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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. I would like to try a Vent without cabinet simulation  yes. I don't hold out much hope that what ever kind of coloration that might be added would somehow equal a cabinet.Quite honestly one of my favorite sounds for Hammond is Pr 40 tone cabinet . I am about ready to take a 45 size cabinet out instead of mess with editing Sims which drive me nuts! This summer I need to put together a Leslie ...I have a Quest van so that shouldn't be too hard.....


  2. Had a snafu with post above anyway....the original Viscount Legend Live has a 30s organ sample that has bass like he describes ...I am not hearing that on any other clones but let me know if I am missing something . I would like to see more videos like this that focus on gear. Particularly I would be curious to know what Brian Auger has been using. Anyway interesting to see that Lee is still around.

  3. Steve I played a 700 gX recently and I was amazed at how good it sounded compared to even modern boards.My Roland RD 300 gX crashed but played it for many years and miss it. The sample you want is Superior Grand. It has good Rhodes too and also good drawbar VK8 sounds. IMO the 700 gX and 300 gX are classics of their period..

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  4. It is not a flaw in percussion....Sorry. If I had my way I would not have percussion be part of the spin. To my ear  all sims I have heard just give an approximation what an actual Leslie would sound like.....it just nesses with the tone too much for me personally. I don't see where some kind of implementation could help it.                                                                                                 ...                                                                                                                .

  5. Two things drive me nuts about Leslie Sims one is that the bass is less well defined...the other is that having Leslie sim on percussion sounds distinctively different than a real Leslie. Most of the time I use chorus vibrato....no sim. For me both Mojo and Key B sound good. I am going up to McIntosh Audio today to hear latest and greatest HX3.5 ......hoping to hear good CV from the German.....or to find out why or why not I haven't been able to get that 

  6. I hope Hammond Dave is right and that I can get an Alto or some such thing that can be this good. But somehow Dave just seems to think that he can post something less than respectful about a piece of gear..     but if I say something that is not "positive" about Rick Beato....then I am called a "Sad Hater ". Just pointing out a potential double standard here. I respect Dave's right to freedom of speech....but I do not appreciate name calling and  labeling my post as being  sad hater material.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The EV ZLX seems over priced but it can also make my Viscount sing. I am going to be looking into the Alto line and others to have some kind of stereo pair using the ZLX......although not an exact match admiditally.. I am not beyond using something with a larger woofer and more power to get Leslie sim in stereo.  

  7. Just as this post appeared...I happened to find a single ZLX 8 inch in Goodwill for 30 bucks....and it works! So I notice that these sell new for $599....wow....I wouldn't pay that much.....except for one thing I hooked it up to Viscount Legend Live and oh my god.....it's possibly the best speaker I have heard for a clonewheel. The percussion never gets shrill like so many other speakers including QSC. It lacks the ability to get loud in the low end before clipping but for the Viscount it just sounds right 

  8. I recently came across a CP4 used in the same shop as Roland FP30 x and FP90x. I don't want to come across as a Yamaha hater but the CP4 was much brighter overall than either Roland.Which might be your cup of tea but not mine . What I did hear recently was the new Montage.....Montage X is it?. The Yamaha edginess is gone from this sample....it didn't have those un natural upper harmonics that so many digitals have. I don't suppose there is a lighter weight stage piano with the new Montage sample...?  That would be something to pursue.

  9. I highly disagree with the above post that Viscount CV is not right.Going back to 2011 ....I was with Joey D and Dr  Lonnie when the Numa 1 first came out. Dr  Lonnie's first comment after testing the NUMA was ...."they got the chorus right !" .                                                                                                                                                    I have both Viscount and Mojo....I like both of them and of the two I prefer the Viscount sim because... it affects the percussion less than all other sims.The Viscount seems to take the simplest approach.The thing that Mojo really nails is overdrive though. 

  10. DroptopBroham pulls no punches! Really liked the line where he  (Beato)  puts on his kneepads before he interviewes musicians.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . So why do we waste our time this? Because I hate to see someone monopolize the interview market. I also do not like seeing someone suggest i we invest in our " education" using constant threats that he and his film crew might go belly up if we don't drink his Kool Aid.  Occasionally I see an interviewer that I might like to listen to but then I think that I am going have to see and hear him kiss ants before he gets to anything important.

  11. Agreed that he seems to think that a lot of people already know what chords he is using. Well....I don't exactly and I don't think many other people do either. As a teacher I think you need to break things down into understandable components. By the way....Joe Pass videos are not that easy to follow and he also seems to assume you already know what he is talking about A lot of skilled players are not patient teachers .

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  12. Teaching and education are really important to me.So what is a good teacher and what is not good teaching? Not good teaching is when you have to struggle to decipher the material the.teacher is trying to demonstrate. Just because you can demonstrate something does not mean you have created a logical system so that a student can learn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I taught high school music classes for many years. As a rule what seemed to me to be obvious was actually difficult for most people. I could not just whip through what I knew and expect  the majority of students to understand . I had to invent ways to break things down so the students would get it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 So to me what Beato does when he tries to get you to play like Joe Pass is not teaching but demonstration with more than a touch of arrogance. Look....my 9 year old kid has perfect pitch! As I said.....look at his play like Joe Pass video.....5 minutes in . This is not teaching. This borders on show-offishness.                     

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  13. Its good to know now that I am not the only one who has a less than favorable impression of Rick.So rather than go on about what I think Invite you to watch Rick's video ...."How to play guitar like Joe Pass".....which is obviously not going to happen in one easy lesson.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

    Just scroll in at about 5 minutes or so and you tell me if you think very many people are going to stick around to make sense of this. Rick whips through a bunch of chord sequences at nearly top speed.....but does not stick to a logical sequence or anything like that......he just shows off some of what he knows about jazz guitar chords. I am not even sure that these are things that Joe played..Its like trying to put back the pieces of broken glass..... And we are just supposed to "know" what chords he is playing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sadly there is just too much of this approach in our schools and universities. After seeing this I wouldn't go near a Beato book or another video of similar demonstration.The reason I speak out about it is ...Rick's many videos  pop up way too much as I search YouTube.It is starting too look too much like a monopoly.    Why would a well known musician agree to an interview after  already doing one with Rick? It's just becoming overkill.


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  14. JustDon't know about being a sad hater.....I just get sick of him begging for money. He keeps claiming he is going to go belly up if we don't support him. I don't think he is a good interviewer....it's embarrassing to me the way he over compliments his subjects . He seems to have a sort of celebrity worship thing happening....either that or Rick will televise someone if they have Olympic level chops.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Just got tired of him telling people he was going to go belly up if we don't support him and a few other things I won't waste energy on.If your stuff is all that good the money will roll in.

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  15. You know who surprised me as being a good interviewer was Joe Bonamassa. A lot of them like Eating shower so much praise on the subject that it is embarrassing. Listen to Rick continuously interrupt Robben Ford....I like to hear someone get out of the way and let them talk.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I will confess to being a bit envious....I was never very good at self promotion the way Rick and Tim Pierce are .At least if any girlfriends complain about my having too much gear I can point to Bonamassa or Rick's row of guitars and amps ....                                        

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  16. After all you guys praise him I have another take on it. His teaching videos are beyond frustrating to me. He whips through scales and modes with a touch of arrogance and touts his children's perfect pitch....and claims that such and such is the world's greatest this or that while frequently interrupting his interviewees. You wanna talk about putting someone on a pedestal? Larry Carlton's solo on Kid Charlemagne is NOT the world's greatest solo.....there is no greatest solo and no one is the greatest anything. Tommy Emmanuel is not the "greatest"..... I could go on and on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I guess this is how you "make it" in the post covid world. Obviously he works hard....look at his rows of guitars and amps. I just can't see giving money to someone with a fabulous studio like that....he doesn't need my money. Sell some guitars Rick.....anyone with all that gear doesn't need my support....this guy solicits more funds than T.V. evangelists.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lastly.....did he really need to remind us what a sad state Keith Jarrett is in right now? Perhaps Keith needs our help. Does Beato profit from this? I just don't agree that show was a good idea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I must be in a bad mood today!  No.....not buying this....at all 

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  17. So they are finally making lighter Fatar keybeds.....ala Mojo and Legend Soul  A step in the right direction. I am using an older Casio as a controller for Viscount and Mojo modules. It is actually pretty close to my C-2.  I am gigging so much less after covid.....so not playing clonewheels out like I used to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I had a major discovery....it was how good the 2 series Hammonds are. The local piano store GAVE me a free C- 2 and delivered it. Spent the 300 bucks on Trek percussion.....and did the mod on the vibrato pot....different cap value. I would not at this point be lusting after the latest clonewheels. It's great that they are doing the contacts.....but for now ....Legend module and controller will do.

  18. I was on YouTube ...saw a version of Joey D. playing "100 Ways " at the NAMM show.....of course he tore it up and did everything there was to do on organ ....and I thought.....how can anyone deny how great Key B instruments are? I forgot to check the date...I was assuming I was hearing Legend Soul..... but....the date was 2020. It was a Legend BEFORE the contact upgrade                                                                                      I was very into Key B early on......a little before Numa 1. I remember some of the bitching bout that and claims from endorsees of other companies about latency ...complete load of crap. I was so grateful to have that Numa and loved it ....now I have Viscount module. Would love to hear Soul but honestly......I just go back to tonewheel at that price. Probably I am looking for another keybed besides Fatar. My C-2 has very light action....so trying to match that at this point.

  19. As it turns out ....the Roland FP10 Rhodes can be made to sound good also. It took me several years to figure out how to optimize it. I have a home stereo amp I run this through that has graphic EQ and for whatever reason......it wants 60 K slider  up and highs cut back at 3K. I try to reduce some of the key click it has....using the hard touch function.                                                   I dismissed this Rhodes for a long time.....but tried the new amp and am now getting results.Out of the box it's not impressive. It just needs some EQ beef and the hard touch function engaged .                                 

  20. I think the Portland guy sold my Viscount solo to me when he got the MAG but I never saw it. He almost brought it to Mc Intosh. Right now I am not using any dual manual because there are no jazz gigs! Just single manual when there is a bass player...

  21. I might know who bought the MAG in Portland but haven't seen it. This person used to do jam sessions  and actually sold my Viscount solo to me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So are there different models in 3.6???? If so I will go up to Mc Intosh Audio to hear them. Right now I am using different and lighter keybeds than Fatar. 

  22. Is MAG using the default CV settings on HX3.6???? If so I will go to hear that.....should be of interest because most the clonewheel clients around seem to appear at Michael's eventually......

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