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Posts posted by mrk7421

  1. Today I did an experiment. I wanted to hear what my Viscount Solo would sound like if I took the percussion out of the sim and added it from another source........ in order to have percussion not be affected by the Leslie sim.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I ran a midi cable into a Mojo module and then ran the Viscount and the Mojo into a mixer.The only sound from the Mojo is percussion with no sim spin at all. The Viscount had percussion turned off.                                    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The tonality of the notes.   IMO...... is much better with no spin in the percussion. It is very much like having no vibrato in the percussion with the chorus vibrato dial engaged on a real toneweel ..Hammond kept vibrato out of the percussion circuit for a reason and I think these clonewheel manufacturers could benefit from taking a serious look at what I am saying here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Those Leslie Sims screw up the natural sound of percussion dramatically in my opinion. They have come so far with all of this technology to be missing this important element.Percussion.....IMO.....just does not work well with attempts at making it spin.You may disagree but just push in the drawbars to listen to what having an effect engaged does to percussion. To me it makes a tremendous difference and I am just hoping I can get somebody to listen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The addition of percussion to Hammond was a big factor in making a B-3 etc. the legend it became. They did it right for a reason. I see a lot of people pay big money for the latest and greatest when we could make adjustments to what we already have.


  2. Unfortunately we lost David Sanborn recently and it made me go back to the live recording he did with Joey De Francesco of Let The Good Times Roll at a European jazz festival more than 10 years ago. I have heard comments here and there that the chorus vibrato on Key B instruments might not be up to snuff....What??..that Key B from back then sounds so good.....                                                 ..I                                    I have  both Mojo and Key B modules and to my ear they sound quite similar...except for the CV on the 30's model that Key B included. I love that sample because it is so unique.....there is nothing else like it in the clonewheel market. For whatever reason I prefer the Key B sim to anything else but I know I need to understand what is going on with Mojo editing. Most of the parameters mean nothing to me.And also I am starting to get frustrated with just about every speaker system I try.....but at home I just use phones and CV sounds great.  I have actually had etter luck with some of the cheaper PA type speakers I have tried.The original Jensen driver's used in Leslies we're not exactly high tech.....oh well

  3. I admit I like the Montage piano ...  but am I going to chase the latest and greatest or buy a new roof? I have never ever bought a new car ....are you kidding? I picked up a used 2001 Toyota Camry 3 years ago which was one of the best decisions I ever made.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I often wonder how some of you generate resources. I am slightly envious but it doesn't last............ I picked up a used FP10 for $150 recently and there is nothing I don't like about it. I had my RD300GX for 14 years and wish it hadn't become dysfunctional.I certainly wouldn't have replaced it with anything Yamaha.....unless someone gave me a Montage .....not going to happen. But if you can afford flagship......you are very fortunate.    That's all ....

  4. TI really try to avoid flagship stuff. I frequently post bang for the buck topics to help people who also want to avoid wasting resources. I have spent a lot of time getting the lowly Roland FP10 to perform optimally....many people knocked my posts about it when these showed up at Costco 3 years ago and tried to tell me that the FP30x was going to be much better because it had something called a BNC chip....which was nonsense. Also the FP10 was junk because it only has mini plug ouput.....as it turns out I am using amps with mostly RCA inputs so mini to RCA works perfectly for me .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I also post about older Rolands like the GX series from well over 10 years ago. And I am a big fan of so called cheap  Casios such as WK3000 series and WK220 and the like. Casio put out an amazingly good Rhodes back then for the dollar and the WK3000 drawbar organ is definitely a favorite.

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  5. I am quite a fan of Roland from this period. I also LOVED the VK8m organ module....mine had Leslie sim bypass which very few people have actually heard. I thought the VK8 organ sounded good except for the weird slapback from the keys ...loved the early V Combo etc. Would like to spend more time with RD700 GX.....it seems Roland went backwards with the NX though they have regained ground with the FP10 bang for the buck  If you run an FP10 through a really good amp and phones you might get it ...thank you Roland

  6. I agree....in one sense the RD300GX does NOT sound like a Rhodes. But then 90 percent of what is out there sounds like a crappy Rhodes imitation.....I have been highly disappointed in many Rhodes samples lately ...I found the FP30x Roland Rhodes to be just horrendous. What I like about the RD300 GX.EP is that it is very sweet and musical....it always worked because it didn't attempt any of that"barking"quality so many others shoot for. It's sounding like the FP4 has a lot in common with the 300 GX.....if it has Stage EP. 

  7. That is good news that the FP4 has Superior Grand.... I wasn't sure. And yes I also like the 99 or so degrees if touch sensitivity that the 300 GX has. If you have a functional RD300GX enjoy it because as far as I am concerned this was one of the best things Roland ever did. What is the name of the first default electric piano on 300 GX....Stage EP or something? That EP is gorgeous and I hope Roland had the sense to use it on the FP4 also.

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  8. As I was saying I was amazed at how good the 700 GX sounded when I demoed one recently. The action seemed a bit heavier than the 300 GX but the acoustic samples were similar The700 GX seems to have good quality preamps and electronics. The drawbar organ was also very nice so to me it seemed like a good all in one gig organ....except it was heavy                                                                                                                  I have actually never played an FP4 but I think some prominent list members had them a few years back. In those days I definitely preferred Roland to Yamaha. My RD300 GX made it 14 years before meltdown....but with Yamaha there were always keyed problems....I had a CP5 for awhile when I was using the 300GX and it was no contest. Some of that carried over into the CP4....I did not like the lower register in the CP4 or the CP5  Roland has just sounded warmer to me                                                                     Bargains are showing up on these older Roland instruments and I am considering an available FP4 at the moment.    I really liked the 300GX keyed. Is the FP4 similar to that?

  9. My main digital piano for many years was a Roland RD 300 GX.I liked many things about it...I liked the action very much plus it had a couple of my favorite Rhodes sounds. The main piano sample was called Superior Grand and to me it sounded generally better than much of what is out there   Most of the time it made me feel that zI didn't need to switch or upgrade. I played it from about 2010 until recently when several key contacts when out at once. So cut to the  chase   ..a Roland FP4 became available near me. I have never heard one . It is a bit of a drive to where it is Also...I recently heard an RD700GX and couldn't believe how much I liked it! But the action on that was a little tough. So I am curious if the Roland FP4 has enough similarity to the RD300 GX to be worth a look.

  10. I just keep being impressed with the FP 10. It is slightly different than the 30 or 30x. I fact I am under the impression that the Supernatural sample used is common to most Rolands and not that dramatically different than their flagship FP90x. The longer I have the FP10 the better I like it though I still have issues with digital pianos sounding different at differing volume levels. Most of my playing is with headphones and stereo amp.....occasionally home speakers.

  11. I once again would really like to know what is up with the MAG. I have access to hearing the HX3.6

    because I introduced Christian at Keyboard partner to Michael McIntosh who is doing HX3 related service work as well as service for Crumar ,Viscount Hammond Suzuki etc  ,.....................................The last time he had a HX3.6 

    I went up there and.....that thing was complicated.Even though I own as HX3 I couldn't get to first base trying to set up split mode,CV settings and parameters to use the Leslie sim.I know the HX3 pretty well but this was such.a different animal set up wise I struck out

  12. I still am wondering what MAG organ did with their HX3 based engine to make people love them so much.  I am tempted to get my old HX3 out again at least because I have a new speaker system and have gotten at least the sim in my Legend Live to sound better.  For 5 grand I would consider at least consider  using a Leslie.

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  13. I put Mojo springs in my Viscount single manual and it made a huge difference. I was able to get them from my service tech but I am not sure they are commonly available. Also...,.......................regarding Leslie sim when I compare Viscount and Mojo the Viscount is the one I prefer  There are a lot less bells and whistles with the Viscount though there is a lot I still don't undI understand about the Mojo parameters. I hate editing clonewheels so with the Viscount it's all right there on the top panel. I will still give Mojo points for excellent CV and overdrive.....Viscount points for ease of use. The overdrive on my original issue single manual Viscount sucks.....

  14. Nope....can't wrap my head around having to drag another piece of thing on a gig and especially trying to access some device while playing.....sorry... as much as I like Crumar Mojo  I strongly believe they screwed up by not giving you the onboard percussion volume KNOB that Viscount included. The Viscount module also includes easy access to percussion volume on the desktop. A big reason I use the Mojo desktop rather than their keyboard..... Sorry Guido....but I never adjust key click and yes....I do have adjustable volume on my home C-2 with Trek percussion. Love it! 

  15. How is the learning curve for installation and midi controller hookup? I hate to drive anyone else I know crazy like I did when I tried to install VI labs Ravenscroft....which was never successful .Does B3X have any connection to the Hammond Suzuki products?

  16. So my original question was.....has the Soul been modified to compare with the excellent key response of the Mojo. It sounds like it has. So the next question would be if the contact effect would be all that important.For me it is not much of an issue and the reason for that is I am not wild about using even key click on a digital instrument. I can take it or leave it ...so ditto for contact effect. I really wish the Mojo would have adjustable percussion volume ....rather than adjustable click volume.That is one thing the Mojo lacks and don't get me started on how frustrated I am that Mojo editing must be done outboard.....which is a big reason I use the module instead .....

  17. Has it been determined that the newest Crumar Mojo keybed is or is not different than all the rest ? I have been playing some of the recent single manual Mojo's that have been coming through McIntosh Audio and damn.. . Crumar really nailed that keybed ! Also ...I have the Mojo desktop here as well as Viscount module and have come to appreciate the Mojo even more lately..... mainly the basic organ sound minus Leslie. I love the Mojo overdrive and I think it goes a long way toward helping it sound natural and organic. The sim editing parameters still drive me nuts.... would have to say  the fact that you cannot edit the Viscount is actually a plus But it sounds like you are leaning toward multi contact.....For me the Mojo key click helps its sense of authenticity in that regard

  18. Interesting topic.....I have been fiddling with an older Bush and Lane upright. I have been using a Pano free piano tuning program to touch up some notes on it and it gets me in the ball park at least. It's good for dialing in bass notes and to some degree I have had success with upper register false beats. I do intend to get a local tuner over here soon though. The Bush and Lane has extended height - it is 56 inches rather than standard 52. It has been stated that Bush and Lane is one of the older ones worth restoring. It does have Wessell Nickel Gross action too.....


  19. The portable I have been using for awhile is a 61 note Casio CTK 4200. Two things I like about it is the waterfall keybed and the Rhodes sound which is labeled DYNO EP1. This is one of the better Rhodes I have heard anywhere , reminding me somewhat of some of the Rhodes on Yamaha Motif. I have not heard the recent Casio portables or the Go Piano but for me it's hard to beat the CTK 4200.....but they may be hard to find. Mine was $40 on Craigslist. That EP is similar to the Casio WK 220 ....but the keys feel slightly different,the WK 220 is 6 octaves rather than 5.


  20. I have been saying ...this is not my favorite guy. I cringe when I see him kiss George Benson's feet and now he is wondering what is wrong with the rest of us. Except for his pitch perfect children of course.I suppose his solution is that we buy his materials ....I don't support him because then pretty soon he starts dominating the interview market....why should someone do an interview when Beato has already gotten to them ?  He can't seem to stop putting out this kind of crap. What is wrong with everyone? Except his own family.....no....I cannot support this !!!

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  21. I agree with the above post somewhat....the RD700GX is still a great sounding board as is the 300gx. I am keeping an eye out for a 700 or 300 ......or maybe even an FP4 or FP7. The sound engine from my RD300gx still works but it seems fussy about receiving messages from a separate controller....I get basic piano sounds but the other parameters don't quite kick in. If anyone knows how to link up to another controller I would like to hear about it. The Rhodes is gorgeous and beats just about anything except Nord and Korg Kronos. I miss it. The original keybed has some missing tones. The GX series is a classic.

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