me. He is the main service tech for most of the above companies and I am sure he would like to communicate with MAG. His rates are very reasonable and you couldn't find a better person to service clonewheels and other keyboards. Location is Salem Oregon.

  8. What I get from this in the case of the two living Beatles is......you can function well into your 80s  IF YOU TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF.                                                                                                                                              We lost Harrison....who was a lifetime smoker. Possibly one important fact is that both Paul and Ringo are vegetarian. Back in the days of my useless high school education I was told I would be dead if I tried this.                                                                     

  9. I would have to fish through 4 pages of thread but is this uneditable? I am always having to monkey with percussion volume.....also they went with rock image in these videos.....again....remember Tattoo Girl? Lots of jewelry here...assuming  it has XK4 sounds but not editable I guess. Have to live with someone else's idea of what Hammond sounds like which always differs from person to person....

  10. Ditto on original Numa 1!!!!! I can't tell you how much HELL I got from the Hammond Suzuki fanboys when I first started posting about it. Unfortunately the power supply or whatever but the dust recently....but I have Viscount module and love it.                                                                                                                        I don't know when I am ever going to see a MAG.....in the meantime I hope to fine tune the HX3 I have. Does MAG have an updated keybed? I assume they are not cheap .........meanwhile I have decided to go back to tonewheel....my new love is a 1954 B-2 with Trek percussion.Was under $1000 with Leslie! Finding I prefer Trek percussion because....it has PERCUSSION VOLUME right there and also second/ fifth harmonic mix. 

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  11. I tried it and decided to  go with a Roland FP30x instead....as mentioned in another thread. Yamaha digitals in this price category tend to sound a bit edgy to me in the upper harmonics and I am able to tailor Rolands....FP 10,30 and 30x to sound a little warmer. Yamaha comes close but not quite there in this price range . That is just my taste perhaps not yours.

  12. I edit HX3 manually from the front of the organ. Most of what I do just serves to screw it up....so I like Key B because you can't edit it. Elvio at Key B had Joey D as his beta tester and it shows. .I have heard people bitch about the Key B  C / V and I don't get it . One of these days I might see a MAG organ but after I get done trying to edit HX3 it ends up sounding like a NAG organ......

  13. The piano sample/ model seems quite good. The rest of the sounds....I would guess that they don't want to compete with their expensive offerings. Basically I have these just for piano.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I am curious if they used this sound engine in a previous model pre RD 2000 or something. The whole thing for me is to make the upper harmonics to sound natural. This for me is easier to do with Roland than with Yamaha etc.Plus as the previous post mentioned I want simplicity. 


  14. I did ask.....I think he would need to get in the organ internally or something. I also have Mojo and Viscount modules so not such a big deal to try to monkey with HX3 again. I have sort of gathered this modules over time and prefer other controllers to Fatar action....though I do like the latest Mojo keybed. I have demoed HX3.5.........didn't seem all that different than HX3.   

  15. For those of you who can't afford the latest and greatest brand spanking new gear......I was able to pick up a Roland FP30x yesterday...as new for $350. I had been demoing this at GC against some boards mostly Yamaha/ Casio/ and more expensive Roland's and always came away thinking that I liked the 30x at least as much as most of what I was hearing......excluding the new $5000 Yamaha Montage or latest Nord....whatever. I took it home and am liking it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The  thing is.....people get something like an FP10 for Christmas and then they decide that they really can't devote the time it takes to play music. I also want to say....the FP10:is a very good sounding board and it is not tremendously different than the 30x. I actually like the FP10 Rhodes better than the 30x Rhodes....it is much warmer and they "almost" got that one right.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One of they keys to making these Roland's sound good is to run through a home stereo amp with some EQ and using good headphones or speakers. I really think this Supernatural is a good sample....or model rather and I suspect it came from an older model from before the FP90x etc. I paid $ 150:for the FP10 and $350 for the 30x and I suspect there are similar deals out there. Many people bought FP1O at Costco and are selling now .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IMO.....there is not much if any difference in FP10 and FP30x if you were blindfolded. So I am saying....also IMO......there are some real bargains to be had. Perhaps there is not much interest in these lower priced Roland's but for me.....I really think there is something to be considered here.

  16. I would be highly interested in finding out how MAG gets such great results from the HX3 or HX3.5 sound engine. I am still trying to edit the chorus vibrato on HX3 and all I do is manage to make it worse....which is totally possible with all the parameters there.I spoke to Christian at Keyboard Partner and he suggested using C1 setting instead of C3......well sorry....that shows a lack of understanding IMO .Anyway Darren got a great sound on his last video post....


    I decided to go back and listen to Darren play the Mag.....no doubt it sounds good. I am slightly curious .....I do have an HX3 module and have some involvement with Mc Intosh Audio here in Oregon. We see some of the new HX3.5 modules come through for service and I have not been able to detect a dramatic difference between HX3 and HX3.5.....except I do know the 3.5 has extended upper harmonics.....which I probably wouldn't use that much anyway.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I have gathered several clonewheel modules over the years and  I got lucky. Someone on ebay offered a buy it now on a Viscount Legend EXP module. I love this thing! I like the Leslie sim a lot because it doesn't affect the organ tone too much. And I like the sound without the sim.....The Viscount has a sample of a model BC that is so unique..... So I am somewhat of a Key B fan. I communicated with Elvio and Joey a lot during the early Key B days and did some sales rep work with the pre Viscount versions of Key B......which was pure crazy making.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I will have to go back and play with HX3.....but in reality I always go back to Viscount. I hear Joey's input and I know he was involved so much in the whole evolution of taking clonewheels to a whole new level. The same can be said for Andrea and Guido at Crumar and  the folks in Germany who designed HX3 . It is all very amazing that we have these in such lightweight packaging....                                                                                                                                                                                 

  18. I do not own anything Apple....They are not in my range of affordability. In a nutshell my Roland RD300gx  developed multiple problems in the keybed. Apparently the sound engine still works and I would love to use it.....it still has my favorite Rhodes . I have tried to refer to the manual but....it sounds like I could go USB to computer.


  19. There is some consensus above that software can compete and even surpass hardware. I might want to try a demo of something besides Pianoteq because for whatever reason that didn't go too well. What else competes with Pianoteq?                                                                                                                                        I have a Yamaha CP5 I would love to get some use out of as a controller. Software should have an easy time surpassing the CP5....that sample has blatant examples of  artificial sounding upper harmonics  in the lower register. I like the 

    keybed though.

  20. I may look into Kawai....had a brief encounter 6 months ago that didn't leave me with the thought I had to have it. The action was good though. By the way...there are some Kawai models on ebay that ship from Japan at bargain prices. I think duties are added....not sure how that would pan out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FP 90x is being offered at such a low price  ( to me) that it tempts me. But if EP is the same as Fantom...that could be a deal breaker. That being said ...there are other EP offerings that fall short on other boards. I like the Nord and Kronos EPs but those are not within budget.


  21. Are they selling visitor passes now? It says something about it on the website....not sure how it works. I miss going down there and Oregon weather is about as bad as it can possibly be....ice storms...power outages.... California Dreamin' !                                                                                                                                                                      I always meet interesting people there and always learn something. I was at A Rhodes display once and Stevie Wonder sat down right next to me and played!  So you never know...one of the places where that can happen.

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  22. I tried the Pianoteq 8 demo and it didn't work out too well for me. Am I doing something wrong? I would love to have software work out for acoustic and electric piano. Besides Pianoteq what are some other good options? Can current software for digital piano compete with hardware? I am sick of looking at $ 2K plus for the latest and greatest keyboard......

  23. It looks like I am not getting great feedback on the FP 90x. Cross Rhodes posted above that he is using the 90x as a controller for software....and the thread on the Fantom above has at least one person saying that the EP's are in the cons column.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The bargain FP90x that I have access to is a bit of a distance away...you would think that a flagship level Roland would be worth the trip.Roads around here are iced up at the moment. But back to the consideration of Yamaha.....does anyone know if the EP offering on 525 is the same as 515?  

  24. Cross Rhodes....which of the above is acoustic piano sample? Could look them up I suppose....so you have the luxury of having the 90x as a controller. Once again ....the question again would be does software become superior to the modeling of V piano? I would have to look into what ever you are using for acoustic.



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